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(Actualizado 2020-07-01.)Programador Web/Product Owner
Barcelona, Spain
Nativo Spanish, Fluido English
- Experiencia como Product Owner/SCRUM Master
- Experiencia liderando equipos
- +20 años programación web
Habilidades (29)
Software Engineering
Product Management
.NET 2.0
Visual Basic
Software Developer, with experience leading teams and products, looking for opportunities that are not 100% coding. After being a programmer for more than 20 years, I am trying to make a transition to a position where coding is not my main responsibility.
Remote positions preferred. Relocation is not an option.
Experiencia profesional
2018-08 - Presente
Side Project! Creating the product of your dreams! Follow us on Instagram to see the progress. We've already produced a couple of usable prototypes. Now
we're dealing with logistics and negotiating with providers. You know how it
2020-03 - Presente
Developing two top products!
- Swish App (Basketball): https://www.nbn23.com/en/swish/
- Social Distance: https://soocialdistance.technology/
2017-01 - 2020-03
Product Management, Web Development, quick product prototyping, e-
commerce sites, and other software projects. From time to time, I also do tech
recruitment! Send me your candidates and I'll help you validate their skills.
Development Customers:
- Rooster Money (React/Node)
- K2 Partnering Solutions (Sitecore/CSS/jQuery)
- LambdaLoopers (WordPress/SASS/JS)
- BCN Marketing (WordPress/JS/CSS)
Consulting Customers:
- Flexxible IT (Product Owner)
- Scale Capacity - Los Angeles, US (Project Manager Associate)
Main technologies:
- Javascript (and frameworks around it, specially React)
- WordPress themes & customization
- NodeJS, Meteor, IBM node-red for IoT projects
Technical recruitment:
- How many times an awesome candidate is lost because the wrong person
was in charge of the screening process? You can't put a busy developer to do
HR tasks, and if you do, you must pick someone who's got people skills, good
communication, empathy and emotional intelligence. I have 20 years in the
field, and I am old enough to detect bullshit when I see it. But I also believe in people and I am willing to put the time and effort and give your candidates a fair chance.
Other stuff I do mostly for fun, but it does influence my work in the web & marketing industry:
- Content creation
- Video production
Flexxible IT®
2019-07 - 2019-12
Apps2Digital Product Owner (external, freelancer)
2018-10 - 2019-03
Developing SXA themes for Sitecore projects. Remote, international team.
Senior Software Developer (Contractor)
julio de 2017 - julio de 2018 (1 año 1 mes)
London, United Kingdom
Developer at UK based startup - Working remotely from Spain.
React, Backbone, Cordova, Node.js
2016-07 - 2017-01
Agile Technical Manager with extensive development experience.
At Blended, we build solutions and experiences for our clients that expand
their businesses. Those experiences bring together and unite web, mobile and wearable platforms. We are able to melt our technological expertise around
JavaScript technologies with a unique blend of Experience Design that focuses on user behaviour and real user needs.
2015-12 - 2016-07
Senior Front-End Developer at Bynder - online Brand Portal and Digital Asset
Management solution.
Founded in 2010, Bynder is the leading branding automation solution and powers over 300 brands worldwide, including KLM Royal Dutch Airlines,
Logitech and AkzoNobel. Bynder has offices in Amsterdam, Rotterdam,
London, Boston and Barcelona and is currently active in over 50 countries.
2015-07 - 2015-11
2012-11 - 2015-06
CQ5, siguiendo los estándares y normas de accesibilidad más actuales.
Nota para recruiters: No estoy interesado en trabajar con AEM/CQ otra vez.
2012-04 - 2012-11
Apps & Usability Consultant.
2011-06 - 2012-02
creating usability & design proposals, supervising outsourcing providers,
testing & validating functional requirements.
As a side project, I made a Social Media Strategy draft for the company.
Technologies: Oracle Products
2010-07 - 2011-05
2008-09 - 2010-07
2007-11 - 2008-09
Controles Telerik
Presence Technology
Solutions Developer
2007 - 2007 (menos de un año)
My role was to integrate the company's products into the existing customers'
infrastructure and custom User Interfaces. (.Net, PHP, VB, JavaScript)
Technologies: MS .Net (C#), jQuery, PHP (to extend Sugar CRM), MySQL,
SQL Server, Oracle
2006-06 - 2006-11
2005-11 - 2006-05
business intelligence, web payment gateways (paypal, visa, Cerisign certificates, Deutsche Telekom). Working with customers such Sega, Yahoo!
Brasil, Norton, Ahead Software, T-Mobile.
2005-03 - 2005-11
2000-01 - 2005-03
Mis funciones fueron muy distintas, abarcando un abanico muy amplio que
me proporcionó una visión global de la industria, y experiencia suficiente para iniciar mi especialización. Entre las tecnologías que usé y llegué a dominar,
destaco: VB6, ASP y PHP en mis inicios. Primero como parte de equipos pero con tendencia a desarrollar de forma independiente soluciones completas.
Con la llegada de .Net, me especialicé en esta plataforma de desarrollo,
compaginándola con PHP en proyectos freelance. Además, he realizado
trabajos de fotografía y diseño gráfico (retoque de imágenes, modelado 3D, flyers, catálogos y revistas). Solicitar CV para información más detallada.
Formación académica
1994-01 - 1997-01
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