Senior Konsultent Hellerup, Danmark

Saattaa olla saatavilla

(Päivitetty 2020-01-20)

Senior Konsultent

Hellerup, Danmark

Äidinkieli Danish, English

  • Senior Project Manager
  • Digital Development
  • Senior Program Manager

Taidot (16)

Digital Udvikling

Product Management




Bruger Indvolvering












15 years of experience with digital products and services has given
me broad and solid experience. I have been responsible for both the digital delivery in my previous employment and most recently as
Account Director at a digital agency. I have worked as consultant
for a number of the largest companies in Denmark; including DSB,
Oticon, Blue Garden, Berendsen, Louis Poulsen, DSV, Maersk & PenSam.
Program management and senior project management focusing on
the development process has been the focal point for several of the complex customer engagements I have been responsible for.
The optimization of the development process and team composition
has been particularly significant in my employment as Bureau
Manager (COO) at Insilico. Software Development Company - part of the In2media Group. A successful job where we managed to grow
significantly from 13 to 30+ employees in 2 years, while at the same
time undergoing a thorough optimization and improvement of internal
development processes. The company is now called Charlie Tango and has been bought by KMD.


Frelance Senior Consultant
Digital Products & Services

2018-08 - Nykyhetki

Digital Products & Services

2016-07 - 2018-07

Anders had Gone Sailing!

Together with my wife and our three kids, I set out to explore the world in our
sailboat "Freja".

For a long time we had been dreaming of a life less ordinary and after talking
much about it we decided to stop talking and start living the dream.

So we sold the house, the cars and basically everything we owned, and took the plunge into the unknown life as a cruising family with no hectic 9 to 5
schedule but with lots of freedom and adventure. At least for a few years, that

Our journey started in Copenhagen in July 2016 and during the two years
we managed to sail all the way to Malaysia via the the Panama Canal and
Australia crossing both the Atlantic and the South Pacific ocean completing +
25.000 nautical miles.
Point Nemo

2016-07 - 2018-07


2016-07 - 2018-07

August 2018 - Present (1 year 7 months)
COO / Bureau Manager

2013-07 - 2016-06

Area, Denmark

InSilico was in 2013 transformed from being a development agency with focus on mobile development to a full fetched development unit with Front-End
(HTMl), Mobile (Apps+ and Back-End (.net). From 2013 to 2017 InSilico was
the development unit within the In2Media Group.

In the role as COO (Chef of Operations) I had the privilege, together with
the rest of the management team, to make the needed adjustments and
investments to grow the InSilico from a team of 13 to a must larger team of
30+ with all the complexity this accompanies. Very interesting years where
focus was on daily business, quality of development delivery and building up a
group of highly skilled and motivated developers. Along side the role as COO I
still managed engagement with a number of large clients as account director.
Account Director

2011-08 - 2016-06

Ø, Denmark

At In2media I was associated with the account director team. Strategic Sales and planning of the digital agency's pitch activities. Work with existing clients as senior digital consultant. Planning and supervising the active ongoing
development projects together with clients and the In2media organisation.
I mainly worked with and for clients with a higher degree of complexity in the delivery and I always strived for long term relationships and collaboration with clients - Trying my best to achieve the role as Trusted Advisor with the client.
Clients that I had the pleasure of working with include; DSB, Oticon, Blue
Garden, Berendsen, Louis Poulsen, Targetti Poulsen, DSV, Maersk, Gyldendal
& SEB Pension.
Digital Development Manager
Targetti Poulsen

2010-03 - 2011-09

Louis Poulsen was for some years owned by a conglomeration of Italian
Lighting Manufactures with the Targetti Family being main shareholder. Within the structure of five lighting manufactures I had the main responsibility of digital delivery towards customers. Most of my time was spend transferring
knowledge from previous employment at Louis Poulsen Lighting and making
sure that systems on organisation was prepared for making a high quality
digital delivery and the development of the TargettiPoulsen website.
Louis Poulsen Lighting

2001-09 - 2011-08

Business Support Manager
Louis Poulsen Lighting

2003-12 - 2011-08

Manager of the department Business Support with 7 employees - Hire and fire. The responsibility of the department was support for the central marketing
operations of Louis Poulsen. Maintenance of product data for marketing and technical documentation supposes. Working with SAP and complex database
structures within product variants and bill of materials. Technical support for the complex work with the production of product catalogues in 10+ languages with focus on proces optimization and time to market.
Project Manager
Louis Poulsen Lighting

2001-09 - 2003-12

Position in the Product Management Department. Projects mainly focused on
planning, market analysis and product line monitoring and reporting. Louis
Poulsen holds a highly complex product assortment within retail sales BtoC and project sales BtoB.
LE 34 Tele A/S

2000-07 - 2001-08

The work as Sitehunter encapsulate two main tasks. Technical strategic
planning of transmission gear for mobile telephone networks in geographical
locations done in close collaboration with the mobile operators and the approving body within municipality and government. Negotiation of lease
contracts with land and property owners in order to ensure rights for placing the transmission gear in the selected locations.


De Montfort University

1999-01 - 2000-01

Copenhagen Business School

1996-01 - 1999-01

Ota yhteyttä konsulttiin
