Senior EA-, IT- and Solution Architect Stockholm, Sweden

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Senior EA-, IT- and Solution Architect

Stockholm, Sweden

Débutant Svenska, English

  • Solution and results focused, organized, driven, prestige less and focused
  • 20 years of experience in architecting and designing critical solutions
  • Long experience .NET, Azure as well as Java and AI/ML

Compétences (47)







.NET 3.5





.NET 2.0


SQL Server







Software Engineering

.NET 3.0













Visual Basic













Expérience professionnelle

Solution/Technical Architect

2018-04 - Actuel

Stockholm, Sweden
• Type of business or sector IT Consultancy
• Occupation or position held Solution/Technical Architect
• Main activities and Self-employed at Adango AB. Adango is an IT-consultancy company focusing on IT and solution
responsibilities architecture and development.

Large Swedish insurance company: IT and Solution Architect
Main responsibilities included setting future architectural goals for multiple domains. Work to enhance
and set future reference architecture. Setting architectural guidelines, principles and standards for architects and development teams. Producing architectural roadmaps for long term architectural
changes/movements. Implementation and code reviews. Working close with key stakeholders and teams to ensure business needs are being meet in architectural decisions.
Reviewing and ensuring architectural designs are aligned with overall architectural goals and architectural roadmap. Architecting and driving CI/CD pipeline implementation. Enabling move to agile
development approach. Information and domain modelling based on branch insurance standards such as IIW. Mixed technical platforms with Java and Microsoft .NET.
CTO, Solution/Technical Architect

2017-05 - 2018-04

Stockholm, Sweden
• Type of business or sector AI HealthTech Company
• Occupation or position held CTO, Solution/Technical Architect
• Main activities and Aifloo is a Swedish startup company that develops e-health systems based on artificial intelligence.
responsibilities Main responsibilities is to drive technology track, Solution and Technical Architect. Representing
technology in board of directors.

Responsible for hiring and building the development team of Backend, Frontend and AI/ML Engineers.
Coaching and mentoring team and delivery creation/optimizations. Consolidation of platforms and Solution Architecture and planning for next generation high performance platform, based on Microsoft
techniques and services in Azure. Solution core functionality is Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning. Research to improve the technological assets. Responsible for roadmap for technology and drove company roadmap. Developing the company's BE/AI/FE strategy. Creating development- and
release processes. Scrum training for organization.
Group Manager, Solution/Technical Architect, Delivery

2007-05 - 2017-05

Stockholm, Sweden
• Type of business or sector IT Consultancy
• Occupation or position held Group Manager, Solution/Technical Architect, Delivery- and Team Lead
• Main activities and Avanade is a global IT consultancy. The company is a joint venture between Microsoft and Accenture, responsibilities dedicated to Microsoft technologies and using Accenture's consultancy expertise. Main roles held
Architect, team leader, technical project and delivery lead. Microsoft focus.
Techniques & frameworks: REST, DevOps, SOA, WCF, .NET 2.0-4.5, Angular, Bootstrap, jQuery, LINQ, EF, NHibernate, OOA, OOD, OOP
have been Mentor/Career Manager
Domain driven design

2005-01 - 2015-01

Main programs/servers: VSTS 2005-2015, TFS, IIS, SQL Server 2005-2014, EPiServer, SharePoint.
Languages: C#, JavaScript, Regex, SQL, XHTML, CSS3, XML, XSLT, XSD.
Main studying focus: Azure, Architecture, Domain driven design, DevOps, Program, project and team and delivery optimization, .NET 4.6, Scrum.

Apart from the projects and roles listed below, I have been Mentor/Career Manager for 6 mentees.
Awarded as best Career Manager of the year. Subject matter expert for Solution Architecture,
.NET/EPiServer solutions. Time estimates for several large and complex projects.
Architectural/design/code reviews. Direct client sales, client offerings, RFI's, RFP's, RFS's.

Volvo (>1 year): Solution/ Technical Architect and Technical Project Manager for a complex
backend solution in Azure and a public responsive web site in Sitecore. Lead a team of 6 developers.
Responsible for RFP, Pre study, Architecture, Technical project management and Delivery. Also
responsible for technical coordination of 2 additional vendors. Set up and drove coordination forums and and review meeting with +10 client and vendor architects and technical stakeholders. Held this
role side by side to the "Large National Retail"-project.
Systembolaget (3,5 years): Solution/Technical Architect, Development Team Lead and delivery
lead for a team of 13 developers (both on- and offshore) spanning over 3 years.
Responsive Web Site. Large and complex backend with a domain model architecture. Architecture
became the companies reference architecture used in later projects. Main techniques and products
used .NET, MVC, Angular, NHibernate, EPiServer, SQL Server, FAST, integrations. Largest solution
ever built for the customer. Very high demand's on stability, availability and performance. Advanced
data manipulations. Base architecture based on domain model (DDD). Responsible for leading the team, architecture, design, estimation and delivery. Also driving pre-study for new large web solution.
Analysis, architecture, roadmap, estimation. As part of this assignment I was also responsible for ramping up an offshore team side by side with the onshore team. Architecture used as reference
architecture in other projects.
Systembolaget (6 months): Solution/Technical Architect, Development Team Lead. Large custom
web application using ASP.NET, EPiServer, FAST, e-commerce (Commerce Server), integrations to BizTalk, jQuery. Largest solution ever built for the customer. Advanced data manipulations. Multiple
deliveries of new and enhanced features and functionality. Responsible for leading the team, architecture, design, estimation and delivery. Also driving pre-study for new large web solution.
Analysis, architecture, roadmap, estimation. As part of this assignment I was also responsible for ramping up an offshore team side by side with the onshore team.
Systembolaget (8 months): Solution Architect, Development & Delivery Lead of complex backend
custom web and BI application using ASP.NET, MVC, WCF, NHibernate, jQuery, Database SQL
Server. Responsible for architecture, systems and database design, estimation. One of the most
complex solutions ever built for the customer. Advanced data manipulations. Delivery on estimated
time and within budget.
Large International Telecom Company (>1 year): Solution Architect, Development Team & Delivery Lead. Development project with both on and offshore resources. Tough requirements on
performance, availability and flexibility. Social Networking platform sized for +100 000 users.
Customization, branding and systems integration. Scrum Master role. Direct customer contact.
Responsible for design, driving requirements and analysis. Minimal to no defects throughout the 8
Large Nordic Staffing Company (2 months): Responsible for analysis, requirements gathering, design
and part implementation of a prototype with the aim of replacing the current intranet solution and also evaluation of publishing features to replace the public facing web.
Swedish Government Agency (3 months): Development Team Lead and Project Manager of an offshore team. The project was to make a detailed assessment of the most 7 critical systems/
applications to be migrated to .NET. Direct client responsibility. Responsible for leading and managing the team and driving the progress. Responsible for the project plan, monitoring and
managing schedule, risks, meetings, reporting, direct recourses etc. ACM delivery model used.
Trygg Hansa (1,5 year): Architect and Team Lead of the Development Architect team part of the SOA Foundation team. The SOA Foundation Team is responsible for design, build and test the SOA
Foundation Architecture to be fit for purpose for the companies most important and strategic projects.

Responsible for architecture and design of the company's next generation SOA development
environment hosting +500 simultaneous developers on.- near and offshore. Environment enabling
hosting of all new Microsoft technologies and is extensible for future ones. SOA architectural and design discussions. Responsible for multisite development guidelines, how to work in a distributed
on/near/offshore team both from a management and development point of view. Also responsible for the SOA Foundation Platform Team configuration management.
Large Norwegian Insurance company (6 months): Solution Architect, part of the architect team doing an ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) assessment to enhance the clients overall development
cycle and to improve development capabilities. Review of existing VSTS and TFS installations to
optimize usage of VSTSTFS features. Analyze of how the customer existing SOA solutions could be
optimized and benefit from new technologies, like WCF and ACA.NET.s
World leading producer of seamless stainless steel tubes (>1 year): Development Team Lead.
Responsible for system and database design, leading the developers both on and offshore.
Responsible for picking appropriate and best suited developers for the offshore team. Planning and following up on implementation. Developed and secured functional requirements. Responsible for the
initial technical assessment and participated in project assessment phase. Responsible of planning
and managing, reporting progress, as well as for the development team. Created and documented the application detailed design. Established a close relationship with the customer and secured. Keeping
track and communicate progress of work, and risks/issues to project managers in the weekly status-
reports. Project time reporting according to project policy.
Sony Ericsson (6 months): Development Team Lead. When entering the project the existing
developers had a bit of a struggle with the application, a business critical portal to be built. The client
was a bit troubled about the quality and progress. Responsible to assess the de-railed implementation
and action plan on how to get it back on track. Deliver on time. Lead the development. Responsible for redesign and refactoring. Applied ASP.NET and ACA.NET expertise. Supporting team members.
Responsible for the hand-over to the client. Techniques used; C#, .NET 3.0, Enterprise Library, ACA.NET, Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005.
Etruria Group

2005-01 - 2012-01

Stockholm, Sweden
• Type of business or sector E-Commerce
• Occupation or position held Co-Founder
• Main activities and Developing applications to support the day-to-day business activities. System
responsibilities architecture/design/coding and database design/coding.
Sparx Enterprise Architect (UML), IIS

2005-01 - 2010-01

Languages: C#, XML, XSLT, XSD, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Regex, SQL, T-SQL.
Techniques & frameworks: SOA, SOAP, .NET 3.5, ASP.NET.
Protocols: HTTP, RPC.

Developed a custom E-Commerce platform in .NET to support the day-to-business activities of online
web-shops. Integration to third party payment services. Administration. Order- and product handling
process automation.
Solution/Technical Architect, Developer
Metrima AB (previously North Node AB)

2001-10 - 2007-04

Stockholm, Sweden
• Type of business or sector Systems for multi-type measurement
• Occupation or position held Solution/Technical Architect, Developer
• Main activities and System and database architecture/design/coding. Developing multi-tier solutions. Developed IoT
responsibilities products for remote energy meters readout, alarms and remote steering for energy-, real estate- and remote heating companies. Built a web and client/server solution in C#, C++ and Java.

2002-01 - 2005-01

Borland C++ Builder, VSS, CVS, IIS, SQL Server (7.0-2005), Oracle 9i, DB2.
Languages: C#, UML, XML, XSLT, XSD, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Regex, SQL, T-SQL and C++.
Techniques & frameworks: OOA, OOD, OOP, COM, ADO+, ORM, SOA, SOAP, Web Services,
.NET 1.0-3.0, ASP.NET.
Protocols: HTTP, FTP, RPC, TCP/IP Sockets.
Studying: .NET (C#) 2.0-3.0, LINQ, RUP and UML, Scrum, Ajax, Design Patterns, C++, XSLT, XSD, VB.NET, Regex, Java.

Main Projects:
BHC v1.0 - v3.0: Web-application for presenting log data and administration of users, tariffs.
Involvement: Responsible for database design, part system architecture and coding. Ongoing
development in product cycles. Cache solutions to boost performance etc. Attended customer

meetings. Held and attended code review meetings. Specification and documentation.
ProxyServer: A .NET interface to communicate with MCom Server application (written in C++) using
TCP/IP sockets.
Involvement: Coding and partial design. Held and attended code review meetings. Specification and documentation.
MCom Server database outputs: Node structure database and high performance output for SQL-
Server, Oracle and DB2.
Involvement: Coding and partial database design. Held and attended code review meetings.
Specification and documentation.
MCom Server Daemon: Server health-monitoring multi threaded application written as a .NET
Windows Service. Monitors memory, cpu, outputs, threads etc and assures that the server is always
up and running.
Involvement: Design and coding. Held code review meetings. Specification and documentation.
General Data Access Layer Component: A .NET component for accessing any type of relational
database with transaction-support where supported by database.
Involvement: Design and coding. Held code review meetings. Specification and documentation.

General tasks:
Holding and attending feasibility study, architecture, design and code review meetings.
Accompanying selling meetings as technical expertise. Technical customer support.
Customer specific integration projects (both real time and non real time) using Web Services, XSD, XSLT, FTP, Databases, MSMQ, SSO (Single Sign On) using Active Directory.
Development of reusable components.
Writing specifications, code and solution documentation (white-paper) as well as project and application documentation.
Code generating applications to automate general and repetitive coding tasks.
IT / Consultant
Integra Italia S.p.a

2001-05 - 2001-08

• Occupation or position held Developer / Software Engineer
• Main activities and System and database design. Developed reusable multi-tier solutions. Programmed MS SQL Server
responsibilities DTS.
Main programs: MS Visual Studio (.NET Beta, 6), MS IIS, MS SQL Server, MySQL and Access.
Languages: UML, C#, Visual Basic 6, WML, SQL, T-SQL, XML, VB-Script, PHP, Java Script, (HTML).
Technologies: OOA, OOD, OOP, ASP, DTS, Active X, COM, and ADO.
Protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP.
Studied: .NET Framework, C#, VB.NET, Java, Servlets, Jsp, EJB, ASP+, ADO+, COM+ and UML.

Main Projects:
Hantarex: System redesign and design of a reusable cache system, resulting in a 50-1000%
performance gain for the execution of web pages. Programs to transform Access databases into MySQL, to convert RTF documents into plain ASCII text, to automatically create zip archives of
directories and uploaded files.
Dun & Bradstreet: (Consultant) Programming the DTS (Data Transaction Services) in the MS SQL
Server to import and transform data. Sort functions for files and directories.
Developer / Technical Project Manager
Catwalk Interactive AB

1999-03 - 2001-04

Stockholm, Sweden
• Type of business or sector IT/ Consultancy
• Occupation or position held Developer / Technical Project Manager
• Main activities and Application programming. System and database design. Developed reusable multi-tier solutions.
responsibilities Technical project manager for several large projects.
Main programs: MS Visual Studio (.NET Beta, 6), MS IIS, Apache, Tomcat And Orion, MS SQL Server
Languages: Visual Basic 6 & 7, Java, C#, (HTML), WML, XML, VB-Script, PHP, Java Script, SQL, T-SQL, SQL-DMO, UML.
Technologies: Servlets, Jsp, EJB, ASP, ASP+, Active X, COM, ADO, RDO, OOA, OOD, OOP.
Protocols: HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, POP, SMTP and WAP.
Studied: Java, Servlets, Jsp, EJB, ASP+, C#, Visual Basic 7, ADO+, XML, T-SQL, COM+, ADO, RDO, OOA, OOD, OOP and UML

Main Projects:
Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD): Architect/Technical Project Manager with responsibility for six
developers. Internet site project: One of catwalk's largest and most important project - duration 14
months. Responsible for system and database design. Programmed many of the most advanced and critical parts of the system. Sold new features worth 20% of the total price of the project.

MSD Intranet FAQ project: Architect/Technical Project Manager with responsibility for four
developers. Responsible for system and database design. Programmed the most advanced parts of the system. Data import and export to/from different databases. Sold new features worth 15% of the
total price of the project.
Sharp: Architect/Technical Project Manager and Developer. Did part of the system and database
design. Involved in creating a default administration tool and reusable applications used in most of Catwalk's projects.
Teracom: Architect/Technical Project Manager and Developer. Internet site. System and database
design and programming. Redesign resulting in a gain of over 60% in performance. Intranet booking
system: Responsible for all of the system and database design. Programmed all parts of the system. A
complex and fully dynamic system with reminder via E-mail and SMS. Data import.
Konfac: Technical Project Manager role. B2B online e-commerce solution. Redesigned a search
function, increasing the speed by over 1000%. Redesigned and reprogrammed other parts of the site
to make it more structured and to gain speed. Programmed the SQL Server DTS to import data from ASCII files from a DB2 database.
Europolitan: Technical Project Manager and Developer, delivering part of site content in WML for WAP clients.
Side projects:
Code Generator: A tool to create "standard code", select/update/insert data from fields/tables in database and Java, VB and VB-Script code for presenting and manipulating data, resulting in time
savings of 40-90%. Personal involvement: idea, system design and programming.
Code Source: An internal intranet tool to reuse and share all kinds of code. Personal involvement:
idea, system and database design and programming.
WAPBaby: A "portal" for programmers and people interested in the possibilities of WAP. Personal
involvement: idea, technical project manager, system and database design and programming.
Catwalk: An internal project to learn Java. Personal involvement: System and database design.
Technical project manager and programmer. Java, Servlets, JSP, SQL, Orion web server, MySQL.
Melloweb Interactive

1996-08 - 1999-03

(Owner) Linköping, Sweden
• Type of business or sector IT Consultant
• Occupation or position held Developer
• Main activities and GUI Design. Application programming. System and database design.
responsibilities Main programs: MS IIS, MS PWS, Netscape Fast Track, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server and MS Access.
Languages: Visual Basic, HTML, PERL, CGI, VB-Script, Java Script, SQL and T-SQL.
Technologies: ASP, D-HTML, CSS, Active X, COM, DCOM, ODBC, ADO and RDO.
Protocols: HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, POP and SMTP.
Studied: Visual Basic, VB-Script, Java Script, T-SQL, TCP/IP, POP, SMTP, Active X, Win32, COM, DCOM, ASP, ODBC, ADO and RDO.
IT Consultant
MasterOn AB

1997-12 - 1999-03

• Occupation or position held Developer
• Main activities and Worked as a consultant for MasterOn through Melloweb Interactive. Responsible for all of MasterOn's
responsibilities web projects. Application programming. System and database design.
Main programs: MS Visual Studio 6, MS IIS, Netscape Fast Track, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server and MS Access.
Languages: Visual Basic, (HTML), PERL, VB-Script, Java Script, SQL and T-SQL.
Technologies: ASP, D-HTML, CSS, Active X, COM, DCOM, ODBC, ADO and RDO.
Protocols: HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, POP and SMTP.
Studied: OOA, OOD, OOP, UML, Visual Basic, VB-Script, Java Script, T-SQL, TCP/IP, POP, SMTP, Active X, Win32, COM, DCOM, ASP, ODBC, ADO and RDO.

Parcours scolaire

Bachelors Degree

2019-06 - 2002-01

Cathedral School in Linköping
Cathedral School in Linköping

1989-01 - 1992-01

Contact prestataire
