Updated: 2023-09-12

Interim IT Security Specialist


  • Publicado 4 años
  • Inglés, Sueco
  • Fecha de comienzo esperada: Inmediata

Assignment Details

Obs! Uppdraget avser endast för Freelansande konsulter i egna bolag och med minst 10 års erfarenhet av liknande uppdrag.

Description of assignment:
The Sales Online & Marketing IT division at the company develops and runs all company’s online solutions. We work with Digital Marketing, Payment Solutions and all platforms and systems that enables Online Shopping for all our brands. Our online platform integrates with multiple systems within the company in order to deliver the whole value chain to our customers, from exploring and ordering a product to receiving it.

We need to strengthen our IT Security team and are currently seeking an IT Security Specialist to work with securing solutions for our business demands and to make sure our platforms and systems protect our customers data. We have a complex and dynamic IT-environment where being able to grasp both the bigger picture and get into details is a must. Your niche is IT security and your experience can span from having implemented technical security solutions to implementing industry standards e.g ISO 27001. Our current IT Security team is strong on Information Security and now we are looking for an additional team member with a clear technical background.

Work Tasks
• Supporting mainly, but not only, Marketing Solutions like Social Media making sure they live up to security standards.
• Working closely with various stakeholders to analyze feasibility in new services and products.
• Having a dialogue with vendors regarding security best practices concerning our platforms and solutions.
• Understanding and supporting in implementing guidelines & security standards in e-commerce solutions
• Help to carrying out audits, reviews and security risk analysis

Specific Competence
• Have a sound understanding of security principles, standards and technologies like GDPR and ISO 27001
• A risk-based approach more than compliance driven
• An understanding of business processes and the ability to translate them into a solution architecture from a tactical perspective.
• Preferably experience of working with retail solutions and/or marketing solutions
• Energy to drive things to the finish line, even if they are complex or difficult
• Qualifying is experience in E-commerce
• Qualifying is experience with data exchange/standards/EDI
• Qualifying is experience in working with product/master data
• Qualifying is experience in working with vendors and cross-functional teams
• Good at expressing yourself verbally and in writing in both English and Swedish

• You are a great team player, prestige-less and with excellent social skills.
• You enjoy working in a fast pace environment
• You are flexible and not easily stressed
• You have the ability to communicate constructively about problems and solutions
• You are supportive and want to share knowledge and best practices.


Ubicación Stockholm
Carga de trabajo 40 Horas/semana , 100% Onsite
Fecha de comienzo aprox. Inmediata
Fecha fin aprox. 2020-11-30
Idiomas necesarios Inglés, Sueco
Habilidades necesarias GDPR, IT, Marketing, RETAIL, SECURITY

Asignación cerrada

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