Erfaren IT forandringsleder Skodsborg, Danmark

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Erfaren IT forandringsleder

Skodsborg, Danmark

Nativo Danish, Fluente Svenska, Norwegian, English, Intermedio German

  • + 10 års Shared Service og BPO ledelseserfaing
  • IT operations og effektiviserings ekspert
  • + 20 års IT ledelseserfaring

Competenze (16)

Project-/program Management


IT Strategy






IT Operation



Data Center






I am an expert in building and developing conceptual IT- and BPO strategies and implementing these for
sustainable business plans and results. During my career in IT, Business Processes and consulting in
organizations, I have worked a lot with people, changes, projects, IT and business processes, and have
contributed with the following:
• I have established an award-winning Shared Service Center for CSC in Vilnius - Lithuania. The
Centre was both providing IT- and BPO services.
• I have established a Shared Service Center for Flügger in Gdansk - Poland. The Centre was
providing primarily BPO Services within Finance, Procurement, HR, Ordre Office, Sales support
and internal IT user support.
• I have made a Successful turnaround of an SSC and BPO Centre in Prague - Czech Republic. The
job was to get control of economy, budget and get service back on track for customers.
• I have made a successful turnaround of a BPO Centre in Vilnius - Lithuania. The job was to get in
control of economy and increase quality of service delivery to expand the business.
• I have advised and worked on establishing several SSC's and BPO's in Eastern Europe. E.g. for ABB
in Krakow. I have experience working with e.g. SAS, Eurocontrol and Airbus.
• I have been the leader of the entire IT palette from IT Operations, Development of Applications,
Datacenters, Network, Infrastructure and several Service Management functions, and therefore I
have broad knowledge and experience in managing and using IT to set-up effective organizations.

As a person, I have a passion for service delivery, processes and improvements. I think strategically and
forward. I see companies and organizations "end to end" and avoid silo thinking. I am outgoing, direct and
fair. I believe in people, as only people can make a difference.

Esperienze professionali

Experienced IT & Service Delivery Expert, Independent IT advisor and consultant
Shared Service Center for an international company

2014-08 - Presente

Current task:
Interim Head of IT for the Danish Electrician Union.
Task is to prepare DEU for the IT merger with 4 other Unions. Upgrade the IT
infrastructure and ensure a common IT platform for all 5 unions.
Furthermore, I make Advisory and preparation of Business Case and plan for
establishing IT Shared Service Center for an international company.
Completed assignments:
Concord: Project Manager for the Danish Geodata Agency, responsible for end-user
testing, Communication and establishment of a support organization including
process implementation.
Pandora Global IT: Coaching the Manager in Service Management and setting up a
global Service Delivery organization in a global outsourcing and ensured that the service came back on track from the outsourcing supplier.

Lite Flite: ISO 9100 Certification and Management support
Consultant for global company with HQ in Switzerland within the manufacturing
industry: Development of strategy and plan for establishing an IT Shared Service
Center in Eastern Europe.
Bluegarden: Development of Business Case and plan for establishing an IT and BPO
Shared Service Center in Eastern Europe.
Consultant for international Telecommunication company: Establishing Data Center
Consolidation Plan to transform to centrally monitored Data Centers.
Change of Scandinavia: Development of Business Case and plan for establishing an
IT and BPO Shared Service Center in Poland, as well as support for setting up a new
ERP system.
Consultant for global company with EMEA HQ in Germany within the digital
industry: Development of plan for establishing an IT Shared Service Center in Eastern Europe.
Consultant for production company in Denmark and Lithuania: Consultancy in establishing a common ERP system and further transformation to a Shared Service
Director Application Operation
Nordea Markets

2016-05 - 2016-10

Member of the Business Engineering IT Management Team. Responsible for setting
up an Application Management Team, including new Management Team - adapted
to ITIL, LEAN & Agile principles. Development of an Application Operation Team to cover the entire Banking and Capital market.
Responsible for: Budget, administration, Management of Application Operation
organization. Implementation of a Dev. Ops function according to ITIL standards,
LEAN and Agile principles.
Scope: 100 employees in Nordic, Poland and India.
Budget responsibility: € 20 million
• Recruitment and commissioning of 4 Application Managers.
• Development of strategy and plan for Dev. Ops.
• Launch plan for implementation of strategy and Dev. Ops.

2013-07 - 2014-07

Reporting to the Board of Directors of the company.
Responsible for: Budgets, administration and management of the company. The
purpose was to make the company profitable by controlling costs, securing growth
in the business with the addition of new customers and increasing the quality of service delivery to the customers.
Scope: 50 employees
Budget responsibility: € 5 million
• Implementation of new ERP system. Implementation of LEAN principles.
• Cost savings of € 500,000.
• Improved workflows and productivity.
• The company was back on track and course after 12 months.
Program Director
Flügger A/S

2011-05 - 2013-06

Reported to the CEO.
Responsible for: Establishing a Shared Service Center in Gdansk - Poland.
Management and administration of Program and budget.
Scope: 8 department Managers with a total of 100 employees
Budget responsibility: DKK 80 million
• Building and construction of 1000 sqm office space, establishment of Finance-,
HR-, Ordre office-, Procurement- and IT functions.
• Recruitment of local SSC Manager.
CSC Prague Center

2009-09 - 2011-04

Reported to the Global Business Service President. Responsible for: Management,
administration and budget for the entire Shared Service Center. The purpose was to reduce costs and increase service quality to the customers.
Scope: From 178 to 310 employees
Budget responsibility: from $ 10 to $ 25 million
• Cost reduction on $ 2 million.
• Improved Service quality and growth in business for the center.
• Establishment of Finance Accounting function for EMEA.
• 80% First Call Resolution.
CSC Baltic Center

2007-09 - 2009-11

Reported to the Global Business Service President and the Board of Directors for
the company. Responsible for: Establishment of the Shared Service Center,
management and administration of the company, organization and budget.
Scope: From 0 to 210 Employees
Budget responsibility: From $ 2 to $ 10 million
• Establishment of Business plan and strategy, which was approved by the board
of Directors.
• Establishment of Business and operation within IT Operation, Service Desk,
Technical Architects, Project Management and company administration.
• All Implemented under budget and faster than planned.

Before 09/2007 For more information about previous positions on LinkedIn:

Esperienze formative

Cornell University

2019-11 - 2007-05

Bachelor of Applied Science
IT University Copenhagen

2019-11 - 1985-06


Gallup Certified Strengths Coach
Six Sigma

Contatta il consulente
