Systemintegration & Java Specialist Uppsala, Sweden

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(Mis à jour 2020-05-16)

Systemintegration & Java Specialist

Uppsala, Sweden

Natif Svenska, Courant English, Débutant Finnish

  • Utvecklingsmetodik
  • Kommunikativ Systemintegrationsspecialist
  • 10+ års erfarenhet av Java, Spring med flera olika lagringsteknologier

Compétences (29)















domain driven design

















Career Goals

I want assignments where I do more than implement given solutions, much more. I  enjoy working and collaborating on the design and implementation of solutions in complex domains but also sorting out what’s really needed from a business point of view. I am also very interested in process and methodology, the how and what to do to make teams and businesses produce great results in a fun and rewarding way. I have contributed a lot in those areas as well in my previous assignments.

Primary skills

I see myself primarily as a Java Developer and Integration specialist. I have worked with a divserse set of technologies within the Java eco system such as Spring Boot 1&2, Play! framework and JPA, JMS and an ever growing list of  technologies. I have worked with microservice based architectures as well as monolithic ones. I am very familiar with JUnit and

TDD and have documented opinions from others who really like the way I structure my code. I usually become the driver of conceptual excellence in projects, as well as bridging communication between different competencies. I also bring a lot of humour and can-do attitude to my teams. 

I have also previously done a lot of front-end development with Html5/CSS/JS stack with different frameworks such as VueJS, VuEx and JQuery. I wouldn’t mind getting back into that, I’m good with the concepts but would definitely need to read up on some of the more modern tech. 

Expérience professionnelle

Senior Developer and System Integrations

2017-12 - Actuel

GDPR-C (4 months)

I came to ATG with an initial assignment of designing a system for automating the collection of data across internal systems to meet requirements from GDPR. From a vague set of demands from the customer me and 3 others developed a distributed, almost fully event-driven microservice, there was a lot of information across the organisation to learn, and also promoting our event driven approach to designing applications.

Virtual Messaging Team (18 months)

I was assigned the role of enabling a lot of cross-organisation information sharing in various projects using Solace, and thereby developing an information model for future initiatives to use. It involved a lot of communication between different parts of the organisation as well as gaining knowledge of a lot of the main systems and ongoing projects.

Project-M (12 months)

In parallel to the above I was involved in project M which had as mission to implement solutions for following the new gambling regulations posed by the Swedish government. I worked mainly with getting Integrations in place between several systems and developing services in order to get Tracking and reporting of customer behaviour in place.

Account Backend (14 months)

Recently I've been a part of the Helix team where we maintain and develop services for Responsible gambling, payment and customer accounts, and also remained a part of the cross organisation messaging team.

Method: Scrum and other Agile flavours, Micro services

Platforms/Tech: Java 8//11, JMS, JPA, REST APIs, Kubernetes(via Openshift), Solace, AMQP (RabbitMQ), GOCD, Oauth 2.0, JavaScript, AWS, serverless, lambda functions, yaml, OSX
Spring boot 1 & 2, Maven, JUnit, npm, Intellij, GIT/GITHUB, JIRA, Confluence, Splunk, GOCD, Ansible

Developer - front-end
Telia company Uppsala

2016-09 - 2017-11

Telia CallGuide
When I joined the team at Telia they had wanted to start their Agile transition journey for some time. So the first few weeks were dedicated to get that transformation going. I was part of planning and teaching a 2-day workshop where I motivated and explained the scrum process and agile values and mindset.

As the transformation started, I turned my full focus to development, joining a team that was to start work on a web-based, real-time client, visualizing key aspects of CallGuide events and state. My main focus was to lay the foundation for advanced UI interaction and the data structure of the client.

CallGuide is a customer service solution used by large organisations across Sweden.

Method: Scrum

Tech: JavaScript(VueJS2, lodash), CSS3, HTML5, Windows, OSX, VueJS2, lodash, npm, yarn, PostCSS, Webstorm, GIT, subversion, JIRA

Java Consultant
Omegapoint AB

2011-09 - 2016-08

Employed at Omegapoint, I had several contract assignments for different clients.

Parental Leave
Omegapoint AB

2015-07 - 2016-08

Java Developer

2015-01 - 2015-06

CT replacement

In this assignment I was helping the Swedish Tax Agency in their efforts to replace a number of older internal systems for administrative functions. The aim was to combine the functionality of those into a single web application. My main responsibility was front-end development and providing Scrum and Tech guidance.

Methods: Scrum, RUP

Tech: Java 6, CSS, JavaScript, Windows, JSF2, Primefaces 5, Facelets, Junit, Clearcase


2014-09 - 2014-12

Axstores Item Management

At Axstores I worked a lot on Integration with different Axstores systems. A large part of my assignment was to refactor parts of a Product pre-processing system that suffered from bad performance or poor maintainability. My biggest contribution though was the batch job
framework built for this system, using the Akka framework (with Java API).

Method: Scrum

Tech: Java 7, Oracle, LinuX, Akka, Play! Framework 2, JPA2, JAXB, Dozer, Jackson, JUnit, GIT

Developer - Front-end
Ericsson AB

2013-11 - 2014-06
I started the assignment in a pure front-end developer role. As the assignment progressed I moved to become a bridge between front-end and back-end developers and contributed to all major parts of the system. I was also very involved in improving the ways of working and updating old technology in the technology stack of the aged system. I also held a short seminar on code quality aimed at Java developers. I was later asked to come back as front-end lead but unfortunately was not able to accept.

Method: Scrum

Tech: Java 7, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Windows, JSP, Stripe, Spring core, RequireJS, JQuery, JMVC, Maven

Scrum master / Lead
Omegapoint AB Stockholm

2013-09 - 2013-10

CV-database POC

I had the roles of scrum master and developer in this green field, in-house project. I was mainly responsible for designing the poc and leading the team as scrum master.

Method: Scrum

Tech: Java 7, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, LinuX, Spring core, Hibernate, JPA2, JQuery, Maven

Developer - Full-stack
Folksam Stockholm

2013-05 - 2013-06

CRM-system (Mina sidor)

Personal contribution In this assignment I maintained a CRM system which had a lot of structural- and browser compatibility problems. A key contribution was delivering a feature in a week which they previously failed to deliver for a year.

Method: RUP-like

Tech: Java 4-6, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Windows, JSP, Struts, JUnit, WAS 7&8, RAD8, Clear Case

Developer - Full-stack lead
Folksam Stockholm

2012-09 - 2013-04


With high demands on reliability I worked on a payroll system. The system consumed sales events from several sales systems and processed them to calculate bonuses for the internal sales people at the company. The results of the calculations were then reported back to the main payroll system as base data for salary payouts. My main contribution was transaction handling and the big picture application architecture, and also introducing TDD as a way to raise code quality.

Method: TDD, Kanban, RUP

Tech: Java 6, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, WAS 7&8 Windows, Spring (Core, Webflow, Test, Tx), JPA 2, JSF 2, JUnit, Maven, Mockito, IntelliJ IDEA, RAD8, Mercurial

Parental leave

2012-01 - 2012-08

Developer - Back-end
SVTi Stockholm

2011-09 - 2011-11


Personal contribution With high demands on testability I developed integrations between the system for broadcasts and the new CMS backing

Method TDD/BDD, Scrum, Kanban
Platforms Java 6, JavaScript, XML, LinuX
Frameworks / tools Spring (Core, MVC), Apache Camel, JUnit, Mockito, Maven,
Intellij IDEA, Mercurial
Java developer
Applicate AB

2009-09 - 2011-08

At Applicate I started working as a resource consultant, and got hired after 6 months.

Developer - Full-stack
Infotorg Stockholm

2009-09 - 2011-08

I developed and maintained front-end and back-end of a large web portal which delivered business information about private individuals, businesses, vechicles, real-estate and law. I was also highly involved in process & tool improvements for the team.

Method: Scrum

Tech: Java 6, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, Escenic, FAST ESP, FQL, Websphere Application Server 6, Windows, LinuX, Spring (Core, MVC), JUnit, Mockito, DOJO, RAD7&8, Netbeans, Mercurial, CVS, Jenkins/Hudson

Junior Software developer

2008-04 - 2009-08

My first job out of college was as a Junior resource consultant.

Developer - Full-stack

2009-01 - 2009-08

I, as a one person team was responsible for the design and development of a website showcasing the school's educational programs. I used the CMS that was already in place but also developed helper applications to add features which were lacking in the CMS, such as a tool to create a success story slideshow without programming skills.

Method: No formal process

Tech: XHTML, CSS, ActionScript 3.0, C#, ADDCMS, Windows, Adobe Flash

Developer - Full-stack
Ericsson AB

2008-04 - 2008-12

Wireless office

I was part of a 2 scrum team effort, where I was in a team responsible for developing and maintaining the persistence layer of a virtual PBX application. I also personally implemented and designed the web ui for finish customer Sonera. One specific task for me in the maintenance of the system was to increase test coverage through automated Junit tests.

Method: Scrum

Tech: JAVA 1.4, Groovy, XHTML, CSS, WebLogic, Windows, LinuX, JSP, Ant, JUnit, Eclipse, Visual Source Safe (VSS)

Developer - Full-stack
GatorHole AB Stockholm

2006-04 - 2006-08

Network testing system

I fixed the Master-server part of an existing but largely broken application with a Master - Server - Client architecture, meaning there was one Master server coordinating tests for a collection of Server-client setups. The system, ordered by ESA was meant to aid in testing network performance in hard to reach destinations around the globe. I also executed and helped in enhancing the RUP style test plan.

Method: RUP

Tech: PHP, PascalScript, Postgres SQL

Developer - Full-stack
Reinhold Lifestyle AB

2005-05 - 2005-12

Admin system for Gym Website

In this 2-man project, I was responsible for server side as well as client-side development of a website with a public front-end and a simple admin system for adding news and editing the café menu items.

Method: Scrum


Parcours scolaire

Royal Institute of Technology

2001-01 - 2007-01

Tumba Gymnasium
Tumba Gymnasium

1997-01 - 2000-01

Primary school
Primary school

1988-01 - 1997-01


Certified Scrum Master
Oracle Certified Associate Java 7
Oracle Certified Professional Java 7

Contact prestataire
