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(Mis à jour 2023-01-20)Software Engineer
Figueres, Spain
Natif Catalan; Valencian, Spanish, Intermédiaire English
- +10 años de experiencia en C++
- Algoritmos de optmiización
- +10 años de experiencia en PHP, API Restful y MySQL
Compétences (28)
Ray Tracing
CAD Software
Based in my academic and professional background, I'm interested in the design of algorithms and
optimization methods on complex computational problems, and their implementations. I'm focused on
those technologies that can allow me to release my potential through my own and others' ideas. The
progression in my career goes towards providing solutions to people and companies that require
workarounds to improve the efficiency and quality of their projects. I am looking forward to making an
impact on people's lives with my daily work collaborating in products that can really help people.
Expérience professionnelle
2012-01 - 2022-01
Environments: windows applications, linux, standalone software, middleware, cloud, web front-end and back-end, mobile development.
Technologies: Visual C++, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, HTML, CSS, JS, AJAX, Bootstrap, Slim, Doctrine, AWS, Google Developers, Git, Java, Android, Objective-C, Swift, D3.js, TCPDF, Wordpress, Materialize framework, Vuforia, C, OpenGL.
2002-01 - 2015-01
Main responsibilities: software development, IT consultant, project manager, computer engineering teaching, consultant and developer of CAD and rendering software, seminar and conference presentations, conferences organization and journal publishing, and design and implementation of data visualization models, simulation software, computer graphics algorithms, parallel algorithms, hardware accelerated ray-tracing algorithms and local and global optimization algorithms.
Environments: standalone software, linux Technologies: C, C++, Python, OpenGL, CUDA, VRML, Qt, LaTeX
2000-01 - 2004-01
Environments: windows applications, standalone software Technologies: C++, Visual C++.
Main projects Ecostreetlight: Research project to improve the efficiency of European street lights, specially on roads and highways. The project focuses on improve the relation between the light bulb and the holder. An optimization algorithm searches for holder shapes that reduce the power loss in more than 5%. The project was defined into the UE 7PM CAPACITIES program, and managed by the University of Girona.
Responsibilities: Design and implementation of the optimization algorithm, based on GPGPU and parallel programming, and data visualization methods to analyze the efficiency.
EasyStart: Project to create a software to control micro-measurement devices, from routine control to results processing and anomalies detection. The software must be robust and secure to work in 24/7 industrial environments.
Responsibilities: Design and implementation of windows application.
Customer: Metrotecnica.
Thinksmarter: Project to detect and analyze crowd movements using Wifi and IoT based sensors.
Focused on cloud deployments and providing analytics to business and organizations.
Responsibilities: Design and implementation of tools to process and summarize the collected data and to generate automatic reports. Development of different RESTfull APIs.
Customer: Thinksmarter Analytics, Taoglas.
AITrans: This project is a ERP for the management of a bus fleet. It includes an optimization algorithm that searches the best daily routes to minimize costs.
Responsibilities: Design and implementation of the system.
Customer: MAYPE, Acció IT.
BeatThatBill: Voucher platform project. Businesses can create their own vouchers, that are redeemed using a mobile app. Automatic redeem and voucher delivery with bluetooth strategies. It has been applied to Cork, Ireland, reaching over 15000 users.
Responsibilities: Android app development, backoffice web dashboard development, API development.
Customer: BeatThatBill Limited.
HCB Catalogue: Compressor online catalog, with a technical sheet generator. The catalog allows to calculate in real-time, particular compressor working conditions. It also includes a capillar calculation system. The system is based on a big database with its own content management application Responsibilities: Implementation of algorithms, design and development of automatic document generation tool, front and back-end development.
Customer: Huayi Compressor Barcelona.
Container planner: Project for the creation of a planner for pallet placement in containers. The system creates an optimal pallet distribution based on a set of products and boxes. Then the pallets are distributed into containers minimizing the empty spaces and following the safety rules. The planner is an online tool that allows customers to calculate the shipping costs of the product selection.
Responsibilities: Design and implementation of the system, optimization algorithms, front-end and document generators. Connection with the online catalog.
Customer: Huayi Compressor Barcelona.
Custom ERP: This is a set of different projects based on design and development of custom ERPs, CRMs and DMSs. Each project fits exactly with the customer requirements, reducing the user learning curve. The projects are modular and cloud based. They include data management tools, report generation, data visualization tools, notifications, events programming, connectors with existent products and REST APIs.
Responsabilities: Design and implementation of the system.
Customers: Sant Joan de Déu CET Intecserveis, Famase, Rodà, Rhodestour, Armacell.
Parcours scolaire
2022-10 - 2011-01