Senior frontend udvikler Humlebæk, Denmark

Podría estar disponible

(Actualizado 2022-01-27.)

Senior frontend udvikler

Humlebæk, Denmark

Nativo English, Principiante German

  • 7 års erfaring med SPA
  • 5 års erfaring med hybrid apps
  • Mange års erfaring i scrum teams

Habilidades (11)



Javascript Frameworks and Libraries










Loyal and talented freelance frontend developer

I love Javascript! My first hands-on experience with a JS framework was Ember. I enjoyed Angular immensely
though and have used it since version 1.6. I have since become familiar with the most common JS frameworks.
Today I mostly use React and Vue.

I have a lot of experience building large scale web apps, quick landing pages and everything in between!

❤ Vue
❤ Nuxt
❤ React
❤ Redux
❤ React Native
❤ Expo
❤ Headless CMS
❤ Express
❤ Wordpress
❤ GitHub
❤ Netlify
❤ Contentful

Experiencia profesional

Freelance Web Developer

2021-09 - Presente

Working as a frontend developer on a small team working on a large scale web app. Key words: Scrum, vue 3, contentful, cypress, jenkins

Senior Frontend Developer

2021-04 - 2021-09

Responsible for implementing complex multipage web design. Headless CMS with storyblok with serverside rendered Vue app.
Frontend Developer ajukreizi Sep 2020 - Apr 2021 (8 months) Responsible for maintaining multiple projects, estimating new projects, independently managing customer contact and maintaining tech stack.
Primarily tech stack: Wordpress headless CMS with React.
Software Developer

2018-01 - 2020-06

As part of a two man developer team I mainly drove the Frontend stack and development.
Built native app in React Native with custom iOS & Android bluetooth libraries.
Built webshop in wordpress with WooCommerce.
Built user management web app using React and WooCommerce api.
Helped maintain Nodejs/express backend.
Frontend Developer
Monstarlab EMEA

2015-03 - 2017-12

Built large and small web apps using AngularJS from v 1.6, Angular 2+ & Typescript, hybrid Cordova apps using Ionic and Android apps
Intern Programmer

2014-07 - 2014-12

Challenge: Rewrite their corporate website using a modern JavaScript framework and write a Node.js server API to support internationalization.

Formación académica

Computer Science, AP
Copenhagen Business Academy

2012-01 - 2015-01

Bachelor's degree
University of Copenhagen

2006-01 - 2011-01

Contacta con el consultor
