UX-suunnittelija Helsinki, Suomi

Might be available

(Updated 2020-01-09)


Helsinki, Suomi

Native Finnish, English, Beginner Svenska

  • Konseptisuunnittelu
  • Käyttöliittymien sunnittelu (UI Design)
  • Käyttökokemussuunnittelu (UX Design)

Skills (8)









Professional Experience

2020-01 - Present

Joonas Ranta
User experience design &
research portfolio 2019
Telia Esports Series

About the project
Telia Esports Series is Finland's biggest esports league.
In a culture known for its remarkably demanding fans, getting to
know the user base and data was as crucial as ever. From
captivating match streams to chatting with community members
and claiming lootboxes in a captivating way.

Presentation of real-time information from various matches,
teams and players needed to be crafted highly responsive so that
it's all easily readable with all devices.
A bottom navigation bar was
designed for mobile users. The
design decision was based on
received data indicating a large
portion of fans using the service
with two devices at the same
time. In this use case, the mobile
device was used for community
functions while the larger
display showed the actual live
stream in all its glory.
The mobile navigation proposed a challenge. How to make all
the pages within user's reach while keeping the content
always visible? This is where the expandable bottom navi
entered the desitn. Always applicable while using just one
finger. Tapping on the arrow element (or double-tapping
anything in the menu) expands the menu to its full two-row

In the project I worked as a contractor for the IT agency
Fraktio. Further development of the site is still ongoing.
Website Renewal for Helsinki Deaconess Institute

About the project

The Helsinki Deaconess Institute is a non-profit foundation boldly working
for human dignity. The awarded website renewal aimed to offer
information for those in need as well as everyone interested in the
institute's work.

The user flow was designed to activate people to support the foundation's
mission. As a volunteer or as a donor. The key demographic included
elderly and disabled users. This is why the whole solution had to revolve
around high accessibility.
The new HDL website was
awarded with the Gold Award in
the Finnish Web Awards 2018

In the porject, I was in charge of
the site's content structure,
information architecture as well as
call-to-action activation design. I
worked as a freelancer for the
digital design agency Evermade.
Website renewal for Comic Artist Ville Ranta

About the project
And now for something completely
different. The internationally
renowned and awarded comic artist
and political cartoonist Ville Ranta
wanted a brand new website. The
old one was techically ancient and

The site includes the artist's bio,
bibliography, strong CTA to social
media channels and two image-
heavy blogs which reside solely on
the website.

The mobile experience was built
around a smooth mobile navigation
that is always in the reach of the
user's thumb.

The mobile view's one-paged
solution uses carousels and
humorous, surprising elements. All
directly from the artist's pencil. As a
whole, the site was designed visually
consistent for those familiar with
Ranta's style while being a refreshing
sight for newcomers.
Regular visitors on the website come
back mainly to read Ville's two comic
blogs. The blog entries are based on a
single, large image.

This visually heavy aspect of the blog
required the reading process to be
designed smooth and enjoyable on
mobile which covers 80% of visits.
The loading process for slower
connections was made enjoyable
through the use of our "loading birdie"

The site was 100% planned, designed,
developed and hosted by my own
company, Skinnyfat.
Conceptual designs and feature testing

Academic Background

Master of Social Sciences
University of Helsinki

2008-01 - 2016-01

Università di Bologna / University of Bologna
Università di Bologna / University of Bologna

2010-01 - 2011-01

Contact contractor
