Desarrollador con experiencia Argentona, España

Podría estar disponible

(Actualizado 2020-09-19.)

Desarrollador con experiencia

Argentona, España

Nativo French, English, Spanish, Intermedio Catalan; Valencian

  • HTML 5, CSS, Javascript
  • Python, Java, C++, SQL
  • 30 años de experiencia en programación

Habilidades (35)





















Microsoft Visual C++
















I am currently looking for short-term and long-term freelance software projects, whether
from home, my region or other countries. Given the proper conditions, I would also be
ready to join a company as a full time employee.

I was born in France, I grew up in Canada and I have lived in Spain for almost 20 years. I
can and would like to travel to undertake new challenges.

My mother tongue is French but I did all my schooling in English, so I speak both
languages, in addition to Spanish. I read and understand Catalan.

My LinkedIn pro le:

Experiencia profesional

Senior Programmer-analyst
Quadrom Services, S.L

2002-01 - Presente

Territory management and CRM software for pharmaceutical companies. Design and programming for laptops, digital assistants and tablets.
Client and server communication software for electronic communications.
Communication and Farmatic order server for the Pharmaceutical industry,
distributing pharmacy orders to producers.
Communication and Farmatic order server for the Pharmaceutical industry,
distributing pharmacy orders to manufacturers.
Communication client and server software for Fedicom orders for the pharmaceutical
industry, managing transactions between manufacturer and wholesaler.
Filehawk: Local disk search program with smart folders.
Programming of call managing website for pharmaceutical sales representatives,
using the Google Maps platform for geolocalization.
Tools library programming.
About programming languages and frameworks used:
• 2002 to 2018 - The territory management client software was written mainly in C++, as well as C and various scripting languages (AWK, Bash, DOS command shell, etc.).Some special client software was written in Sybase PowerBuilder. The client
software made extensive use of a local Sybase SQL database but sent and received
data audit records to and from the server for processing.
• 2002 to 2018 - The server programs for the territory management software were
rst written in Linux Bash scripts, AWK programs, C applications etc. Proprietary
data audit records were maintained and served to an AS/400 mainframe database.
• 2012 to 2020 - The various communication software packages that delivered
Farmatic orders from pharmacies to the pharmaceutical company or to the pharmaceutical company's wholesalers were mostly written in Java 7, processing
orders to and from at rst a Sybase Anywhere and then an Oracle database.
• 2013 to 2020 - The server software that employed the Fedicom protocol to send
and receive orders from wholesalers was written in Java 7 and all requests were
stored in an Oracle database (rst Sybase Anywhere).
• 2014 to 2018 - Use of the Angular framework: Until 2014, the order system
monitoring and reporting was done by manually supervising log les and error
reports and using bash scripts to produce reports. In early 2014, we started using
Angular 1 (AngularJS) to build a monitoring and reporting website, showing
summary graphs of the status of orders by wholesaler, timeline, errors, pending
orders, etc., as well as tables presenting any level of detail of interest, drilling down or rolling up. In the Fall of that year, we ported the software to the new version,
Angular 2. Over the years, we upgraded our software to Angular versions 4 and
5. Our website software polled a Java server via a RESTful API to request data from the Oracle database as well as extracts from huge log les on the system.
• 2018 to 2020 - Use of Python and the Flask microframework to migrate protocol
Fedicom 1 to Fedicom 3 transactions in real time, as a lter. The software consists of a Python server on a Linux system that is interfaced through a RESTful API. This
program receives the pharmaceutical orders in one format and translates those to
the other format before they are sent to the Java servers that take care of forwarding the orders to the wholesalers or transaction results from the wholesaler
to the supplier.
• 2018 to 2020 - Use of Python and Flask to build a monitorization and reporting
server for the Fedicom Java and Python servers. This application polls the database and various status and log les to report order transactions - pending,
served, erroneous, etc. A RESTful API is used for a Web client built with Flask. Jinja
was used to process web templates for the website client and Babel was used for
internationalization and localization. The ORM package SQLAlchemy was used to match the SQL database to Python classes.
Senior Programmer-analyst

1994-01 - 2001-12

Angular 2 to 5 Python
Flask Powerbuilder PHP C Typescript AWK
Git Netbeans Windows Linux Visual C++
Montréal, Québec, Canada Senior Programmer-analyst
January 1994 - December 2001
PCA, Inc.
Territory management and CRM software for pharmaceutical companies (Montreal, Barcelona and Madrid).
Email management program and electronic data transfer.
Timesheet manager program.
Travel expenses management program for pharmaceutical representatives (meals, transportation, etc.)
Tools library programming.
Porting DOS programs to Windows and OS/2 and network model databases to relational.
Senior programmer-analyst
Kimsa Services, Inc

1993-02 - 1994-12

Territory management and CRM software for pharmaceutical companies (Montreal, Barcelona and Madrid).
Email management program and electronic data transfer.
Timesheet manager program.
Travel expenses management program for pharmaceutical representatives (meals, transportation, etc.)
Tools library programming.
Senior Programmer-analyst
Quadrom Software Systems, Inc

1992-07 - 1993-01

Territory management software for pharmaceutical representatives (Montréal).
Customized software for each client.
Database programming (network model) was crucial in software oriented to the pharmaceutical industry.
Intermediate programmer-analyst
Commware, Inc

1991-09 - 1992-06

Design and programming of an automated attendant and voicemail system.
Design and programming of Vocalix, a complete voicemail system with DTMF menu.
Generic and customized versions of the software for businesses.
Driver programming for audio/DTMF cards and automated attendant.
Intermediate programmer-analyst

1991-05 - 1991-08

Vocal systems
Programming of an automated attendant and voicemail system.
Junior programmer
Quadrom Software Systems, Inc

1989-09 - 1991-04

Management and insurance quote system.
Software for various insurance companies. Software for insurance sales
representatives using laptops, adapted for each company.
Eight month stay in Madrid and Milan for the implementation of a project for Prudential
Life Insurance.

The programming was mainly done in C in a DOS environment with tools emulating Unix
command line programs (MKS Toolkit) and a network model database (dbVista.)
The programming of complex calculations was crucial.
In addition to programming, responsible for managing the source code of the team on
local computer using MKS RCS.
During the nal months, code review of beginner programmers.

Terrebonne, Québec, Canada Warehouse and store employee
Canadian Tire Corporation

1985-03 - 1989-02

Weekend and evening job while studying at University.

Formación académica

Bachelor in Science
Concordia University

1985-01 - 1989-01

College Studies in pure and applied sciences

1985-01 - 1989-01

High school diploma
high school and university

1982-01 - 1984-01

Laval Catholic Highschool
Laval Catholic Highschool

1979-01 - 1982-01

Marcel junior high school

1977-01 - 1979-01

Holy Rosary elementary school
Holy Rosary elementary school

1972-01 - 1977-01

École primaire Mascouche-ouest
École primaire Mascouche-ouest

1971-01 - 1972-01

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De lunes a viernes: 9:00 - 18:00