analysing data flows between platforms in Danish real estate evaluation systems (Tax ministry), scripting tests.
Platforms: Windows, Citrix Tools: T-SQL, PostgreSQL, JSON, HP ALM, OEMM (Oracle metadata management)
Community of Copenhagen
2017-01 - 2020-01
Assistance in Mainframe phase-out: Mapping and documenting SAS and DB2 databases, OPC applications and batch jobs. Moving SAS batch jobs to SQL Server Integration Services, moving SAS/SCL application to SQL Server with Access interface.
Tools: z/OS, OPC, Savers, JCL, SAS on mainframe. SAS, SQL Server, SSIS, Microsoft Access, Visual Studio, WinSCP, C# on Windows.ETL modeling, Data Warehousing.
2019-01 - 2019-01
Moving Data Integration applications from SAS to SQL Server Integration Services.
Tools: SAS, SSIS, XML, T-SQL, SQL Server. ETL modelling, Data Vault and BI modeling.
Platform: Windows
Visit Denmark
2017-01 - 2017-01
Configuration of SAS/VA user groups and security. Tools: Microsoft Windows, SAS/VA, SAS Management Console
Danske Bank
2015-01 - 2016-01
Maintenance, development and support of Data Transformation system "Server Parameter Matrix". Parallelization of SQL server bulk load and SAS processes.
Tools: SAS, SQL server, OPC, Excel. Data modelling, ETL optimization.
Platforms: Windows, z/OS
new platform, user and programmer support
JN Data
2016-01 - 2016-01
Installation of SAS 9.4 on z/OS, including SAS/Connect spawners. Conversion of OPC jobs (about 800) to new platform, user and programmer support.
Tools: SAS, JCL, OPC, X-info.
Platforms: z/OS, USS, Windows (client)
JN Data
2015-01 - 2015-01
Surveillance, support and deployment of SAS installations on z/OS (5-6 different partitions) Tools: SAS/Base, Xinfo, OPC, $avers, DB2, USS Platform: z/OS
2014-01 - 2015-01
Design and development of EDW and dimensional modelling databases for customer retention Tools: SAS/Base, SAS/Macro, SAS/DI Studio, Oracle, SQL Server, SSAS, Excel Platform: Windows 2014 Bus og Tog Evaluating and documenting programs for distributing revenue from the Danish Electronic Travelcard.
Platforms: Windows.
Tools: SAS, SPD server, Data analysis.
Platform: Windows.
Tryg Insurance
2013-01 - 2014-01
BI Creating detailed data store Data Vault on Exadata, using data from company mainframe and public sources.
Tools: SAS, Oracle/Exadata, JCL. Data Warehousing, modelling Platforms: AIX, Windows, z/OS.
Danske Capital
2010-01 - 2012-01
SAS support, maintenance and development. Developing and maintaning systems in Excel, Access. Creating af batch jobs, portfolio calculations etc. in SimCorp Dimension. Upgrading SAS (32 to 64 bits), Oracle and Dimension.
Tools: SAS, Oracle, VBA, SimCorp Dimension, Excel, Access, Data analysis, Data modelling.
Danske Bank IT
2009-01 - 2010-01
Asset Management Developing ETL system as a base for reports Tools: SAS, Oracle, PL/SQL, SimCorp Dimension, Data analysis and modelling, ETL architecture.
Tryg Insurance
2008-01 - 2009-01
Reporting and analyses: Customer segmentation and CRM, calculation of commission for brokers.
Tools: SAS, JCL, OPC. Data modelling, Data warehousing.
SAS/Datawarehouse consultant
Community of Copenhagen
2007-01 - 2008-01
Design and implementation of object-oriented framework for SAS/Intrnet applications. Analysis, design and development of scorecard application for LEAN process. Advice on OPC automation of ETL processes.
Tools: SAS/Intrnet, SAS/SCL, SAS Macro, Visio. Data Modelling, BI architecture.
SAS/Datawarehouse developer
Alm. Brand insurance
2006-01 - 2007-01
Maintenance, operations and develeopment of "History engine" (SAS/Macro application for ETL-processes).
Tools: SAS (Base og ACCESS), Informix, Oracle. Data and ETL architecture, EDW modelling.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2004-01 - 2006-01
In Nicaragua, parental leave, "spouse". (Wife then worked at Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
(Contributed to some open source projects, mostly WxWindows Tools: C++)
Data Architect
Mærsk Container Business
2003-01 - 2004-01
Analysis of existing databases, design of ODS/infrastructure components - comparing and reconciliating architecture in a large number of systems, e.g. SAP, Oracle Financials and bespoke.
Tools: System Architect, ErWin, SQL. Data analysis, Data modelling.
Data Warehouse developer/analyst
2002-01 - 2003-01
Design and development of applications for calculating customer profitability, including risk analysis. Operations planning for Data warehouse tables. Collecting data from various sources (ETL process). Design and development of online applications.
Tools: SAS, DB2/SQL, OPC. Data analysis and modelling.
2001-01 - 2002-01
Converting data to new format.
Tools: SAS, DB2, Y2K.
Real Danmark
2000-01 - 2000-01
Real Danmark/BG Bank Application for collection of data from ATMs. Maintenance and development of reporting system for stockbrokers (AIX).
Tools: SAS, HTML, AIX. Data analysis, BI modelling and development.
2000-01 - 2000-01
Data extraction and development of online applications for reporting to National Bank/ECB Tools: SAS, SQL, Excel, Data analysis and modelling.
Technical consultant
Greater Copenhagen Hospitals
1999-01 - 1999-01
Moving SAS environment to new mainframe environment, setting up RACF and SAS resources. General advice on Data Warehouse and related subjects.
1997-01 - 1998-01
Global Services
Systems consultant
IBM Global Services/Business Intelligence
1997-01 - 1998-01
Data Warehouse development for customers (mostly in pensions and insurance).
Design and development of reporting applications.
Y2K assurance of SAS applications.
Teaching SAS/ASSIST, SQL and SAS.
Tools: SAS, DB2, OPC, Data analysis and modelling (EDW and BI)
Danica IT
1995-01 - 1997-01
Danica Life Insurance IT
1995-01 - 1997-01
SAS installation responsible.
Day to day management of SAS group (4 persons).
SAS user forums and courses, (SAS/BASE, reporting, SQL). General support of SAS user. Applications for CRM analyses.
Development of ETL tools and applications (SAS, DB2, DL/1). Development and support of sales management system.
Operations support and planning.
Baltica Insurance IT
1992-01 - 1995-01
Systems Consultant/developer
Baltica Insurance IT
1992-01 - 1995-01
Development and maintenance of ETL tools, applications for market analyses, setting up SAS environment on PC platforms, development of statistical databases for Life Insurance.
Setting up CA Endevor for use with SAS.
1990-01 - 1992-01
Systems Consultant
Danica Life Insurance IT
1990-01 - 1992-01
Supporting SAS and PC users, developing BI reporting systems.
Baltica Holding, Trainee
Preferred Assurance
1988-01 - 1990-01
9 months in non-life actuary, ETL, SAS and APL programming, design of claims Data Warehouse. 7 months at Preferred Assurance, England, doing market analyses, data validation and development of economic models, and finally 8 months in Administrative Planning, doing various analyses.
Agricultural and IT consultant
Ravnsborg Bredbåndsnet
1987-01 - 1988-01
Assistant Forest Officer, Hedeselskabet
1986-01 - 1987-01
Assistant Forest Officer
Danish Land Development Corporation
1986-01 - 1987-01
Smaller research projcts, customer database introduction, customer contacts.
1984-01 - 1986-01
Junior Professional Officer
1984-01 - 1986-01
Brava sand Dune Fixation Project.
Construction and management of nursery, teaching local employees and forestry students, technical planning, project accounts.
Academic Background
M. Sc.
1977-01 - 1983-01
Microsoft 461, Querying SQL Server
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