Updated: 2023-09-12

Data Engineer - Dublin


  • Pubblicato 5 anni fa
  • Inglese
  • Data d'inizio prevista: ASAP

Assignment Details

Desired Skills

  • Data Engineer
  •  Data Warehouse Developer
  • Python
  • Azure

You will be building out the company's data warehouse and data analytics infrastructure, migrating the data warehouse to the cloud.


  • 5+ years experience in a data engineering role
  • Proficiency with Python
  • Extensive experience working with a cloud based data warehouse such as Azure
  • Experience working with e-commerce systems
  • Experience working with large sets of data in real time


Luogo Dublin
Carico di lavoro 5 Giorni/Settimana , 100% In Loco
Data d'inizio prevista ASAP
Data di scadenza prevista Aperto
Lingue richieste Inglese
Competenze richieste Azure, COMMERCE, ENGINEER, Python, data

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