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(Actualizado 2022-11-15.)Software Developer
Oslo, Norway
Nativo English, Fluido Danish, Svenska
- C# and .Net
- GIT / Gitlab etc
- Python
Habilidades (20)
Infectious Disease
I am a social and outgoing software developer who enjoys programming. Although I am
primarily experienced within backend development, I have also ventured out into learning
frontend development. When it comes to interests within software development, my
interests mainly lie within projects which serve as useful solutions to other people and
which enable me to learn and master new technologies. I am curious of nature and
always strive towards widening my technical horizons; for instance. What makes me a
good developer is my ability to find solutions to problems, as well as my thirst for learning
the necessary things I need to know in order to execute said solutions. When it comes to
my work style, I find that I do my best work when working in teams seeing as I am socially
oriented by nature and find that the best solutions are reached in collaboration with
others. I am, however, also more than capable of working independently. In my spare time,
I enjoy working out, playing video games and hanging out with friends online and offline.
I have extensive experience with Python throughout my degree in data science, and during
my professional experience. As a developer I enjoy complex solutions, being challenged to
learn both new technologies and new ways of thinking through adopting best practice.
Experiencia profesional
2022-05 - Presente
Company IT Minds Period 05/2022 - Now it-minds.no +47 23 96 89 10 Project Android App Development Customer: Project Description Conceptos The project revolved around the further development of features to the client's Consulting product, Ferry Tickets, which is an app used by sailors on ferries. Requests by the client comprised different registration lists and the option of various payment methods in Technologies: the app. Moreover, part of the project was also centered around fixing problems and Xamarin (+ Forms), bugs caused by the app by exploring the code base and server which was written in Python, SQLite, C# / Python. The application was written with C# in the .NET framework as well as .NET, gitlab Xamarin.Forms, and it used MVVM architecture. Server built on and written in Python.
Period: Function & Responsibility
2022-01 - Presente
Project Company Description: Non commercial During my studies and spare time, I worked on several projects to gain experience in the field of software development. I enjoy backend development and have through Technologies: my degree developed extensive experience specially in Python which was used Typescript, React, throughout my bachelor in data science to analyze and predict data. During different nosql, Angular, spare time projects I have used github, and a variety of React, Angular to create Python, html, css frontend, whilst Typescript on backend solutions as well to learn about nosql databases.
Period 08/20-05/22 Project Machine Learning models Customer: Project Description Study project The project revolved around building different Machine Learning models to accurately classify different types of leukemia in patients. The project was carried out in a Technologies: collaborative manner with other developers.
Function & Responsibility During the project, my function included managing the provided data and using it to train and test different Machine Learning models. The main methods I used for the purpose were Linear, Logistic, Ridge and Lasso Regression as well as kNN classification. Upon having compared solutions and methods, I, furthermore, wrote a report about the process, results and conclusions of the project.
it-minds.no +47 23 96 89 10 Project Project planner Customer: Project Description Study project The project revolved around the development of a system which was able to plan out how to execute a project.
Technologies: Java Function & Responsibility I worked on the project independently, and I was thus responsible for writing an effective algorithm for ensuring that there is as little idle time as possible in a project.
In this way, those working on different parts of the project would not have to wait for those working on other parts.
Project Disease modelling Customer: Project Description Study project As an independent project, I developed a program which could create a simulation of the spreading of a disease.
Technologies: Python Function & Responsibility As the sole developer on the project, my function was to write a program which could make a SIRD model of how an infectious disease would spread. This was based on the degree to which the parts of the country were connected as well as both how deadly the disease was and how infectious it was.
Project Signal processing Customer: Project Description Study project In collaboration with another developer, I worked on modeling the seafloor from artificial data fetched from survey ship.
Technologies: Function & Responsibility During the project, my function primarily consisted of using the fetched data fetched from the ship with Fourier Transformation in order to figure out how far down the first and second sedimentary levels of the seafloor was from the surface.
Project Workout application Customer: Project Description Spare-time project In a team with other IT Minds developers, I created a workout-tracker/planner from scratch in my spare time. To support users' needs, the best features from competitors Technologies: were mimicked in an improved manor, and a niche was also added to the platform.
Java, Spring Boot Function & Responsibility My primary responsibility during the project comprised creating, planning and recruiting for the project as well as creating a backend for user registration and login.
For this, I used features from the Spring framework, including Spring Boot and Spring security. In addition to this, I was also in charge of devising the main design for the modelling of our database, and I, furthermore, also oversaw the development of tests for the logic I implemented. Additionally, I took charge of the basic design for the application to ensure that the frontend team had a template to work with.
it-minds.no +47 23 96 89 10 Project Webshop frontend Customer: Project Description Study project The purpose of the project was to automate the process of accessing a database.
Technologies: Function & Responsibility PostgreSQL, Python Working independently on the project, I was responsible for all aspects of the development process. In relation to this, I added additional functionality to a previously created webshop frontend. Moreover, I also tested it to ensure that it was safe from potential attacks on thedatabase.
it-minds.no +47 23 96 89 10
Formación académica
2022-11 - 2022-11
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