Updated: 2023-09-12

Solution Architect


  • Publicado 4 años
  • Inglés, Sueco
  • Fecha de comienzo esperada: Inmediata

Assignment Details

The customer is currently delivering a project to develop advanced system support for users working in daily operations (trafikledning) and surrounding processes. 

Beskrivning av uppdraget  

As solution architect your role within the project you will be responsible for the overall solution, both the architectural aspects as well as the overall solution design. 

You will represent the customer domain architect in the Project and align the solution between the business and user representatives, the supplier and Customer Enterprise Architecture. 

Create and maintain overall solution perspective in line with overall architecture guidelines and in cooperation/under guidance with the Customers-Enterprise architect. 

Write software architecture document using the standards and templates within the organization. 

You have adequate business knowledge to be a sparring partner for analyst/design teams and the end user representatives. 

You prepare development workpackages and act as guide for development teams in close cooperation with development/tech teamlead 

You are the sparring partner for Customer-Enterprise architect(s) regarding overall solution and SAD/deliverables 

Omfattning 100%


Ubicación Stockholm
Carga de trabajo 40 Horas/semana , 100% Onsite
Fecha de comienzo aprox. Inmediata
Fecha fin aprox. 2020-12-17
Idiomas necesarios Inglés, Sueco
Habilidades necesarias ARCHITECTURE, Architect

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