Senior Java Developer Malmö, Sverige

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(Mis à jour 2022-01-17)

Senior Java Developer

Malmö, Sverige

Natif English

  • Java Expert
  • Python
  • Ci/CD

Compétences (15)

















Dennis is an energetic, competent and ambitious software developer who holds a true passion for making use of technology to solve real world problems. He is very analytical and result oriented in his work, never losing track of any details in the software development process.  He is specialized in Java and holds a deep understanding of system design, architecture and CI/CD.

He is a true team player, making sure that all of its members are working in an efficient manner, but still takes time to experiment and play around with new technology. He also holds a bachelor's degree in information technology and computer science.

Expérience professionnelle

Software Engineer
Skymill AB

2021-01 - Actuel

Skymill is a software and product development company based i Malmö with clients all over Öresund and Sweden Responsibilities and concepts: Backend development, Software Architecture Technologies used: Java, Clojure, Python, Docker, Kubernetes
Software Engineer

2019-01 - 2021-01

DTOne is a network for mobile top up solutions, mobile rewards and phone to phone solutions. Was involved as a backend developer in a variety of projects Selection of projects Tunisia Ooredoo Lending and Recovery (Backend development), Tunisia Ooredoo Push SMS (Backend development), Skymill AB, Skeppsgatan 19, 211 11 Malmö, 0763-166500 Niger Airtel Recovery Application (Backend development) Technologies used: Java8, Apache Kafka, Clojure, Docker
Senior Software Engineer

2021-01 - 2021-01

Developed high-quality software design and architecture for Safaricom. Working mainly on the backend solution in a team from Safaricom.
Technologies used: Java 11, Apache Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes
Backend Developer
Panaqia Events

2021-01 - 2021-01

Worked mainly with Java on the backend of a booking and payment site.
Technologies used: Java 11, Spring boot
Software Engineer
Mobile Decisioning

2018-01 - 2019-01

MODE is at the forefront of mobile financial technology, providing airtime credit and microloans to millions of mobile phone users across Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Selection of projects: Afghanistan MML (Backend Development) Developed applications in Clojure and Python to meet customers requirements. Also designed and implemented test plans for unit testing.
Technologies used: Java 8, Clojure, Python
Technical Mentor/Curriculum Engineer
Moringa School

2017-01 - 2018-01

Developed, planned and implemented the curriculum for the school. Acted as a mentor for other technical staff and carried out mid-year development reviews, training and assessment.
Technologies used:. Java 8, Android, Spring boot
ICT Support Engineer

2016-01 - 2017-01

Installing and configuring hardware and operating systems and applications in order to monitor and maintain other systems for the WASREB. Responsible for setting up accounts and handling ids and access for a variety of different users.
Technologies used:. PHP Skymill AB, Skeppsgatan 19, 211 11 Malmö, 0763-166500 Languages & tools Java, Apache Kafka, Spring Boot, Spring cloud, Docker, Kubernetes, Apache Spark, PHP

Parcours scolaire

Software Engineering
Moringa School

2017-01 - 2017-01

BSc in Computer Science
Jomo Kenyatta University

2013-01 - 2016-01

Contact prestataire
