Customer Engagement and CC Consulatnt Pinto, España

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(Mis à jour 2020-01-21)

Customer Engagement and CC Consulatnt

Pinto, España

Natif Spanish, Portuguese, Courant English

  • +10 años de experiencia en gestión de proyectos
  • +10 años de experiencia en definición de modelos de atención al cliente
  • +10 años de experiencia en Contact Center

Compétences (10)











Expérience professionnelle

I Work like presales consultant
Multichannel and Contact Center

2007-01 - Actuel

defining architectures and solutions for companies belonging large and key customers segment, and accomplishing the offer. (Bankinter, Endesa, Gas Natural, Iberdrola, Banco Santander, BBVA, Liberty Seguros, etc.)
Freelance/Cxone Owner

2017-03 - Actuel

Consultant and Business Development
All my activities are developed through Cxone Consulting S.L., a company created by me and of which I am the owner.
Currently, I develop three distinct business lines:
Sales representative and business development of foreign companies for multinational companies
with Headquarter in Spain:
- Sixbell. Partner (Genesys, Nuance, Verint, Avaya) and TELCO product development company
in Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador, and Brazil.
- Virtual Hold Technologies. North American manufacturer of Callback and Process
Orchestration products for Customer Journey and Customer Experience.
Business Development for Contact Center technologies with Spanish companies:
- Callware. Business development of Anywhere365, multi-channel Contact Center product
based on Office 365 and Five9.
- Afiniti. Business development for large customers.

Consulting and advisory services.
- Soler&Palau. Analysis and definition of the customer service model on Contact Center
- Iberia. Definition of the customer service model and technology platform for high-value
customer service (Platinium and Gold). AS IS-TO BE- Roadmap
- EOS Spain. Review of customer service platform and business processes, recommendation of transformation of the customer service model.
- Cemex. Selection process of Contact Center technology at global level, product
evaluation, test plan development, definition of the customer service model, transition

- Bankinter. Definition of BankinterCard Customer Service model (AS IS-TO BE- Roadmap).
Tech Advisor for Bankinter in customer service technologies.
Head of Omnichannel Global Sales Specialist
Telefonica Global B2B Sales

2016-01 - 2017-03

Responsible for Sales Specialist of Omnichanel solutions for Enterprises Segment.
Telefonica Global B2B Sales
Sao Paulo and Madrid

2012-01 - 2016-12

IT Sales Specialist and Business Development
Responsible for CCaaS product definition for LATAM Telefonica Enterprise markets. Design of RFP
adjudication to vendor (definition of Business Case, training programs in countries, marketing
model, market analysis and opportunity in each of the countries, implementation schedule and product availability ), and selection of Global vendor.
Expert in ToIP. UC, Contact Center and CTI solutions (Avaya, Genesys, Interactive Intelligence),
Project Manager and Consultant, developing hosted Contact Center platforms for Telefonica LATAM
(BBVA, Mapfre, Diners, BCP, Porto Seguro, etc.). Business consulting to define models of care with
our customer contact center solutions in our cloud, and advising clients on best practices and success stories.
Contact Centre

2013-05 - 2014-10

platforms as a technology base: eHealth and
telecare solutions, Medical Appointment Scheduling systems, HIS-RIS-PACS, ERP management, and CAD Solutions for 112/911 services.
Located in Sao Paulo between May 2013 and October 2014, pushing these new businesses locally to LATAM markets.
IT Presales Consultant and Business Development
Telefónica Soluciones

2005-06 - 2011-12

PMAC Barcelona City Council

2007-01 - 2007-01

Principado of Asturias, Liberty Assurances, etc.
Barclays Bank

2006-01 - 2006-01


2006-01 - 2006-01


2006-01 - 2006-01

Systems Engineer
Telefonica mobile Solutions

2003-01 - 2005-06

Coordinator of Mobile NETWORK services at SVA (Value Added Services) engineering department in Telefonica Moviles. Responsible of roaming's services and voice mailboxes.
solutions (Avaya, Genesys), Project Manager and Consultant
Contact Center and CTI

2005-01 - 2005-01

Project Manager for:
- Iberia (Call Center Iberia Plus, 2005)

2005-01 - 2005-01

Systems Consultant
Telefonica mobile Solutions

2000-10 - 2003-01

Intelligent Peripheral Node installations for mobile prepaid services(IP's) for Telefonica Moviles
- Installation CPSA services for Medi Telecom in Casablanca (Morocco).
Manufacture and Support Manager

1998-06 - 2000-10

Responsible of manufacture and support of voice platforms
Telefónica mobile UMTS network Operator

2000-01 - 2000-01

in Rome and Milan (Italy), for IPSE 2000.(Telefónica mobile UMTS network Operator)
- Intelligent Peripheral node installations for mobile prepaid services (IP's) in Munich (Germany),
for QUAM.
- SDP (Service Data Point) Prepaid DataBase Installation in Mexico for Telefonica Moviles Mexico.
Systems technician

1993-02 - 1998-06

Installation and support of Networks Systems (Novell, Windows NT, IBM Systems 36, 38)

Parcours scolaire

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2011-01

Avaya University
Avaya University

2020-01 - 2008-01

Genesys University
Genesys University

2020-01 - 2006-01

Genesys University
Genesys University

2020-01 - 2006-01

Genesys University
Genesys University

2020-01 - 2005-01

Genesys University
Genesys University

2020-01 - 2005-01

Genesys University
Genesys University

2020-01 - 2005-01

Oracle University
Oracle University

2020-01 - 2004-01

Oracle University
Oracle University

2020-01 - 2004-01

Oracle University
Oracle University

2020-01 - 2003-01

Oracle University
Oracle University

2020-01 - 2003-01

Oracle University
Oracle University

2020-01 - 2003-01

Oracle University
Oracle University

2020-01 - 2003-01


1990-01 - 1992-01


2020-01 - 1989-01


Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris
Sun Certified System Administrator
Sun Certified
Certified System Administrator
Genesys Certified Professional 7 Consultant Inbound Voice, Genesys University, , Madrid
Workgroup Computing Commercial, Sun Microsystems, 2001, Madrid

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Lun-Ven: 9:00 - 18:00