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(Updated 2022-06-01)Erfaren projekt og program leder.
København, Danmark
Native Danish, English, Fluent Svenska, Intermediate Norwegian
- Stærke udbuds og tilbuds kompetencer
- +30 års ledelses erfaring
- håndtering af komplekse og store opgaver
Skills (52)
Vendor Management
Project Management
Portfolio Management
IT Infrastructure Library
Change Management
Risk Management
Product Management
Quality Management System
Professional Experience
2021-03 - Present
2. Responsible for large-dealmaking and partnering in the EMEA region. Objectives focused on revenue growth, obtaining strong local footprints, inclusion of stakeholders (Hospital management and staff, local authorities, researchers, authorities etc.), partnering and company acquisitions.
I was responsible of 80% of the Nordic revenue with expected growth rate +50% YoY. P&L responsibility in the Nordic region and responsible for leverage of product delivery in the EMEA region with a focus on large deals and delivery scalability.
Other responsibilities: • Incoming and ongoing projects trailed by AMS.
• All contract management and negotiations.
• Organised utilization of Global Delivery resources.
• Due Diligence on acquisition cases.
• Technological standardization and compliance.
• DPO and data privacy.
• Sub-vendors, collaborations and partnering.
• General professionalisation of the Nordic and EMEA delivery organisation by applying generic roles, global standard processes and use of shared services.
-Number of resources managed: +25 -TCV of bid portfolio: +400 m. DKR.
-Hands on approach to mgmt: create a fault tolerant team, utilize hidden strength, know-your-weaknesses and a high level of delegation of responsibilities.
2020-10 - 2021-02
-Number of resources managed: 4-5 -Value/cost of tender: +200 m .DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: reuse RSj proven tender approach. Ignite the Change Management process during the analysis phase.
2020-07 - 2020-10
Vejdirektoratet (VD) is responsible for building and operating the Danish traffical infrastructure. IT solutions are a key component in executing this responsibility, but VD found themselves in a situation, where the absolute core IT solution was realizing severe operational problems, and the effort and complexity of maintenance reaching a crucial level. By order of the board of directors, I performed a deep analysis of the current situation and suggested a palette of future options. The analysis was completed with a suggested strategic solution (evolution over revolution), a roadmap for realisation, a cost-case and a substantiated risk profile.
-Number of resources managed: 6 + external vendors.
-Hands on approach: Due Diligence as basis for an operational strategy.
2019-11 - 2020-05
Responsible for production of contract & all schedules for tender process of hosting and communication infrastructure. Customer having 2 HQ's and +250 local stores in Denmark, Greenland and Sweden with a focus on stability, availability, scalability and continuous improvement. Effort according to initial estimate with RFP process executed, ready for evaluation and negotiations. The tender deferred due to corona restrictions in business, yet ready for reopening and swift contract awarding.
Also acted as advisor on bid for Public EU-Tender, with a focus on win strategy, compliance, risk assessment and pricing.
-Value/cost of tender: 25m .DKR.
-TCV of bid: +40 m. DKR.
-Hands on approach: 'one man army' and timeboxing.
2018-04 - 2019-08
Producing and conducting public tenders on IT purchases. Residing in a new department with a focus on legal, process compliance and delivery handling/-impact. My role included enforcing internal policies, and at the same time obtaining substantial results, i.e. reduced costs, beneficiary delivery terms and contributing to a general professionalization of the Tender process/effort in general.
◦ Full responsibility of each tender.
◦ Stakeholder Management.
◦ Ensure legal compliance and quality of material.
◦ Produce requirements and specifications singlehanded.
◦ Engage in general process improvement and stakeholder management.
• Business Analysist.
Conducting an analysis and management-proposal on future License Management. This included revealing the AS-IS situation, gathering future requirements and proposing a new solution including organizational changes and processes, market scan, business case, risks etc. The result was proposed to the Regional Management group and is currently under implementation.
• Project Manager.
Handed over responsibility of an infrastructure project run astray. The project was a transition of complete WAN services from one supplier to another as a result of a public ender process.
Re-organizing the open phases of the implementation and operations tests, ensuring documentation, approval plan and payment plan. Setting up a simple governance structure prior to handing over to local WAN operations. Furthermore a sunsetting of incumbent vendor services and conducting a major contract revision, as terms and conditions for termination were highly unclear. The latter resulting in major financial savings for the client.
-Number of resources managed: 2-5 -Value/cost of projects: Acc. value +450m DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Old school as client didn't have a specific model.
2018-09 - 2018-12
-Number of resources managed: N/A -Value/cost of projects: +250m DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Agile, Prince2 organized, client focus.
Danish investor/Business Angel - Indep. contractor (03.2017 - 02.2018).
The investor needed a unified approach on evaluating his portfolio. This involved measuring technological maturity, risk management, strategic evaluation etc.
My responsibilities covered: • Conducting technological assessments for the individual companies in the portfolio. This involved identifying cross-portfolio KPIs.
• Conductions risk assessments enhanced with opportunity assessment. This would provide the investor with a better view on both pit-falls and opportunities to be prioritized and eagerly pursued.
• General advices on technological trends and spotting of start-ups with partnering potential providing synergies.
-Number of resources managed: 2
2016-10 - 2017-01
Reengineering the existing 'development process for interfaces' in the Business-to-Business department. The B2B was facing severe challenges with bottle-necks in development, quality, work-unit prioritization, standards and best practise. This being spiced up with a global development organization without a proper recognition of the need for a unified framework for development, documentation, quality, sign-offs and customer interaction.
My responsibilities covered: • Setting up the general programme and getting it in productive mode. Enabling handover to local programme manager to take over.
• Developing new standard development procedures with high scalability, compliance and simplification as the main objectives. This followed by an actual implementation of the model.
• Developing Stand Operational Procedures for Change Management and Customer approvals.
• Strict guidelines for documentation including new templates.
• Setting up global standard repositories (in MS SharePoint) for storing documentation, best practise and approvals. Repositories using MS SharePoint.
• Developing simple tools, i.e. a generic model for effort estimation, risk rating, management overview based on KPIs.
• Design and planning of a Test Center of Excellence powered by smart test-tools.
• Generic model for on-boarding new staff, thus enabling interim resources to join the teams and rapidly become productive.
• Arranging weekly conference calls with walk-throughs of in-process and in-pipeline work units. This providing management with a detailed overview of current situation and expected future workload, enabling correct reporting to Maersk General Management.
• General assistance for the Department Manager and stand-in in his absence.
• Most of the above-mentioned tasks being tied together in a programme, sustained by a project plan, risk analysis, change management approach and budget.
-Number of resources managed: 25 FTE incl. Global Delivery.
-Value/cost of projects: N/A -Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Turn-over of delivery model and processes. Assign individual tasks and track frequently. All done with no interference with clients on-boading.
2015-09 - 2016-07
My responsibilities covered: • Partnering up with Account Managers and Directors, once a lead is tangible.
• Taking full responsibility as an opportunity owner, drive the proposal process and the allocated bidteam, identify the win themes, value propositions and the winning price, obtain internal approvals at all levels.
• Manage the trailing process of negotiations, finally closing the deal.
• Handover to the delivery organization. This being done through an internal handover process, with me having an active role at Project/Portfolio Management level.
• Grooming new markets and opportunities. I had the pleasure of establishing a strategy for the Norwegian public sector. Many learnings from the Danish public sector applied and used.
• All bids and proposals were managed according to standards for project management, i.e. project plan, staffing, costs, risk assessment, approval plan etc. All bids and proposal contained a full project plan for realization.
-Number of resources managed: 8 to 25.
-Value/cost of projects: +200m DKR -Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Prince2, continuous delivery model.
2014-02 - 2015-08
My responsibilities covered: • Partnering up with the specific Key Account Managers once a lead is tangible.
• Taking full responsibility as an opportunity owner, drive the proposal process and the allocated bidteam, identify the win themes, value propositions and the winning price, obtain internal approvals at all levels.
• Manage the trailing process of negotiations, finally closing the deal.
• Handover to (by joining on an interim basis) the delivery organization.
• All bids and proposals were managed according to standards for project management, i.e. project plan, staffing, costs, risk assessment, approval plan etc. All bids and proposal contained a full project plan for realization.
In KMD I have obtained the following results: • Obtaining prequalification on all tenders applied for.
• Strongly contributing to KMD's pricing and value proposition on several deals with KOMBIT and Udbetaling Danmark.
• Winning the A&D / EORI tender at SKAT. KMD won with a high score on qualitatively criteria's and a maximum score on pricing.
• Establishing an internal innovation organization in order to strengthen position with a very large client and produce an increased upsale on existing contracts.
• Approved overall bid strategy (value proposition, pricing etc.) for all forthcoming tenders from a very large Public Client.
-Number of resources managed: from 2-3 teams to 40 (+ global delivery).
-Value/cost of projects: +300m DKR -Hands on approach to proj. mgt: Prince2, agile approach. Programme approach of gathering all activities with SKAT into one coherent organization, beginning with client facing responsibilities gradually working the way to include delivery org. Onboarding of client solutions according to a generic 'Lift-transform-shift' model and a standardized operations platform.
2011-06 - 2014-02
Working within Sales & Solution Management on various assignments, I was responsible for outlining business opportunities and technical solutions to Clients. I was engaged from a handover from Key Account Manager, to the actual establishing of the delivery project. Highlighted accounts/solutions: • Sundhedsplatformen (Healthcare Platform) - I was responsible for the Application Management part (50% of TCV) of IBM's bid on new healthcare platform for Region Hovedstaden and Region Sjælland.
• UDK, Udbetaling Danmark - I was responsible for IBM's forthcoming 4 bids with UDK. Bid strategy and Solution Strategy completed and approved. Bid strategy differentiated from usual IBM approach, as I believed that price would be a minor award criteria and quality be the major. Bid-focus to be "How can the solution sustain both the UDK factory production approach and still have the end-user (citizen) as 1st. priority".
• BEC - Decommissioning of DL1 databases in order to reduce license costs. Solution included Global Delivery setup, conversion to DB/2 and a 'smart testing' approach.
• Nordea - Establishing a batch optimization initiative with the objectives of stabilizing production, mitigating severe risks and enabling smooth migration processes. Project focused on quality and cross-national unification.
• TetraPak - Solution design and project establishment of new world wide SharePoint intranet portal. Including international sourcing and Global Delivery.
• LeoPharma - Solution design of AMS on an entire SAP solution. +50 FTE and global delivery.
• JN Data - Lead consultant on process and quality improvement initiative. JN Data Group Management wanted to establish low-level management 'tools' enabling team-managers to evaluate effect of team effort.
• Maersk Sealand - transition of Application Management from one Global Delivery vendor to IBM's Global Delivery organization. Including +150 resources transferred.
• All bids and proposals were managed according to standards for project management, i.e. project plan, staffing, costs, risk assessment, approval plan etc. All bids and proposal contained a full project plan for realization.
All deals including extensive use of IBM assets (technology, processes, best practices etc.) as well as a high degree of global delivery.
I held a position as Nordic Lead on IBM's Managed Testing Services offering. The position included pre-sales responsibility (joining with Key Account Managers), planning and execution. I have fronted, advised and engaged with several large clients directly improving their testing abilities and outsourcing their internal test departments to off-shored IBM operations. Highlighted accounts/solutions:
• Sandvik - implementing managed testing services on HR and financial IT-solutions. Solution serving as POC prior to a global roll-out of managed testing services. +125 FTE
• Nfit (financial sector) - Design of offshored managed testing services on Calypso solution. Commoditizing IBM competence center in India, to deliver the service.
-Number of resources managed: from 2-3 teams to 40 (+ global delivery).
-Value/cost of projects: N/A -Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Prince2, agile approach. Onboarding of client solutions according to a 'Lift-transform-shift' model.
2007-01 - 2011-05
I had the responsibilities of producing and approving bids from KMD to the governmental market. This includes an assessment of all the individual parts of the bid (proposed business/ technical solution, estimate, price, resource/competence needs, timeframes, prerequisites etc.) as well as establishing the delivery model (local resources, consultants, offshoring resources in primarily India and other vendors). Bids and proposals were managed according to standards for project management, i.e. project plan, staffing, costs, risk assessment, approval plan etc. All bids and proposal contained a full project plan for realization.
I was also leading KMD's program with a very large union (HK). Overall responsibility to ensure daily operations on existing system and heading 2 development projects.
I have had responsibility/co-responsibility of closing contracts to an accumulated value of +35 mio. US $. I have managed/participated in a major part of the negotiations both with clients and KMD's contracted vendors. I have resided in several Steering Committees. I have produced Issue Management plans with proposed press related actions.
-Number of resources managed: From 15 to 40.
-Value/cost of projects: Acc. value +225m DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Develop solution, participate in bid, close contracts and establish/organize/control transition project, when in steady-state hand-over to delivery. Developing and implementing the AMS concept in KMD.
2006-05 - 2006-12
The project had +20 participants and involved a backend mainframe solution with a front-end website along with organising production, maintenance and support (user and citizen). The system had payment interfaces with banks, hence strict requirements in regards of resilience and persistency. The project was finalised according to plans and with the client's acceptance of all requirements met.
-Number of resources managed: +20 FTE.
-Value/cost of projects: ? -Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Prince2, reorg. of project according to priorities. Onboard proper competencies. Revitalize client interactions.
2005-03 - 2006-04
2005-10 - 2006-04
Both assignments were based in Copenhagen in an international English-speaking environment.
-Number of resources managed: Ass. 1: 2 FTE, ass. 2: 15 FTE.
-Value/cost of projects: Not known, but the implementation is the largest SAP implementation in DK.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Ass. 2: Prince2, aquire tracking information and deliver to consolidated tracking base enabling 8 individual roll-out projects. Ensure capacities and competencies.
2004-06 - 2005-03
As a result of a rapidly decline in performance and stability in the SAP portfolio, an extremely critical situation aroused. Increasingly lack of system access and rapidly increase in process errors had a very critical impact on business. As a counter action a task force with +100 participants was established (in addition +200 off-shore resources in India), with the objective of stabilising systems and enhance response times substantially. The objectives were met already after 5 months but the task force continued, ensuring stability and increasing performance even further. The project was based in Stockholm, Sweden in an international, English speaking environment.
-Number of resources managed: app. 300 FTE.
-Value/cost of projects: N/A. Not calculated, as actions were considered emergency actions. Costs driven by FTEs and high-performance hardware purchases.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Organized in small teams determining problems, root-causes and solutions. Delivery model was large development teams in India with an on-site team-lead. Due to the nature of the program, the approach can best be described as 'we make it up, as we go along'.
2002-01 - 2003-09
As a joint owner of the company (producing 'state-of-the-art' kitchens and ward robes), I was requested to join the company as a Managing Director on an interim basis (1 year +). The company moving from being a minor producer wanted to become a mid-range player, for better utilization of available resources and selling potentials. The main objective was to facilitate this expansion.
-Number of resources managed: 50 -Value/cost of projects: Revenue/year 75m DKR.
2000-03 - 2001-11
2001-12 - 2001-01
-Number of resources managed: 5 - 15 FTE.
-Value/cost of projects: N/A -Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Establish a high-frequency delivery model. Deliver integration pro-actively (acc. To business priorities) thereby enabling a swarm of smaller independent project (RAD approach). Establish dep. with resp. of data-management spanning the whole company.
1999-10 - 2000-03
During the assignment, I developed a guided methodology for purchasing and integrating new companies. The acquisition was organized by operational procedures, reports, guidelines and checklists. IT services were reorganized from small independent units into larger central services.
-Number of resources managed: none.
-Value/cost of projects: total aq. amount exceeding 100m DKR.
1997-11 - 1999-10
The strategic project was the core of the future insurance systems in Danske Bank. The project took very large consideration to future acquisitions and company merges, regarding data, applications, business rules and business logic. The project spanned more than 3,5 years subsequently more than 150 man-years.
-Number of resources managed: 18 FTE incr. to 45 FTE + 5 business reps.
-Value/cost of projects: appr. 100m DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Prince2, traditional tracking and reporting, high-performance teams on testing and integration. High degree of business involvement.
1993-12 - 1997-10
Primary tasks: • Project management and coaching for PM's.
• Management of systems purchase process/tender, including vendor management and negotiations, administration of businesscase.
• Development and deployment of general HR strategy - Client was later awarded the national HR price for innovative thinking.
-Number of resources managed: teams varied from 2 to 30 FTE.
-Value/cost of projects: acc. +350m DKR. Largest project 130m DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: Enable public tender by producing requirements specs, conduct the tender, enable delivery project and receiving organization and hand-over to local PM. Everything according to company specific project models.
1991-01 - 1996-01
1991-01 - 1996-01
-Number of resources managed: 10 FTE.
-Value/cost of projects: revenue/year - 10-15m DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: develop core solution and add module by module. Old school approach on resources, tracking, reporting etc.
1991-03 - 1993-12
-Number of resources managed: 8 FTE.
-Value/cost of projects: 35m DKR. Standard implementation rollout model developed for the client to utilize including hardware and misc. infrastructure.
1989-06 - 1991-03
-Number of resources managed: 6 FTE -Value/cost of projects: +60m DKR.
-Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: resp. for front-end system being 1/3 of overall solution and all planning and governance associated. Project approach was est. integrations and afterwards continuous delivery to test/prod bench.
1988-12 - 1989-06
-Number of resources managed: N/A -Value/cost of projects: +50m DKR
1987-11 - 1988-12
-Number of resources managed: 5 FTE -Value/cost of projects: 10m DKR -Hands on approach to proj. mgmt: simple PM tasks + reporting, progress, client contact. No specific model followed, but old school approach on resources, tracking, reporting etc. High degree of client facing.
1986-01 - 1987-10
Academic Background
1990-06 - 1995-10
1986-01 - 1989-06
1980-07 - 1988-10