Solutions Architect / Project Manager Cape Town, South Africa

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Solutions Architect / Project Manager

Cape Town, South Africa

Nativo English, Intermedio Afrikaans

  • 13 years Solutions Architect
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect
  • Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA)

Competenze (47)


















Credit Risk


















Inventory Management













Management of all Oracle Resources of all Bata factories and outlets in SA
Team Size 3 plus contractors
Responsibilities: Development and Integration / COBOL to Oracle.
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.

Company DiData (ex-SPL) Period November 1997 - September 2003
Position Senior Siebel Functional / Technical / Trainer. Team Oracle advisor.
Objective Siebel Consultation
Primary Duties Initially it was the Technical training of consultants, Developers, and administrators, Instructor / Consultant, and then Consultant / Developer, Entire Siebel team required Oracle expertise continually, Used greatly in rogue projects and troubleshooting, Technology - Oracle Siebel RAD, CTI (Computer Telephony Integration), EAI, Oracle database. Main client Vodacom South. Others were Sanlam, Old Mutual.
Responsibilities: Training, Development, Mentoring and Project Management.
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.

Company Infowave Period January 1997 - October 1997
Position Oracle Product Manager
Objective To do Consulting for InfoWave in esp. Oracle Apps and DB
Primary Duties Oversight of all project Teams as regards anything to do with Oracle (much like an "Oracle Technical Programme Manager").
Responsibilities: Oracle Technical liaison with Business / BI Architect (Oracle Discovery).
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.

Company Oracle SA (KSI) Period January 1993 - December 1996
Position OracleWare Manager, Fast-Tracked in Oracle Apps and advanced operating systems.
Objective To run the OracleWare office - Novell and Oracle collaborated to have a package of Oracle on the NetWare NOS - this required a Certified NetWare Engineer to run.
Primary Duties The running of such office - however, the acceptance of this product wasn't as good as that of the American and European counterparts - therefore many other consultant duties were assumed esp. Apps, NOS and Advanced OS, and DB.

Responsibilities: Oracle Consultant (then) specializing in Networks - became OracleWare Manager.
Outcome / Achievements Excelled in all that was expected - this was the major kick-off in ITC.
Reason for leaving: Extended contract came to an end.

Esperienze professionali

Lead Solutions Architect

2022-05 - Presente

Solutions Architect

2020-02 - Presente

Systems Designer Description: Machine Learning / AI automation / Blockchain Started working remotely in May 2021 for a multi-billion ZAR concern, SuperSwift, regarding international payments.
Systems Designer III
Shoprite SuperSwift

2021-05 - Presente

Description: Primary designs on POS Router & POS Encryption design for 28000 machines (preparing for AWS Security Certification next); SRSs on SuperSwift processes & AWS Document Upload components. Designer for new Payments System Architecture.
Solutions Architect
Strategic Expertise Teams

2022-05 - 2022-10

South Holland, Netherlands Teams: ""Business Strategy Portfolio & Partnerships", & "Strategic Expertise" Working on Sustynex product's architecture: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) using mainly GRI standards (SRI, ETS).
Promoted to Sustynex (Product) Lead Architect within 3 weeks of onboarding - took from stagnant to MVP within weeks.
Tasked to do Organizations Technology Roadmap / Software development standards (EA).
Systems Designer (III)
Shoprite SuperSwift / MMDS

2021-05 - 2022-04

Solutions / Software / Data Architect

2020-02 - 2021-04

Solutions & Data Architect

2019-02 - 2020-02

Working on MSA, BIAN, Problem statements - vendor realignment ; Primary Architect for Greenfield Payment Central (Cloud) & Blockchain; C2 (Customer Central) Cloud replacement; Primary Architect for Chatbot ; WW Digital Card at Stores; Rasa chatbot; Machine Learning; Smaller projects not mentioned. Data Architecture. Legacy: NI's Vision Plus; Fico's OM4 & TRIAD (Architecting Credit Risk Machine Learning Models: LGD, EAD, PD, Credit Scorecards, ); Prescription of Debt; Storecard Instant Reissue; Acquisition Risk Bureau; Description:
Senior Solutions & Data Architect

2019-02 - 2020-01

Senior Systems Analyst

2018-09 - 2019-01

Developer Multi-tenant

2018-02 - 2018-08


2018-02 - 2018-08

Position Architecting and Developing Cloud Multi-tenant system and schema. React, Next js, GraphQL development of highly-scale able cloud platform.
Description: As in position
Snr System Analyst Application Developer/ .Net Integration / Web APIs

2017-02 - 2018-02

net integration of medicinal database Description: As in position
Snr System Analyst / .Net Integration / Web APIs

2017-02 - 2018-01

Snr Systems Analyst for Vodacom's IFRS project

2016-11 - 2017-02

Company Bytes for Vodacom Period Nov 2016 - Feb 2017 Position Snr Systems Analyst for IFRS project Description: IFRS15 is an International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) promulgated by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) providing guidance on accounting for revenue from contracts with customers. Filled in for a Vodacom IFRS project by Bytes.
Involved Senior System Analysis of current practices to ensure with Vodafone's compliance regimes.
* Do not expect a good referral as I would not comply with their deceptive processes.

2016-07 - 2016-09

System Engineer
Architect for Dynamic Proposition Builder project and System Analyst

2016-07 - 2016-09

This contract was extended to embody a concept into a working system - the system was an automation of the timeous incorporation of Promotions. Data Architect.
Description: Dynamic Proposition Builder concept document was put up for consideration at previous position - after analysis & synthesis showed how to accomplish. Problem was that powers that be had previously shelved the doc because they claimed that "it could not be done". Left previous project to re-enter as own concern - however budget insufficient for current financial year, therefore went to Bytes.
System Analyst

2016-01 - 2016-06

Siebel innovation, eTOM framework alignment. Planning, design & advisory role. Proposition Builder creation.
Snr System Siebel Architect

2016-01 - 2016-06

Description: Consult on Siebel with regards to innovation in Vodacom Enterprise Technology OSS/BSS processes including Cisco Policy Suite, Oracle Fusion, and their design keeping in mind eTOM framework / RODOD alignment. Creation of a Proposition Builder which will allow Business to build complex promotions on the fly.- initially OBPA/OBPM. WebCenter, Weblogic, OSB and JDeveloper.
Planning, design & advisory role - innovation. C# for application integration.

2014-02 - 2015-12

Position Software Development for SMMEs Responsibilities: Did development (freelancing), and Systems Integration / IoT development - currently developing composite device integrated with backend with regards to Inventory Management of Clinics and AgricIoT. Used both Python and C# depending on customer preference.
Systems Integration for SMMEs

2014-02 - 2014-12

Development / Systems Integration for SMMEs
Business Analyst
Telkom Enterprise Portal

2013-03 - 2013-12

Technical BA in the design (currently) in 2 main areas: 1. SPG (Single Payment Gateway): This includes PCI (Payment Card Industry) specs and guidelines, as well as the Interconnected Systems.
2. Provisioning of VMs to Enterprises and SMMEs.
3. RODOD Investigation - gap analysis between current state and RODOD target with emphasis on current compliance to eTOM.
4. eTOM Framework Compliance Verification.
5. Technical Writing.
6. C#/Mono Responsibilities: Documentation of Technical and Business documentation.
Reason for wanting to leave: Contract come to an end after first extension
Business Analyst
Telkom Enterprise Portal

2013-09 - 2013-12

Initial Contract
Telkom Enterprise Portal

2013-03 - 2013-08

Business Analyst
Enterprise Architect
Discovery Investment Systems

2012-11 - 2013-02

Company Discovery Investment Systems Period Nov 2012 - Feb 2013 Position Enterprise Architect Vendor agnosticism: the emphasis is on a SOA solution in the context of the problem domain(s) and to map the required capabilities onto vendor product capability - rather than reverse engineer the solution architecture from the capability of a particular vendor's products - used to better leverage the various capabilities provided by a mix of different vendors Rather than EAI initiated alignment of the Enterprise Architecture around a business service model; the introduction of a service-based IT Infrastructure to realize this model, a transformation (many times a wrapper) to legacy systems to enable Services integration (SOI); and all new development and Governance to adhere to SOA to bring DIS to SOA Maturity Level 1.
Ontology dev, SOI / SOA over EAI, SOA Dev Pattern, SOMA, OSIMM, SOA Ref Arch, SOCCI, L2SOA Responsibilities: Assessment of Enterprise Architecture with the outcome advice being SOA.
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Siebel Architect
Adcock Ingram Pharmaceuticals

2011-06 - 2012-06

(Oracle) Siebel Architect
Adcock Ingram Pharmaceuticals

2011-06 - 2012-06

Project Objective Implementation & Customization of Siebel Life Sciences Vertical.
Primary Duties Technical, Functional, Systems Analyst, Mentor, Procurement, BA.
Outcome / Achievements Integration to legacy systems and as objective Team Size 6 Responsibilities: Siebel Architect for deployment team.
Reason for leaving: Was headhunted for Jetstar (Qantas) in Melbourne - who would have thought that Qantas would run into financial troubles.
(Oracle) Siebel Architect
Contracting for Odirile PTY (LTD)

2011-01 - 2011-05

Project Objective Implementation & Customization of Siebel Public Sector Vertical. Rogue project with impossible timelines at SABS that I had to redeem - scrapped code and replaced with configuration.
Primary Duties Functional, Technical, Mentor Outcome / Achievements CORRECTED ROGUE PROJECT (7 month lag) by throwing out configuration / hard coding and using vanilla functionality.
Team Size 9 Responsibilities: Siebel Architect for deployment team.
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Siebel Architect

2011-01 - 2011-05

(Oracle) Siebel Technical Lead

2009-08 - 2010-12

Project Objective Maintenance of Siebel Systems. Short term contract with NHBRC involving geo mapping and its layers on the Siebel Instance - something I also consulted on at Vodacom Responsibilities: Siebel Developer Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Senior BA & Team Lead on Airlines Project

2008-01 - 2009-07

(Prior experience Fujitsu).
Project Objective Track aircraft maintenance (Aircraft parts have a projected lifespan in mostly usage hours many of which vary greatly - and need to be replaced at these stipulations.
Responsibilities: Functional Analysis and Design.
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Enterprise Architect
Project Objective Re-engineered Business Model

2008-03 - 2008-04

Company Keep ACS Contract Period Mar 2008 - April 2008 (extended vacation time from Aurifero project above) Position Enterprise Architect Project Objective Re-engineered Business Model Responsibilities: Business Modelling Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Oracle EBS Project Manager / Organizational Change Manager
Company National News Distributors (Media24)

2007-06 - 2007-11

Project Objective Implementation and Integration of various Oracle Enterprise Business Suites - Transport, and Media.
Responsibilities: Oracle EBS - Client side Project Manager / Organizational Change Manager Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Infrastructure Architect

2006-09 - 2007-02

Duties Team Analysis of Platform change (Airline application: Pegasys) Project Objective Investigation of porting (from Solaris) to include Linux and Windows Oss - C, C++, C#. This was a project to investigate the porting from Unix to Windows because of the many diverse disciplines.
Responsibilities: Application Infrastructure Analysis.
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Solution Architect / Oracle mentor / Trainer
ANS Data Solutions

2005-10 - 2006-09

Project Objective Development of HIV Database (with International funding).
Team Size 4 Responsibilities: Mentoring and Architectural Analysis. Oracle Database.
Reason for leaving: Contract came to an end.
Oracle Development Manager

2003-10 - 2005-09

Responsibilities Migration / Development

Esperienze formative

St Charles College
St Charles College

2025-03 - 2025-03


Solutions Architect, Strategic Expertise Teams (& AWS Certified Solutions Architect)
Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA)
Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect
Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA)
Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect
AWS Certified Solutions Architect (AWS SAA C02)
AWS Certified Solutions Architect AWS SAA C02
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Ass
Siebel Certified Consultant (SCC)
Siebel Certified Consultant
Novell Certified NetWare Engineer
AWS Certified Solutions Architect
Alpha Registered Project Manager
Advanced Certified Engineer
Certified Netware Engineer
Certified Engineer
Certified Netware
Siebel Certified

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Lun-Ven: 9:00 - 18:00