Updated: 2023-09-12

Assistant System Architect

København, Danmark

  • Publicado 4 years ago
  • Inglés
  • Fecha de comienzo esperada: Inmediata

Assignment Details

For our cusomer in the area of Copenhagen, we are looking for an Assistant System Architect with the following skills: 

Primary competences: 
•Very strong analytical skills 
•General experience with current software architecture patterns 
•Strong experience with solving system integration tasks including API application 
•Proficient in UML (the Universal Modelling Language) 

Primary tasks: 
•Assist with analysis and development of integration architecture and planning of API usage for both new 3’rd party systems and existing in-house developed systems •Documentation of architectures and design including dynamics of interactions 
•Assist with development and modelling of detailed computer domain integration use cases Dry run and review of integration designs incl. verification of concurrency properties 

At least MSc level preferably within software engineering or computer science. 


Ubicación København, Danmark
Carga de trabajo 37 Horas/semana , 100% Onsite
Fecha de comienzo aprox. Inmediata
Fecha fin aprox. 2020-02-15
Idiomas necesarios Inglés
Habilidades necesarias API, Architect, UML, system

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