Senior Software Engineer Barcelona, España

Might be available

(Updated 2023-12-23)

Senior Software Engineer

Barcelona, España

Native Spanish, Intermediate English

  • AWS, GCP, Vercel,...
  • Symfony, PHP, NextJs, Node, Typescript, Docker,...
  • +10 años experiencia en desarrollo de apliciones web

Skills (25)
























Project Management



As a Software Engineer, I bring a diverse skill set, having worked both as a backend and fullstack developer. My
experience spans across technologies such as PHP, Symfony, NextJs, ReactJs, Node, Docker, Redis, RabbitMq,
AWS, GCP, and more. I'm deeply committed to delivering top-quality products and am always seeking ways
to improve. I've collaborated effectively within both compact and extensive teams, often employing Scrum and
Sprints for project management.

Throughout my career, I've taken on diverse roles ranging from a Fullstack Software Engineer to a Software
Engineer Team Lead. My experience has led me to manage technical requirements for prominent clients, oversee
architecture and technologies, and even spearhead the migration of projects from monolithic structures to
microservices architectures. I've built APIs from scratch, led product development, and collaborated closely with
stakeholders to bring product MVPs to fruition. Whether it's managing a team or diving deep into code, I've always
been at the forefront of ensuring project success.

Como Ingeniero de Software, aporto un conjunto diverso de habilidades, habiendo trabajado tanto como
desarrollador backend como fullstack. Mi experiencia abarca tecnologías como PHP, Symfony, NextJs, ReactJs,
Node, Docker, Redis, RabbitMq, AWS, GCP y más. Estoy profundamente comprometido con la entrega de
productos de alta calidad y siempre busco formas de mejorar. He colaborado eficazmente tanto en equipos
pequeños como en equipos extensos, utilizando frecuentemente Scrum y Sprints para la gestión de proyectos.

Professional Experience

Freelance Software Engineer

2023-04 - Present

Senior Software Engineer

2021-04 - 2023-04

At Colvin, I held the position of FullStack Software Engineer. Within a horizontal team structure of over five colleagues, I undertook several pivotal projects: 1. In the B2C division, my primary responsibilities encompassed warehouse management and streamlining shipments with various carriers, achieving substantial process automation.
2. Transitioning to the B2B team, I managed order coordination between the marketplace and suppliers, and spearheaded the automation of product stock control.
3. I also played an instrumental role in the infrastructure migration from AWS to GCP.
Technologically, I employed methodologies such as Scrum and worked extensively with PHP, Symfony, Node and ReactJS and service communication via RabbitMQ.
En Colvin, ocupé el cargo de Ingeniero de Software FullStack. Dentro de una estructura de equipo horizontal de más de cinco compañerxs, colaboré en varios proyectos esenciales: 1. En la división B2C, mis responsabilidades principales abarcaban la gestión del almacén y la optimización de envíos con diversos transportistas, logrando una automatización considerable de estos procesos.
2. Al trasladarme al equipo B2B, gestioné la coordinación de pedidos entre el marketplace y los proveedores, y lideré la automatización del control de stock de productos.
3. También desempeñé un papel fundamental en la migración de infraestructura de AWS a GCP.
A nivel tecnológico, empleé metodologías como Scrum y trabajé extensamente con PHP, Symfony, Node y ReactJs y comunicación de servicios a través de RabbitMQ.
Software Engineer Team Lead - Backend developer

2020-02 - 2021-01

I managed the technical requirements for a prominent client (EI Corte Ingles) in the delivery sector.
I oversaw the architecture and technologies, including PHP with DDD-Hexagonal, Java with Clean Architecture, Redis, and Docker, always emphasizing a TDD approach. The project involved building four high-performance services from scratch: two developed in PHP using Symfony and the other two in Java with Kotlin. These services, designed for rapid response, were interconnected through events, Redis queues, and APIs.
Software Engineer - Fullstack developer

2019-10 - 2020-02

I spearheaded the migration of a monolithic project to a microservices architecture, a strategic move to enhance scalability and maintainability. The transformation involved a deep dive into a suite of technologies including Laravel and Lumen for backend development, complemented by PHP. On the frontend, JavaScript and VueJs were employed to ensure a seamless user experience. Throughout the migration process, I adhered to the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) to ensure robustness and reliability of each microservice, optimizing performance and minimizing potential issues.
Software Developer Project Lead - Fullstack developer

2018-09 - 2019-10

Lead of one of the company products. Leading a team of 3 developers. I built from scratch the company API and the product I led (both frontend and backend). Also other small projects as an API client and a frontend library that other projects consume.
I worked closely with all stakeholders to build product MVPs successfully.
Functions: developer, software architect, project lead. Technologies: Symfony 3&4, PHP, JavaScript, VueJs, Storybook. Unit Testing.
Programador de PHP - Fullstack developer Inbenta Jan 2017 - Sep 2018 (1 year 9 months) I served as a PHP developer across various departments, showcasing versatility and adaptability in diverse roles. Initially, I functioned as a fullstack developer for the development team based in France. Subsequently, I transitioned to support the Latin American team, further expanding my global collaboration experience.
Later, in the R&D department, I took on a pivotal role in the modernization of the company's infrastructure. I was instrumental in migrating one of the company's core services, "Ticketing", which was previously a monolithic system, to a new, more agile API.
In addition to this migration, I undertook the end-to-end development of a new application for Inbenta's customer service department. This involved crafting the backend in PHP and designing an intuitive frontend using VueJs, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience.
Desarrollador de software para web

2018-02 - 2018-05

Participated in an exchange program, working in California as PHP developer.
Omitsis Consulting

2015-02 - 2017-01

I worked on a lot of different projects as a PHP developer, backend and frontend developer.

Academic Background

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

2022-09 - 2025-03

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

2012-01 - 2017-01


Symfony Rest C97F4B364C62

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