Konsultti: intranet, viestintä, projekti Helsinki, Finland

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(Mis à jour 2023-11-01)

Konsultti: intranet, viestintä, projekti

Helsinki, Finland

Natif Finnish, English, Intermédiaire Svenska, Débutant French, German

  • Palvelumuotoilu, esiselvitykset, konseptointi, määrittely - 10+ v. kokemus
  • Intranetit, tiedonhallinta, yhteisöviestintä, moderni työ - 20+ v. kokemus
  • Projektinhallinta, projektipäälliköinti, tuoteomistaja - 15+ v. kokemus

Compétences (27)


Change Management

Organizational Communication



Workshop facilitation


Internal Communications

Requirements Specification

MS Teams for collaboration

Project Management

External Communications

MS Office 365




Modern work

Microsoft 365




service design



Media Relations



Expérience professionnelle

Independent Consultant, Founder & Owner
Clair Helsinki Oy

2018-10 - Actuel

Running my own independent consultancy. On a mission to improve the digital employee experience, my special field of expertise is to connect users and business with technology by utilising service design, facilitation, project and change management methodologies. I specialise in intranets, digital workplaces, organisational communication, enterprise collaboration, and ESNs, and assist my clients from running prestudies and planning the solutions, to managing the projects as an external project manager.
During the past 4+ years, I have assisted nearly 40 organisations with their intranet, internal information management, communication, and/or collaboration projects. My clients include e.g. City of Helsinki, Masino Group, Posti, Purmo Group, Sonepar Suomi, and Åbo Akademi.
Digital Workplace Strategist, Consultant, Partner
North Patrol Oy

2013-10 - 2018-09

I enabled the companies and public organisations to design, develop and renew their digital workplace, information management, intranets, and internal communications. My clients typically operated in several countries, in multiple languages, and had versatile company structures, different business segments, and diverse workforces of both blue- and white-collars. I applied co-design methods to help my clients to sort out their findability mess and set roles for their online channels. I analysed their information flows and processes, identified stakeholders and communication needs, and discovered their essential digital workplace requirements. On this foundation, I facilitated workshops to co-design service concepts that fit both user and strategic needs. Also, I analysed technology solutions, and documented requirements for the procurement process. I also assisted my clients with roll-outs, user adoption, and change management.
North Patrol is a technology and vendor independent consulting company specialized in helping clients to find the best implementation plan and vendor for their intranet, extranet, website, or e-commerce project.
Communications Manager
Aalto University, School of Business

2013-05 - 2013-07

(study leave substitute) Responsible for School's internal and external communications and marketing. Communications team lead.
Member of School's management team. School of Business is one of the six Schools of Aalto University.
Web Editor / Intranet Manager
Aalto University

2010-12 - 2013-05

and 07-09/2013 Project manager and concept designer for the first joint student portal for all ~15 000 Aalto University students. Second editor-in-chief. Product manager of both the student portal and faculty and staff intranet ensuring continuous improvement (content, concept & functionalities). Content production to online channels and coordination of multi-channel communications activities. Support for content producers (some ~400 persons). Coaching the University community on online communications.
Communications Officer / Intranet Manager
Aalto University

2010-01 - 2010-11

Project manager of the implementation project for the first Aalto University faculty and staff intranet. Aalto University started operating on 1 January 2010, when the three esteemed universities the Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design Helsinki merged. The intranet was built in three months from idea to launch; launched in February 2010. I was responsible e.g.
for forming and recruiting the decentralised content production network, forming common policies and governance model, and training the content producers.
Continuous content production and development followed on the intranet, in-line with the forming of common processes and policies for the new University. Intranet manager and editor-in-chief. Product manager of the intranet ensuring continuous improvement. Coaching the University community on online comms channels. Communications team member of the student-driven Aalto on Tracks initiative. Traveled with 100 Aalto community members from Helsinki to Shanghai World Fair by train.
Communications Officer
Helsinki University of Technology

2009-03 - 2010-01

Responsible of internal and external communications and media relations of the Faculty of Electronics, Communication, and Automation. Project team member of the university-wide CMS implementation project. Developing online communications channels and activities at University level.
Project Coordinator
Helsinki University of Technology

2007-09 - 2009-03

Leading role for successful eLearning transformation and user adoption project for the Finland's largest technical university, Helsinki University of Technology, with over 10 000 students and 3000 faculty and staff as active users.
Former positions (e.g.)
Web Communications Specialist (Summer trainee)
City of Kuopio

2007-06 - 2007-09

Communications Assistant
City of Jyväskylä

2004-01 - 2006-08

Project Secretary and ADP Designer
Regional Council of Central Finland

2003-08 - 2003-12

Parcours scolaire

Open University studies
Aalto University Open University

2023-10 - 2018-01

Master of Arts
University of Jyväskylä

2000-08 - 2007-01

Studies in user-centric design
Umeå University

2023-10 - 2007-01

BBA studies
PGSM Paris Graduate School of Management

2023-10 - 2005-01


PMAF Project Management Foundation Certificate


Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF)


Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner


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