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(Oppdatert %updatedDate %)app, serverless, microservice-architect
Oslo, Norway
Innfødt Norwegian, Flytende English, Nybegynner German
- Native App-developer
- Microservice, Serverless, Javascript-expert
- 19 years of experience with Java
Ferdigheter (44)
I work as a system architect for the business web solution in Phonect / Unifon. I work with the
development of customer solutions (web / app). The apps for iOS / Android are developed in React
Native and the web solutions are developed in React / Web components. There is extensive use of
cloud services in the solution, e.g. using Google Firebase and Google's cognitive solutions. I have
worked with development for over 20 years and in recent years I have also worked more with
I have also worked with the development of apps for Android and iOS in other contexts. I have made
a trip app for Lommekjent, the first version of the Mobilflex app which was the Business network
solution for TDC, the Business network app for Phonect, a friend / dating app with video
communication and an app for companies with built-in telephone and telephone management
I have 19 years of experience with Java, many with OpenSource technologies. I have experience with
software development in a number of languages, but the main emphasis is on Java / J2EE and
Javascript. I have worked with a large number of databases. In the product that has followed me the
longest, Xtractor, Java, XML, XSLT, XPath have been languages that have been widely used.
I have been involved in several development projects and rollout projects at Intelecom, among others,
in connection with their investment in Microsoft's portfolio aimed at the corporate market, especially
within Lync (Skype for Business)
I have broad technical knowledge and thrive in roles where technology is used to support business
goals and processes.
Main qualifications
● Development for IOS and Android using React Native
● Development of cloud-/microservices
● NodeJS-development
● Salesforce Trailhead - Expeditioner
● Java-developer experience with Open Source-technologies
● Integration
2014-11 - Nåværende
2014-11 - Nåværende
Tasks: Development of services in relation to Unified Communications. Architecture and
development of multi tenant Skype For Business-løsning for tjenestesalg. Architecture and
development of mobilt bedriftsnettløsning for Phonect. Project Leader for webportal for use in automatic provisioning in relation to partner-sale of Phonect services. Integrations between
Salesforce and diverse systems at Phonect.
Phonect (11/2014 -) CPO
Area of work: Chief of Product and development
Tasks: Development of services in relation to Phonect's Unified Communications portfolio.
2018-01 - Nåværende
● Architect and developer-rolle for telecom and message-solution for businesss.
● Google Firebase-tjenester
(Authentication/Firestore/Storage/Messaging/Functions/Dynamic Links/Crashlytics/Cloud Messaging)
● Usage of cognitive services from Google/AWS like text2speech,speech2text and image
● Integrasjon towards Twilio for telephony/SMS/provisjonering (NodeJS/API)
● Integrasjon towards Sendgrid for email (NodeJS/API)
● Integrasjon towards Vipps, Paypal, Stripe, In App-purchase for payment(NodeJS/API)
● Integrasjon towards Zoom
● Integrasjon towards Google Calendar for opening hours and presence
● Integrasjon towards Google Contacts for catalog-data
2018-04 - Nåværende
2017-01 - Nåværende
business-cellphone-subscribers in Mobilt bedriftsnett from Phonect(React Native/Javascript/Objective-C/Java).
Architecture and development of web-pages with use of Google Firebase as a realtime
database in Mobilt Bedriftsnett fra Phonect(Javascript/HTML/CSS ,Polymer/Web Components / React). Architecture and development of backend for Mobilt bedriftsnett. Developed in Node
JS integrated with Porta PBX. Cloud services(Serverless using Google firebase) and cognitive
services from Google. Speech2Text,Text2Speech. Integrated Azure AD for profile and picture into catalog. Integrated Office365 for calendar. Integrated GSuite for profil/calendar
2014-01 - 2019-01
(C#/.Net/Javascript/Java). Integrations towards different
suppliers/Web-protocols/XMPP/Skype for business
2014-01 - 2018-01
Takeover and development of voicemail for Skype for business.(C#/.Net)
Takeover and development of provisioning towards Lync(multitenant) and Competella(Powershell/Java)
Architecture and development of multi tenant Skype For Business-løsning for service-sales towards Phonect customer(provisioning included)(Powershell/.net/Script/Java)
2017-01 - 2018-01
Javascript and Apex. Trailhead-Expeditioner in Salesforce with 57 badges and 40,225 points.
2016-01 - 2017-01
Advisor and consultant for needs and technology
2014-01 - 2016-01
● Dating/friend-ios-app/android-app/web-pages.
● WebRTC for Video Calls
● Google Firebase for chat
● Google Storage for profile pictures
● Google Cloud Messaging
2014-01 - 2015-01
● Development of business app for TDC
● Use of Appcelerator for development of app for android and IOS (Javascript with code(Java/Objective-C))
● "Screen-scraping" of webpages due to missing APIs
2012-03 - 2014-11
2011-06 - 2014-11
Tasks: See experience
2012-01 - 2014-01
● Takeover and development of Lommekjent for Geodata.
● Use of Appcelerator for development of app for android and IOS (Javascript with code(Java/Objective-C))
● App for navigation of hikes. Use of maps and drawing hike trails and own position. Use of GPS to show position, navigation and to find hikes.
Project: Public service
2013-01 - 2014-01
Solution for role-based authorization for systems/tasks/organizations
Developed using Visual Studio 2013(C# Asp.Net)
Project: Public service
2013-01 - 2013-01
Adoption and extensions to Oracle Identity Manager-solutions
Development using plugin-technology for OIM 11g R2(Java)
Development of user interface using Oracle ADF(Java)
Project: Public service
2012-01 - 2013-01
Solutions for automation and monitoring of CRL (Certificate Revocation List) based on
distribution points in AD/ADLDS/Webserver/Filområde
Developed using PowerShell and C#.
Project: Public service
2011-06 - 2012-03
2011-01 - 2012-01
New ActiveDirectory-solutions with Windows 2008 R2 included DHCP, DNS, GPO, WSUS
Roaming Profile/Profile-adaptations in a Citrix-environment
Exchange 2010-upgrade from Exchange 2000/2003
Office 2010 installation/KMS-setup/configuration/adaption lockdown through GPO
Lockdown of AD for secure zones
Powershell-scripts to automate Exchange 2010-administrative tasks and moving users from Exchange 2000/2003
Autonom networks
2010-03 - 2011-06
2010-03 - 2011-06
Alcatel ICS, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Xtractor
Arbeidsoppgaver: Strategic decisions for onsite and hosted Unified Communications. Presale
and customer meetings for sales of Unified Communications-services. Implementation and
support of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007(R2). Development, operations and support of Xtractor included services created with Xtractor.
2008-01 - 2011-03
2005-01 - 2011-01
Consorte IN. Automatic integration towards Active Directory Microsoft Exchange, different
formats ,Lotus Notes and databases. Solution integrated towards local PBX (no answer and busy. Solution works towards PBX, IP-PBX included OCS/Lync and cellphone solutions.
2008-01 - 2010-03
Alcatel ICS, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Xtractor
Tasks: Strategic decisions for onsite and hosted Unified Communications. Presale and customer meetings for sales of Unified Communications-services. Implementation and support of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007(R2). Development, operations and support
of Xtractor included services created with Xtractor.
2010-01 - 2010-01
sites and lists extended with Workflows. Some Workflows are made in Sharepoint Designer,
while others in Visual Studio. Solutions included several sites of different characters to evaluate usage of Sharepoint in Intelecom.
2009-01 - 2010-01
2010-01 - 2010-01
2010-01 - 2010-01
2008-01 - 2009-01
Unite as switchboard
2005-03 - 2008-01
2005-03 - 2008-01
Area of work: Department and strategic responsibility for Xtractor.
Tasks: Software architect and development of Xtractor. Development of IN-based products for
use in Consorte. Leader of 4 employees. Development of Xtractor. Participation in customer-projects
2008-01 - 2008-01
2008-01 - 2008-01
● Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 - U.C. Voice
● Løsningsdesign Datacom/Tale Telenor
● Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Configuring
● Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, Configuring
2007-01 - 2008-01
employees. Solutions integrated towards Alcatel S12, bridged through AudioCodes MD1000.
Solutions was also integrated towards IP-PBX fra Alcatel through a SIP-trunk. Remote Call
Control towards IP-PBX from Alcatel using Genesys GETS. Established Intelecom as a Voice
Ready Partner for Microsoft. Evaluate integrations between PBX-solutions, Microsoft OCS and cellphone solutions. E.g. GETS(Remote Call Control) and Dual Forking/simultaneous ring.
Established Exchange Unified Messaging for testing of voicemail using Exchange UM.
2006-01 - 2007-01
calls called Global. Development of Java-based client for cell phones integrated with the
catalog. The principle is to call that the client sends the number to the server and then the
client makes a call through a predetermined number and the server forwards the call to the actual number.
Employer: Yara
Timeperiod: 2006-2007
Role: Software architect.
Tasks: Architecture of Statistics-portal and integration of data from Yara and adaption of
Consorte Unite som sentralbordløsning. Datasources are files in different formats sent to Consorte through (s)FTP-server.
2006-01 - 2007-01
Unite as Bergen Kommune and adaption of Consorte Unite as switchboard for 16000
2006-01 - 2006-01
Largest sendout was to 50000 cell phones.
Employer: Consorte
Timeperiod: 2006
Role: Software architect and developer
Tasks: Monitoring of IN-løsning with warnings using SMS at treshold within a MSMQ-queue..
Solution is built on Xtractor.
2005-01 - 2006-01
Netman connected to PBX. Statistics-portal uses modems to download log-files and read the rawdata
2005-01 - 2006-01
towards the database of Addicom.
2005-01 - 2006-01
2002-01 - 2005-03
2002-01 - 2005-03
Tasks: Software architect and development of Xtractor. Development of IN-based products for
use in Consorte. Leader of 4 employees. Development of Xtractor. Participation in customer-projects
2001-01 - 2005-01
Application-integration-framework based on Java and J2EE. Applications built mainly using
XSLT and XPath
Courses and certifications
● Salesforce Trailhead - Expeditioner (57 badges/40225 points)
● Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring
● Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure,
2001-01 - 2005-01
Consorte's IN-solution. Solution was built using Xtractor. Architecture of generic framework for
2005-01 - 2005-01
2002-01 - 2005-01
portal integration was toway-integration for many sources(Netwise, HR-systemer, Siemens
Corporate Directory(LDAP), Active Directory). Administrer and update this data through the portal. The portal also established account ,and provisioned policies for the account, created
home-directories and Windows file shares with correct securities. Created mail accounts on
Microsoft Exchange
Employer: Selvaag
2003-01 - 2003-01
2003-01 - 2003-01
solutions developed in java med integration towards MSMQ using Jintegra.
2000-06 - 2002-01
Area of work: Software architect and senior developer
Tasks: Architecture and development of Xtractor Information Integration Framework.
Developed using J2EE(JBoss/Weblogic/Websphere). Støttede for flere databaser(Oracle/MS SQL) ifht egenutviklet XML-database over SQL-database. Extensive use of XSLT/XPath with extensions to Java for integration and business logic. Everything is modeled as a virtual
XML-document. Developments of connectors and functions/extensions for use in implementation projects by consultants. A lot of development towards Microsoft-products.
Support for consultants that used Xtractor in projects Participations in customer projects
1999-01 - 2000-06
1999-01 - 2000-06
Tasks: Development of GDPM Tools. Rewrite of the client with the use of Swing.
1998-02 - 1999-01
1998-02 - 1999-01
based on Goal Directed Project Managements. Client-server-database-model. Standalone
client to be run over the internet The client was also an applet.
Tasks: Responsible for client-server-communications and some GUI programming in IFC(predecessor to Swing). Development of install-package using Installshield.
1997-01 - 1998-02
Tasks: Development in Java with IBM Visual Age and Cics for communications with mainframe. Corba for distribution. Development of GUI for example-usage.
1997-01 - 1998-01
Akademisk bakgrunn
1993-01 - 1997-01
1990-01 - 1993-01