Updated: 2024-04-11

Consultant Task – Angular Migration, Stockholm (2024.03.28)

Stockholm, Sweden

  • Publicado 3 months ago
  • Inglés
  • Fecha de comienzo esperada: Inmediata

Assignment Details

Location: Stockholm
Workload: 100%
Start: In spring
Duration: Open
Language: English (and Swedish)

We are seeking a consultant with expertise in web development to work on-site at our Clients office in central Stockholm. While Swedish language proficiency is not mandatory, excellent English skills are a must. We aim to collaborate with an experienced professional who can assist us with transitioning from AngularJS to Angular. We prefer project initiation during the spring, but we are open to discussions regarding timing.

About the Project:

The client needs assistance in migrating our web application codebase from AngularJS + Kendo UI JQuery to Angular 17 + Kendo. They intend to execute this transition in phases, employing a hybrid solution instead of rewriting everything from scratch. Their initial requirement involves creating a base that allows for running both versions of Angular and Kendo in the same application and build environment. In the second phase, they require a hybrid menu and routing system in Angular capable of loading AngularJS pages.

Requirements and Competencies:

  • Experience in web development and migration from AngularJS to Angular.
  • Proficiency in Angular 17 and Kendo is crucial.
  • Ability to work on-site at our office in central Stockholm.
  • Excellent English language skills, both written and verbal.


Ubicación Stockholm, Sweden
Carga de trabajo 40 Horas/semana , Parcialmente remoto
Fecha de comienzo aprox. Inmediata
Fecha fin aprox. Abrir
Idiomas necesarios Inglés
Habilidades necesarias Angular, AngularJS, Migration, Web development, kendo

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