Updated: 2023-09-12

Professional Data Analyst

Dublin, Ireland

  • Pubblicato 4 anni fa
  • Inglese
  • Data d'inizio prevista: ASAP

Assignment Details

Desired Skills


  • Data Analyst
  •  SQL
  •  Business Intelligence
  • Tableau


In this role, you will be working on customer success data and analytics, where through analysis, you will be looking to uncover areas of concern for senior managers.


You will need;


  • Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or related
  • 3+ years experience as a Data Analyst (post graduate - client requirement)
  • Proficiency with SQL
  • Experience with statistical programming languages such as R and Python
  • Experienced with BI visualization tools such as Tableau and Power BI


Luogo Dublin, Ireland
Carico di lavoro 5 Giorni/Settimana , 100% In Loco
Data d'inizio prevista ASAP
Data di scadenza prevista Aperto
Lingue richieste Inglese
Competenze richieste Analyst, SQL, Tableau, VISUALIZATION, data

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