Updated: 2023-09-12

Infrastructure PM for Store Devices

Deerfield, IL

  • Publicado 4 years ago
  • Inglés
  • Fecha de comienzo esperada: Inmediata

Assignment Details


  • Driven, organized, works independently , Infrastructure skills comfortable with network set up, etc.
  • Network set up, connecting facilities together, validating that the 3rd party location can remotely set up store hardware (desktop, tablet).
  • Ability to manage risk


  • Experience level: Manager
  • Minimum 10 years of experience
  • Education: Bachelors


  • Infrastructure


Ubicación Deerfield, IL
Carga de trabajo 40 Horas/semana , 100% Onsite
Fecha de comienzo aprox. Inmediata
Fecha fin aprox. Abrir
Idiomas necesarios Inglés
Habilidades necesarias Hardware, Infrastructure, Network, PM, SKILLS

Asignación cerrada

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