Frontend Developer İstanbul, Türkiye

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(Mis à jour 2021-11-08)

Frontend Developer

İstanbul, Türkiye

Natif English

  • +12 years of experience in Javascript
  • +2 years of experience in Angular 11
  • +3 years of experience in React/Next

Compétences (18)

html, css









Javascript Frameworks and Libraries




.NET Core

AWS Lambda





I have been programming since 2000 and working as a professional since

In the first years of my career, I have developed several jQuery APIs: fully
dynamic Data Grid API having filtering, sorting, pagination, selective
fields, drag & drop, consuming REST services and ComboTree API
In, I have developed a fully dynamic Administrator Panel for a
concept design T-shirt e-commerce website, using ExtJS, Java, Spring
Boot Rest Services, HQL. This Administrator Panel has been run for
different e-commerce projects successfully without needing any
In Sebit, I have participated in a UI team reproduce
player in AngularJS, LESS, CSS 3, HTML 5, Bootstrap 3. I have also
worked on educational material developments in JS.
In FDN Soft, I have developed a Development Strategy Consultancy Project
For Business that can create surveys, spread the survey to personnel list
by token, collect data and analyze results in complicated reports. I have
used JBOSS Seam, JSF, Primefaces and HQL technologies.
For Cyangate Technologies, I have led a 6-person-team for
improvements and support of the S-Drive App , I had also redeveloped SDriveApp from
zero in the Salesforce Lightning Platform. I have used Salesforce VF
Pages, Apex, Lightning, Java Web Services, Amazon Services: S3,
Queue, DynamoDB, Javascript, Css technologies.
In FONET Information Techs company, I have participated in complex
development and bug fixes processes on Hospital Information System
using Java Rest services, Oracle DB, ExtJS technologies.
In FDN Soft again, I have developed Geographical Information System
For Ministry of Environment by using technologies below:
Java, Spring Boot, REST Services, PostgreSQL, Postgis, Geoserver,
ReactJS, Redux, Axios, Leaflet.

For another project in FDN, I had done some developments on a Task
Management system in Angular 9, Primeng.

In Koç Schools, I have participated in the development of the school
management system. Additionally I have created the Students Equal
Distribution to Classroom Branches Automation Project, according to
15 different criterias (gpa, foreign language grade, gender, count, musical
instrument, religion, and more ..) Student Distributions can be done by
interactive UI instantly showing criteria status for each classroom
branche and also it can be done by automation to find the best
distribution. Here, Asp DotNet Boilerplate with Angular 9 framework
Here is the short presentation link of automation project:

I have developed UI project in Next Js for a ringtones service of a
communication company. I have used Context API as a store manager,
Material UI, and Fetch Api. Additionally I have integrated Firebase Cloud
Messaging and Oauth 2.0.

In, I was doing development as a fullstack developer,
making documentations, and responsible for releasing the Popupsmart
product in a healthy way. There are 6 different projects in Popupsmart,
using DotNet Core, PostgreSql, React Js, Redux, and so on. I am also
responsible to manage AWS services, EB, EC2, S3, CDN, RDS.

You can get more details about my development background in the
Experience section below.

Expérience professionnelle

Team Lead & FullStack Developer

2020-01 - 2021-02

ANKARA Techs: DotNet Core, React Js, Redux, AWS services: EB, EC2, S3, CDN, RDS.
I have arranged development and release processes according to a combination of AGILE and SCRUM methodologies and created and documented all standards of deployment.
I have participated to enhance contemporaneity of all projects and data, to get healthy data by updating and fixing the data versioning system.
I have integrated the product versioning system and error boundary tracking to all 4 projects.
I have resolved cache problems for both client and server side.
Besides, I have taken an important role to develop new features and 24.03.2021 bug-fix sessions.
You can get all details about Popupsmart startup, on the link: ㅡ
FullStack Developer
Koç Schools

2020-07 - 2020-09

Techs:.Net Core Boilerplate, Angular 9 24.03.2021 School Management System I have participated as a full stack developer to enhance Koç School Keys Project by adding new features and bug fixes.
Student Equal Distribution to Classroom Branches Automation Project As an educational culture, each year, students' classroom branches are changed. However, while doing this, the main aim is to create equal distribution according to 15 different criterias, such as GPA, Foreign Language Grade, Musical Instrument, Gender, and so on.
The project's main purpose is to make the process easy ● by visualisation of current criterias statuses of each classroom, ● by instant calculation of distribution equality percentage, while students drag and dropping to classroom branches ● distribution equity percentage is sensitive to criterion priority ● and also by making all distribution process automatically To achieve this goal, I have focused on creating the best UI design to make the process easy for school personnel.
Students and classroom branches listed on the responsive page, students can be dragged & dropped to classrooms to assign.
Each classroom has an informatic footer reflecting criteria's status instantly.
The project can make all distributions automatically depending criteria's priority and deviation numbers.
You can watch a short demo on the link:
FullStack Developer
FDN Soft

2019-09 - 2020-07

Techs: Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Postgis, Geoserver ReactJS, Redux, Axios, Leaflet, Angular 9 (only one month), PrimeNG (only one month) Geographical Information System For Municipalities I have participated as team lead & fullstack developer to develop four projects about the Geographical Information System used by all municipalities in Turkey. Projects are: ● Park and Garden Management Module ● Environmental Management Module ● Deed and Cadastral Module ● Urban Transformation Module Task Management Program Using Angular 9, Primeng, Balsamiq, I have created mockups and Task Create, Edit, Read pages, Task list page.
FullStack Developer
FONET Information Techs

2019-02 - 2019-07

Techs: Java, Oracle, ExtJS I have participated in development and bug fixes tasks on Hospital Information System using Java Rest services, Oracle DB, ExtJS technologies.
FullStack Developer & Team Lead

2016-08 - 2018-12

Techs: Cloud Technologies on Salesforce & Amazon Web Services Salesforce Lightning, Apex, Visualforce Pages, SOQL, Java, Web Services, Amazon Services: S3, Queue, DynamoDB Javascript, Css, UI, Svn, BitBucket I have been leading the S-DriveApp development team.
As a File Management System, S-Drive App, is being developed using Salesforce, Amazon Services & Java technologies.
I was responsible for the whole development process of the S-Drive team, adding new features, getting a stable release, quality control of development and making the customer's S-Drive experiment to be 24.03.2021 healthy and exciting.
When I started to work, in the first week, I had prepared a refactoring plan for Back-end, Front-End development and UI improvements based on my experience and professional look. In the second week I had started to implement the refactoring plan. I made S-Drive more professional including code base and UI.
I have developed very healthy solutions for different purposes and functions and create development standards for S-Drive developers.
Besides development, I was helping new teammates to be professional SFDC developers.
You can get detailed information about S-Drive App from the web site:
FullStack Developer
FDN Soft

2016-01 - 2016-06

Techs: Java, JBOSS Seam, JSF, Primefaces In this experience, I have created a project named "Development Strategy Management Program" that is similar to SurveyMonkey, additionally having different survey phases, special reports and complicated workflow.
In general, using this project, you can ● Set Company, staff groups with levels, ● Create surveys with 8 different question types, ● Assign surveys to the persons via email, ● Collect data, get analysis & reports ● Go over the second phase, and create another survey set.
● At the end, create complicated reports about the whole process.
95% of development is done by myself. Besides, I have helped a junior developer to adopt the project and coding with OOP standards.
Sebit Education & Information Technologies / Frontend Dev

2013-11 - 2015-11

ANKARA Techs: JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJs, Less, CSS 3, Bootstrap 3, HTML 5, Subversion Svn For the Vitamin Primary Online Education interface in a position of UI Developer, I had created pages using the AngularJS library for students, teachers & administrative staff.
Additionally doing hard tasks on the team, I had developed visual effects, smooth transitions, interactive UI to make Vitamin more enjoyable for users.
You can get more information on:
dynamic Administrative Panel / FullStack Developers

2012-11 - 2013-10

NOV 2012 - OCT 2013, ISTANBUL Techs: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, HQL, Maven, SVN, Java Script, ExtJS, For company, I had created completely dynamic Administrative Panel for online e-commerce. This product has been used on different projects without needing any changes on the code side. It takes all parameters and settings from DB tables.
For different roles on the panel, different rights, duties and pages will be active. For example, for sales responsible, staff can see sales, packages, and customer pages. On the Packaging page, without using keyboard or mouse, just using a barcode scanner, person can package orders. If any wrong item is added to the package, it gives a flushing big red error message to alert responsible on this, that prevents packaging error 99%.
I had also developed informative Reports, Stock, Customer Services pages.
FrontEnd Developer
CPI Technology Limited

2012-03 - 2012-11

Techs: JavaScript, jQuery, jQueryUI, HTML, CSS Data Table API I had created a Data Table API, that dynamically creates columns and rows of a table by given settings consuming REST services. It has pagination, filter, search in detail, drag and drop fields to show on list, row and cell edit and many features.
I had specialized this API for four different projects including different functions needed.
Combo Tree API I had created a combo box UI element with tree data structure in it.. It has ● list items in a tree structure ● multi select ● search and filter ● JSON Data resource I had converted it to share on public on my github account, and am still developing. You can access it here:

Parcours scolaire

Middle East Technical University
Middle East Technical University

2021-11 - 2011-01



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