Updated: 2023-09-12

Mainframe z/OS


  • Pubblicato 2 anni fa
  • Inglese
  • Data d'inizio prevista: ASAP

Assignment Details

Please look for candidate with HCD and SYSPLEX experience .


Please read the job description carefully and share  some strong profiles ASAP.


Remote:- 100% Remote


Job Title :- Mainframe Z/OS consultant with HCD, SYSPLEX and IODF experience

Job Location :- Remote


Job Description :-


1. Installation, upgrade and maintenance of z/OS and related CA/BMC products
2. Sound knowledge in SMPE
3. Installation and maintenance of program products
4. Proficiency in Assembler, Rexx, CLIST is expected
5. Good knowledge of system initialization and tuning
6. Good Knowledge & Experience in SYSPLEX
7. Knowledge in HCD and working with IODF's
8. Good Knowledge in Disaster Recovery
9. Knowledge in storage concepts




Luogo Remoto
Carico di lavoro 41 Ore/Settimane , 100% Remoto
Data d'inizio prevista ASAP
Data di scadenza prevista Aperto
Lingue richieste Inglese
Competenze richieste z/OS

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