iOS Developer Stockholm, Sverige

Might be available

(Updated 2020-01-15)

iOS Developer

Stockholm, Sverige

Beginner Svenska, English

Skills (24)











Android Studio







Objective C







Professional Experience

He got the role of project leader

2016-12 - 2019-12

Stockholm Dec 2016 - Dec 2019

PaceUP tracks your physical activities and translates them to points that you use to compete with friends and strangers.

Calle was a part of the project startup, and has since left and gotten back into it multiple
times. Mainly as part of a team of several iOS, Android and back end developers, with the aim to get the app up and running. A part of the application is, much like RunKeeper or
similar apps, using a map to track the users movement, which meant a lot of usage of the
Google Maps SDK knowledge gained when working with EasyHunt to show how the user ran or biked (or swam, skied etc) on the map.

He got the role of project leader for the mobile part of the app, Including responsibility for communication with the project owners, planning when and what needed to be
done and who should do it. This was at a time where PaceUP was in an expansion phase, and Calle was a part in both coming up with ideas for how to expand and giving a
developers feedback on the ideas of the product owners.

iOS Swift Project Leader App Store Connect Xcode fastlane App Center
iOS developer

2017-10 - 2018-12

iOS developer
Horseflow Stockholm Oct 2017 - Dec 2018

Horseflow is a social network similar to Instagram for people who have some kind of interest in horses, where you can have profiles for both yourself and your horses.

Calle was involved in the whole process from the first meetings with the customer to decide the contents of the application to its first release on the App Store. Being a social
network, developing a feed that provided text, image and video content while still being
fast was one of the biggest challenges. Other parts of the application included fleshed out user and horse profiles, top lists based on user interactions and a notification center.

After the applications initial release, development was transferred to Frosts second office in Sri Lanka, and Calle travelled there to give them an introduction to the main idea
behind Horseflow and what technologies, APIs and code style was being used to
develop Horseflow. Afterwards he was still involved in the development as a mentor and for supporting the Sri Lankan developers.
Front end developer

2018-04 - 2018-11

Sanoma Utbildning is a provider of learning solutions and study material both as
physical books and digital format. "Portalen" is a landing page for teachers and students to get an overview of their study material.

The first version of Portalen was made in AngularJS, but for longevity it was being
redone in Angular 2+, and this is where Calle joined the project. Together with one more
front end developer and a finished UX as a guideline, Calle came up with and created the core of the page using Angular with Bootstrap. Some features included a tabbed list
consisting of all of the teachers, students and pupils in a school, the creation of new
groups within those teachers and students (a group being 1 to 1 mapped to a license for a specific material, such as fifth grade French) and administrating licenses purchased by the school.

Angular HTML Bootstrap TypeScript

2017-09 - 2018-01

Samtrans gives people with special needs an easy and reliable way to travel by car.

Calle worked with the Samtrans Rullstolstaxi application, in a project with a tight
deadline, with the aim to fix a list of bugs mostly related to validating dates and times from a date picker in order for the app to get ready for release on the App Store. The
work also included updating a CocoaPod created by Frost to work with the design given to the Samtrans app.

iOS Swift Xcode App Store Connect

2016-08 - 2017-07

Claes "Svartzonker" Claesson is well-renowned in the Swedish fishing community,
creating his own lures and rods as well as giving tips and tricks to casual fishers through
multiple media channels.

Calle created the iOS version of the Svartzonker application, which consisted of a tab
bar and a web view. The development consisted of manipulation of the URLs fed through the web view to achieve correct synchronization between the currently selected
tab and the content shown in the web view, with a big part of the challenge being to
keep the code to a bare minimum while still having a high responsibility.
Android developer
App Store Connect

2016-12 - 2017-02

Agada was an app connecting psychologists with patients through video chat.

Calle set up the Android project, and later worked with the authorization part of the app.
Since the application needed a high level of security, creating accounts and logging in was done via BankID. The development of the Android application was done parallel with the iOS application, and since it was the first application developed at Frost using
BankID there was a lot of collaboration between Calle and the person developing the
iOS application to get the authorization to work.

Android Java Android Studio
iOS developer

2016-06 - 2016-12

EasyHunt is a company bringing hunting into the digital era, with both web and mobile
applications that help simplify both communication and planning between hunters, as
well as provides a thorough map interface.

Calle worked mostly with displaying data on the map, such as the locations, names and images of tree stands and rings showing different diameters (5, 10, 50, etc meters) around the current user position. All of this was done via the Google Maps SDK for iOS.
The project also included implementing a chat an image sharing function between users in the same hunting team and collaboration with a team of developers in Ukraine who
were doing the backend.

iOS Objective C Xcode Swift

Employers Digitalent
Jan 2020 - Ongoing

Frost Experience AB
Jun 2016 - Dec 2019


Certificate of Proficiency in English
Cambridge University
Cambridge C1 Advanced
Cambridge University

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