Consultant Lund, Sverige

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Lund, Sverige

Innfødt Svenska, Flytende English, Mellomliggende Danish, Nybegynner Norwegian, Nybegynner German

  • 10 years of experience of working with IT and business.
  • Business architect
  • Project manager

Ferdigheter (38)

Change Management







Business Analysis


User Stories




Enterprise Architecture


























Feasibility study leader
Malmö City

2019-03 - 2019-06

for the feasibility study Digital identity and related services (i.e. e-identification, SITHS, directory services, eIDAS, Foreign eID etc.). Several of Malmö's city
administrations were involved.

The work resulted in a feasibility study report and a proposal for
a program directive containing six projects that should be
implemented in order for the city to become compliant and make management more efficient.
Project Manager
Guidelines for IT, Digital Infrastructure and Digitalisation

2018-09 - 2019-03

for the development of a new IT and digitization strategy for Malmö City.

Project to execute the municipal council's decision, in connection with the adoption of the program The Digital
Malmö, to develop Guidelines for digital infrastructure and IT,
to replace Broadband policy (2001) and IT strategy (2007), and Guidelines for digitalization to supplement The Digital Malmö.

The work was organized into five sub-projects: 1) IT and digitization strategy, 2) Digital security, 3) Digital information
management, 4) Digital infrastructure and 5) Digital
Competence. I was the overall project manager for all sub-
projects and project manager for sub-project 1. The project
involved senior executives and other relevant stakeholders from all administrations.
Preschool Administration

2018-05 - 2018-08

Feasibility study model for monitoring and benefit
realization of digitization, Preschool Administration
Pre-study leaders with the task of researching and proposing
how preschool administration can monitor evaluate efforts on
Program Manager for the roll out three organization-wide IT
Preschool Administration Malmö

2017-05 - 2018-08

projects (5,000 employees / users, 250 properties, 4,000 computers, 2,500 mobile units).

The projects in the program:
◊ Office 365 and Windows 10. (approx. 5000 employees and
4000 computers. All computers were collected and upgraded in a purpose-built "factory")
◊ New wireless network in all preschools (about 250 preschools)
◊ Introducing a new application for presence attendance of children - technical adaptation of systems to Malmö city's IT
environment, roll-out of software (application) and hardware
(smartphones). Training of 2000 employees.

Thanks to good planning and clear priorities, we implemented
three successful synchronized rollouts of three complex high-
risk projects. (Part of the complexity lay in the fact that access
to preschools and access to information about children in preschools, like social services and health care, is severely

2017-02 - 2017-03 Feasibility study digital transformation BIM Section ÅF

Feasibility study leaders with a primary mission to review how
"one can go from document management to information management" with the ambition to increase the re-use of information in the construction process from a life cycle

2016-09 - 2017-01 Smart Industry - Reference group Region Skåne,
Swedish Government's new industrialization strategy
Included in Region Skåne's reference group for the work of developing a regionalization of the Government's New
Industrialization Strategy - Smart Industry.
Project manager for the development of a new
Project IT

2017-08 - 2018-05

IT and Digitalization strategy for the preschool administration. The
work began with a feasibility study, which was conducted in the form of extensive interview work with employees in all the roles and types of operations of the administration. The feasibility
study then served as a basis for a digitization strategy that was
finally adopted by the management in November 2018 i.e. after
I quit.
ÅF Technology AB

2015-05 - 2017-05

Internet of Things

2016-04 - 2016-05

M2M, Telia and ÅF

Business analysis of the Internet of Things in general. Specific
analysis of business opportunities for M2M product in different

2016-01 - 2016-08 IoT and Digitalization Project Framework, ÅF

Feasibility study of the Internet of Things (IoT) - global and
local market analysis of IoT and digitalization. (We used the concept of IoT because the concept of digitalization at the time
was generally synonymous with the deployment of broadband and the spread of hardware). Development of tools for working
with digital development and innovation from an operational,
business and community perspective.
Business Analyst
Ikano Bank

2015-05 - 2015-12

First the only one,
later on one of several.

The purpose of the project was to implement a pan-European e-
commerce system for Origination and Customer Acquisition.
The project should replace all the existing originations
functionality in Ikano's eight countries of operation using a
single generic solution, configured as necessary to meet the specific requirements of each individual country. Requirements
management, process mapping, business analysis etc. When I
entered the project, an agreement was already signed with the system supplier.
Project Manager
Brickpass AB

2013-01 - 2014-12

During this period, I worked as a project manager for several
different projects in the context between sports, public health and urban development. The clients were sports associations,
public organizations and private companies.
Brickpass AB

2013-01 - 2014-12

Business Process Owner Group

2011-01 - 2012-12


Acted process owners and represented the Swedish banks in SDC's BPOG (Business Process Owner Group). In short terms,
this meant: 1) Responsible Sweden, 2) Acting process owners
Sweden and proposing overall strategic direction to SDC's
management group regarding IT and process development, 3)
Responsible mapping of all business processes, 4) Identifying
joint Best practice, 5) Developing of generic processes; 6)
Development of method for evaluating development initiatives;
7) Development of method for controlling and streamlining
development initiatives. (Methodological basis: Six-sigma, TOGAF, waterfall)

Selection of assignments before 2013
2012 Cerdo Bankpartner
ECM. feasibility study 2012 - Business Process Model ECM
(Enterprise Content Management). Survey of business and system processes for the banks' digital documents. - Adaptation
to ITIL and implementation of Configuration Management -
Introduction of SOA and ECM. The aim was to get more
efficient and secure document management.
Tools: Document Analysis. Process analysis. Data modelling.

2012 Cerdo Bankpartner
Cerdo bankpartner AB

2009-12 - 2012-12

System Manager

2012-01 - 2012-01

Responsible for all digital documents and forms that SDC
handled for Cerdo and its owner banks. My role was 1) to be
system manager at Cerdo for Print, 2) to introduce an ECM
framework for Print and 3) to introduce standard objects as
building blocks for the digital documents
Tools: ECM. SOA. ITIL. Change Management. PM3. Process
Modelling. Document management. Risk Analysis.

2011-2012 Cerdo bankpartner / SDC
Projects - SDC Employee Portal Package Solution 2012
This SDC project developed menus and web services for
managing the most common banking services in a flow. My role in the project was to 1) document the business requirements, 2)
write use cases, 3) monitor compliance with the requirements,
4) perform functional and system tests and 5) develop
educational plans and training materials.
Tools: Focus groups. Claim workshops. Scenarios. Use cases.
Requirements gathering. Requirements Prioritization

2011 Cerdo bankpartner / SDC
Cerdo Bankpartner

2010-01 - 2012-01

Business process modelling / Editor banking instructions

2010-01 - 2012-01

Responsible for business process modelling, management and assessment of the quality of existing and new banking
instructions. Responsible for business process modelling when
introducing new systems from internal development projects and external system suppliers.
Tools: Process modelling. Change Management. Stakeholder
analysis. Workshop. QLM (EA-tool), Visio.
System Manager, System
Banking Instructions

2010-01 - 2012-01

System Manager for Cerdo's system for banking instructions.
My role was to 1) document the banks views and requirements,
2) continuously manage system updates by writing RFCs and conduct tests and 3) manage contacts with various stakeholders
(Service Desk CAB, CM, developers and users).
Tools: Change Management. Document analysis.

2010-2012 Cerdo Bankpartner
SDC Group

2011-01 - 2011-01

alternatives were 1) carrying out in-house development through
SDC, 2) buy a COTS system, or 3) to refrain from providing
cash pooling as a service.

My role in the project:
- To be Cerdos representative in the project and evaluate the proposals external suppliers and SDC presented based on an
RFP made by one of the banks.
- To evaluate the RFP. (Since the RFP was written by one of the banks, it was also important to consider the RFP.)
- To create a reference group with representatives from Cerdo
and Cerdos owner banks.
Tools: Business Case. Stakeholder analysis. Requirement
Elicitation. Requirement Analysis. Focus groups.
SDC Employee Portal Card

2011-01 - 2011-01

The project developed a menu for handling card services in SDC's web-based system. My role in the project was to 1)
document the business requirements, 2) develop use cases, 3)
monitor requirements, 4) conduct functional and system tests
and 5) develop educational plans and training materials.
Tools: Workshop. Use Cases. User stories. Scenarios. Business
Case. Requirements gathering. Requirements prioritization.
Process Modelling. Prototypes.

2011 Cerdo bankpartner / SDC

2011-01 - 2011-01

- Krav inom en månad (requirements within one month)
2011. Responsible implementation at Cerdo. SDC introduced a new
process for claims management based on use cases. My task was to convey the model to Cerdo employees and to educate the staff
on the use of use cases.
Tools: Use case. workshops

2011 Cerdo bankpartner / SDC
Sparbanken Finn

2008-09 - 2009-11

customer manager
Project Service Centre companies

2009-01 - 2009-01

A business project that developed a call center for corporate
customers. My role in the project was to provide in-depth
knowledge of corporate customers based on my experience as a
customer manager.

2001-06 - 2008-10

Akademisk bakgrunn

Lund University
Lund University

2019-10 - 2005-01


1994-01 - 2000-01

Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet Jönköping
Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet Jönköping

1989-01 - 1993-01


Certified Business Architect
Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering

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