profil: Resistence: Ny Rønnebjergvej 72, 9760 Vrå Place of work: Zealand / Northern Jutland Consultant Residence Rytterparken 48, 2765 Smørum Profilresumé Senior Software Developer / Architect with core competencies to define, design and analyze complex application and solution architectures for large organizations, including strong competencies in system development, data architecture.
The consultant has extensive experience in solution architecture, application architecture, data modelling, data analysis, SQL, programming.
Other work areas include requirements specification, test design, SOA, E/R modelling, Web services, stakeholder management, Documentation in UML notation and designing and executing Prof of concept.
2023-01 - Presente
4 Database Microsoft SQL Server Very experienced 2023 15 Oracle 2012 Very experienced 2017 1 My SQL Good knowledge 2016 2
2023-01 - Presente
Good knowledge 2023 1 Sprog Sprog Mundtligt niveau Skriftligt niveau Danish First language First language English Good level Good level
10 JSon Expert 2023 10 XML Very experienced 2023 8 Webservices Very experienced 2022 5
2014-01 - 2023-01
Altova XML Spy Very experienced 2018 4
Technical tester / Test analyst / Data analysis / Software developer
2019-01 - 2023-01
Customer UFST (Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen (Freelancer) Period 2019 - 2023 Role Technical tester / Test analyst / Data analysis / Software developer Project description • Performed data analysis on very complex data setup • Developed interface for HP-Alm. where middleware has been developed, in T-SQL, Storage procedure, C# • Prepared PRA (Product risk analysis) • Performed test analysis, test design, test case documentation • Test script development in C#, T-SQL, SQL (Microsoft / Postgre) • Developed interface for AWS S3 Bucket in c# • C# interface for reporting in JSon structure • Design JSon schema • Developed software test engine in C# / TSQL Applied C#, T-SQL, Sql (Microsoft / Postgre), JSon, YAML, Postman, T-Map Technologies
2020-01 - 2023-01
Good knowledge 2023 2 Linux Server Good knowledge 2017 1
2022-01 - 2022-01
2022-01 - 2022-01
1 Azure Good knowledge 2022 1
2021-01 - 2021-01
1 Azure - Functions Apps Good knowledge 2021 1 Azure - App Service Good knowledge 2021 1 Azure - My SQL Good knowledge 2021 2 Azure - SQL Database Good knowledge 2021 2
Dianova (Freelancer)
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
2019-01 - 2021-01
Extra Project in the evening Role Technical Architect / Software developer Project description ● POC had to clarify the infrastructure for the MMPD (Mastitis Milking Parlor Diagnostics project) ● Tasks on the Azure platform: ● Technical project management ● Setting up the Azure platform ● Construction of the Cosmos Database ● Construction of My SQL database ● Structure of Function (C#) ● Construction of REST API for Mobile APP, cf. standard Open API ● API Interface for SEGES ● Datapump / synchronization with SEGES Database and others ● Security model for REST API /Active Directory Applied C#, SQL, JSon, YAML, Postman, Azure Technologies
2018-01 - 2018-01
1 Azure - Cognitive Services Very experienced 2018 1 Udviklingssprog
2018-01 - 2018-01
7 SQL (Microsoft) Very experienced 2023 25
2018-01 - 2018-01
1 6 (Microsoft) - Distribueret op til
2018-01 - 2018-01
18 Detail system Expert 2018 33 Client/Serverudvikling Expert 2018 10
Interfaces til WEB-Sevices
2018-01 - 2018-01
5 Test case / Test scripts Very experienced 2023 15 Brancheerfaring
2018-01 - 2018-01
RAD Studio RIO
2018-01 - 2018-01
10 10.3 - Embarcadero and previous versions Og de tidligere versioner Microsoft Visual StudioVery experienced 2023 5
Entreprise Architect (UML)
2018-01 - 2018-01
knowledge 2017 1 Metode Designs patterns Very experienced 2023 7
Software Project Management
SSI-Schäfer (Employment)
2018-01 - 2018-01
Primary responsibility • Sales support relation to New sales and after-sales, where my for the following responsibility was to support the technical clarification tasks • Requirements specification • Estimation of the software delivery regarding new sales or Change • Request • Technical project management regarding the software delivery • Ongoing customer meetings • Preparation of Change Request • Documentation of the solution by the customer • Implementation • Training of customers • Preparation of Microsoft T-SQL query ifb. with troubleshooting in database, or Microsoft T-SQL data extraction for reports • 2nd Level support
Consafe Logistics
2016-01 - 2017-01
Role Technical Architect / Software developer Project description • Developed domain model for standard Sattstore WMS. Consafe has several shelves of ring binder documentation about the system, but did not have a UML notation over domain WMS. The consultant's task was, to describe their system in UML, where the consultant used Entreprise Architect for this. The work was reviewed by R&D in the process.
• Prepared test case in ADA, for new functionality • Implemented customer wishes in the WMS System • Migrate existing WEB-Services to new WEB-Server.
• Project manager for Consafe's customer • Unitest - Oracle SQL query / update of database in connection with test case in ADA / Jenkins Applied UML - Entreprise Architect - Oracle DB - ADA, REST, YAML, Postman (WEB Technologies Service test), Jenkins
2017-01 - 2017-01
31 ADA Good knowledge 2017 1 Java Good knowledge 2015 1 C# Very experienced 2023 4
Project description The consultant solved the following tasks to great satisfaction and value for the customer.
• Continuous expansion of the functionality of their ERP system, Tankmax. (Cash register/Finance/Customer/Creditor/Stock Item) • Ongoing optimization of discount calculation in their PC cash register.
• Develop interface between Sagem, Point payment card terminal.
• Integration to Reitan's distribution. A very complex task, where a new product catalog (XML/EDI) and invoices (XML/EDI) were received every night.
• Developed a new management system client/server, so that it was possible to update software at night, in their stores • Developed residual server and client software • Design and implementation of tables on Microsoft SQL server, as well as t-SQL queries / T-SQL updates • Uni-test of all REST api's, including associated database SQL queries. Test scripts were developed in Pascal, where the API was tested on the server. SQL code was activated by API calls on the server side. The test case consisted of several test scripts where data was sent via the API, after which calls were made to the API to see if the expected data came back. Based on this, a machine report is created about the API that did not work correctly according to the API specification. Pre/post conditions.
• Developed a solution so that it was possible to sell electronic gift cards/Mobile cards directly from the relevant PC cash register. A technically complicated solution that provided great value for the customer.
• Developed integration for Safepay (terminal that handles physical money) Applied TAM (UML), Delphi, Service Driver, Pipe, Delphi, Datasnap, Microsoft T- Technologies SQL, REST, Fire-Dac, Windows Server 2008, Windows 10, Btrieve, FTP, EDI.
MS SQL Kompetenceniveauer: Ekspert, Meget rutineret, Rutineret, Godt kendskab, Noget kendskab Kategori Kompetence Niveau Sidst Antal anvendt år Teknologier
Interfaces til betalingsterminaler Expert
2016-01 - 2016-01
2016-01 - 2016-01
5 and UML)
Aalborg universitet (Freelancer)
2016-01 - 2016-01
2016 Role Software Architect, Software system developer Project description • Prepared POC that included the following: o Software architecture o Software design o Configuration of ● Windows server 2012, ● IIS Server, ● SQL Server, o Designed and implemented SQL tables, o Prepare SQL Queries o Development of REST Server and its implementation o Development of app for iPhone in swift Applied Delphi, Rest Server, Microsoft Server Standard 2012, Microsoft SQL server
Manager of Development & Architecture
Retail PlanIT (Employment)
2013-01 - 2014-01
Primary responsibility • Facilitated daily SCRUM meetings for the following • Established test department, including automated testing, via unitest, tasks test script etc • Build fixed cycle for releases of the software.
• Improved customer satisfaction and the quality of software • Employee interviews • Daily management • Coordination with the other departments • Responsible for documentation of the software architecture • Customer meetings • Part of the management group Applied Word, Visio UML, Excel Technologies Firma KMD (Employment)
SAP Architect
2011-01 - 2012-01
Primary responsibility • Develop application architecture for PAYROLL/Personnel systems for the following • Sparring partner for business architects and project managers tasks • Carry out reviews • Implement requirement specifications • Rewiev test case specifications • Approve project description - solution selection • Document architecture Applied Word, Visio UML, Excel, SAP Technologies Firma KMD (Employment)
2012-01 - 2012-01
Microsoft IIS 8, Microsoft T-SQL, Swift Kunde OK-Plus (Own customer)
HCM Solutions Architect
2009-01 - 2011-01
Primary responsibility • Review project description and ensure that correct standard modules for the following were used in SAP tasks • Maintain the enterprise architecture • Carry out reviews • Reviewed requirements specifications • Rewiev test case specifications • Approve project description, solution selection and method selection • Document architecture • Ensure that the projects documented deviations from the standard • Contact to SAP - Waldorf at the behest of departments and projects Applied Word, Visio UML, Excel, SAP Technologies Firma KMD (Employment)
SAP HCM Architect
2009-01 - 2009-01
Primary responsibility • Develop application architecture for PAYROLL/HCMl systems for the following • Support the business architects and project managers tasks • Carry out reviews • Review requirements specifications • Rewiev test case specifications • Approve project descriptions and solution choices • Document the software architecture Applied Word, Visio UML, Excel, SAP Technologies
System architect
Logica (CGI)
2008-01 - 2008-01
Primary responsibility • Analyst for the following • Software design tasks • Development in PL/SQL Firma KMD (Employment)
Software developer
2000-01 - 2008-01
Primary • Develop application architecture for new salary calculator responsibility for the • Responsible for coding algorithms in salary calculator following tasks • Support for business architects and project managers • Carry out reviews • Review requirements specifications • Rewiev test case specifications • Documentation af software architecture in UML Municipal wages are very complex and it was big data we worked with.
Very exciting and challenging project.
Applied AION Regelværktøj, Visio UML, Delphi, Microsoft T-SQL, DB2 SQL Technologies (Mainframe), Acces Database Reading guide for CV: The CV covers the period 2000-2023, where the consultant has for periods been permanently employed and at the same time had minor freelance work on the side.
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