IT PROJECT MANAGER Barcelona, Espagne

Podría estar disponible

(Actualizado 2020-03-03.)


Barcelona, Espagne

Nativo French, English, Intermedio Spanish

  • Fluent English, French
  • More than 15 years IT Project Management
  • 25 Years freelancer

Habilidades (29)

Portfolio Management


Change Management















Load Balancing












Experiencia profesional

Personal project
Management ConceptStore

2017-01 - 2019-01

ConceptStore's creation, from buying to selling in shop

◦ Find/Hunt products in fairs (Maison & Objets, Who's next , HOMI, Bisutex, ) - Paris - Milan - Madrid
◦ Products from: Arts and crafts, Hand Made, Sustainable fashion
◦ Sell in my shop

LVMH (PCIS) - World wide - Notes Migration Notes to O365
Project Management
mailboxes + Shops + Groups

2016-01 - 2017-01


Coordination all countries, for the team factory and all technical teams (AD, help desk, change management)

◦ Participation during the implementation of migration's tool (some personalization around reports, data files, )
◦ Coordination all IT WW (Customer service, Factory, IT, CTO): steering committee (Local, /Region,/Management)
◦ Planning APAC, EMEA, AMER = around 15 000 users + Generic mailboxes + Shops + Groups
◦ Prepare (AD remediation, Size mailbox, Change Domain, Inventory)
◦ Integration of new shops and / or new brands during projects (Different technologies involving changes in migration strategies then RUN)
◦ Measurement / Analysis of the impacts of this IS change on related applications (more than 1000) for service continuity (weighing stations in the factory, corner positions in stores for example)
◦ Follow migration WW and all deployment linked (Office 2016 =prerequisite)
◦ All reporting to different levels: Top Management, IT Project Manager
◦ Related projects = Secure access to generic mailboxes (rename, shops, production's accounts)
◦ Decommissioning Servers " Legacy Notes " (all the platform with anti-virus, spam)
◦ Implementation, organization and coordination of training courses and floor-walkers (proximity assistance to users)
◦ MUFE Migration = Specific brand which went from Zimbra (Around 800 users WW) = Integration new brand with different IS
Project management

2015-01 - 2016-01


Coordination regions (APAC, EMEA, Latamec USA, Oceania)

◦ Technical prepare to build the new platform (Tenant cloud)
◦ Consultant as expert on Migration, on Notes
◦ Coordination several IT (OBS, Factory, IT région): Weekly meeting with region
◦ Scheduling APAC, EMEA, USA, Oceania = around 5 000 users
◦ Follow Prepare/Prerequisites WW (AD remediation, Size mailbox, Change Domain, Inventory, )
◦ Follow migration and deployments (Office 2013 & 2016)
◦ Organization of the transition from local administered systems to a unified messaging IS strategy
◦ Compatibility analysis notes applications(Integrate applications with new IS) and monitoring of migration
◦ Decommissioning services from old platform (Mobile, Webmail, )

LVMH- PCIS - World Wide - Migration Notes & Plateform consolidation
CTO, IT Manager
Coordination WW

2013-01 - 2015-01

- Messaging consolidation (with software update)

◦ Implementation and management of migration team
◦ Monitoring external resources
◦ Scheduling, coordination and WW communication (CTO, IT Manager): Planning, coordination and WW communication (CTO, IT Manager): 3 geographical plates, 12,000 users
◦ Technical coordination of the implementation of the platform and its monitoring (email, chat and mobility)
◦ Technical coordination for the implementation of the two migration tools (present population of users on two different platforms, multiple domains)
◦ Steering Committee, Project Committee
◦ Run implementation & associated governance (by region)
◦ Sub-project: Integration of countries in the new Field
◦ Change Management (full change of tooling and user management process)
◦ Briefing Help Desk
◦ Subproject Closure: Decommissioning servers, rename groups, cleaning Legacy platform
◦ Budget Monitoring and billing to subsidiaries
◦ Mobile fleet renewal (due to new IS)

LVMH/OBS - World Wide - Implementation of cloud

2011 - 2012 (2 years) Project management several divisions (" maisons ")

AMOA/MOE, migration mail, independent services , applications

◦ Implementation and management of the Migration Factory (Resources, Procedures): SPOC OBS for the migration provider (around 10 persons)
◦ Organization and monitoring of the working groups with local IT and local CTO by region (EMEA, APAC, US)/country: Preparing Servers (Notes version & OS, lines capacity (Wan) , Preparation of users (OS, mailbox version, others applications), application inventory, process definition for mailbox'replica by NAS all over the world
◦ Sub-projects management for 3 divisions WW • Responsability of 15 000 mailboxes
◦ Project Committee, CTO meeting, Steering committee (Migration, Service management, Problem Management)
◦ Monitoring Problem Committee (Incident/Problem): Summary of migration issues, Analysis, Force proposal of solutions (with engineers) with the help desk in Cairo
◦ Writing CAB and participation on the Change Management committee
◦ Participation on Production committee: Storage capacity, Issues analysis

GrasSavoye - Email migration and upgrade office pack - Neuilly et Filiales africaines

2010 (1 year) - Project management technical projects

Management several projects for the technical direction:

◦ Build a team for the project migration (Notes to Exchange and upgrade office pack) • 5 persons Organization and monitoring of the working groups (Application business impact, Applications Notes to Sharepoint, Update impact, Change Management, Storage/Archive) • Impact on production; Force proposal to technical direction
◦ Selected solution: Test and recipe with technical team and a pilot of resources
◦ Build a dedicated help desk: call scenarios and indicators
◦ Build change management process with the internal training team: type of populations, writing documentations
◦ Resources coordination (Engineers, Architects, Help desk)
◦ Projects steering for the centralized information system (the new target): Architectural folders
◦ Monitoring providers
◦ Monitoring budget (around 1 M €)
◦ Monitoring Project committee and Steering committee

Natixis - Migration and merge payment application - Paris

2007-01 - 2009-01

2007 - 2009 (2,5 years): Management of payments projects

Service quality and customer relationship management (Front, Middle and Back Office)

◦ Interface between sales force and IT Delivery staff,
◦ SPOC of the program during the IT department reorganization period, 3 years
◦ Directly in charge of technical department: 15 persons,
◦ Subcontractors coordination: all projects for payment department,
◦ Animation of employees and project's manager ,
◦ Technical and financial dashboards, reporting,
◦ Billing goods and services: turn-over per year: 22 million €uros, 3500 days
◦ Definition of technical configurations for the new datacenter (storage area, network lines, location) with engineers systems and networks
◦ Multiple integration / Merger over 3 years, new banks / subsidiaries (involving changes in infrastructure and / or planning and / or human and financial resources)
◦ Writing/Validation architectural folders (DMZ, Process/application): order equipment
◦ Monitoring Project committee, Steering committee and direction Committee

Photonis - email migration - Brive La gaillarde
Sanofi, Airbus

1990-01 - 2007-01

France Telecom, Business schools, associations):

◦ Back up architecture audit: design and development (Notes, Visual Basic, Oracle,
◦ Migration X25 to IP: "Heart" of department and all the customers (HSBC, SMC )
◦ Microsoft messaging migration to IBM Lotus Domino 6 and 7.1, 8.5, France, UK, USA, or to Exchange
◦ Following versioning in Front and Back Office
◦ Upgrade applications
◦ Redaction technical and applicative specifications (technical protocol)
◦ World wide projects with Airbus
Project management

2007-01 - 2007-01

Prerequisite to deployment

◦ Study to compare Notes and Exchange functionalities
◦ Writing a folder to explain the new solution (process and production) • Force proposal to the direction
◦ Monitoring a technical team and the internal resources (WW)
◦ Monitoring the sub-projects
◦ Assistance project follow-up
◦ Change Management for end-users

Project manager - France

Formación académica


2020-03 - 1990-01

Paris XII

2020-03 - 1989-01


2020-03 - 1986-01

Sciences Po
Sciences Po

2020-03 - 1984-01



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