Consultant Professional Services Stockholms län, Sweden

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(Actualizado 2021-10-12.)

Consultant Professional Services

Stockholms län, Sweden

Nativo Svenska, English, Principiante German

  • Transformation
  • Projektledning
  • Bank och Finans

Habilidades (34)


Business Strategy


Technical Project Manager




Development Manager


Requirements analyst

Lifecycle Management




Internet banking


Webb strategy


Risk Management








Vendor Management


Business Intelligence

Network Architecture






I have 33 years of experience in roles such as Head of IT-Processes, Project Manager, Development Manager, IT-consultant, Business Service Owner, Team Leader,  and KAM. All within the field of financial services. During the years I acquired excellent ability to gather, translate,  and communicate business and IT-needs to stakeholder.

I am Result-oriented, prestige less, Open minded, curious and persevering. I have Strategic thinking, good Communication skills, Cross-cultural awareness and experience.  Last but not least, I am a confident and experienced leader.

Experiencia profesional

Technical Project Manager and SME
ICA Banken

2019-01 - 2020-03

Technical implementation of PSD2 and Open Banking within ICA Banken. The solution is based on WSO2 API store and Curity. Responsible for the technical implementation, test, staff and finances.
Curity, Open Banking, PSD  Payment Service Directive, Risk management, Technical Project Manager, SME, WSO2 API Manager

Network and Infrastructure, Project Manager, Vendor management
office 2.0

2016-04 - 2018-09

Swedbank AB
Lifecycle of network hardware, new safer and more flexible network architecture, we also supply with 4G redundancy, Wi-Fi, and network accelerators.
Affects 400 Branch offices throughout Europe, but also our foreign branches.
Network and Infrastructure, Project Manager, Vendor management'
Specialist, BSO, KAM
Swedbank AB

2004-05 - 2018-09

Cognosis AB

2016-01 - 2016-01

Prepare presentations in a methodical way
Target the presentation to the audience
Deliver the presentation in a professional manner
Get across key messages persuasively
Run and facilitate meetings to ensure maximum output
Get total commitment on decisions made
Deal with different people and personalities
Handle difficult questions
New manager
Swedbank Swedbank AB

2016-01 - 2016-01

Internal leadership training, a three-step program for new managers 2013
Leadership Development Program

The program is consists of 4 training blocks:
1. 360-evaluation and self-assessment
2. GAP-analysis and action planning (establish 'road map' to close gap)
3. Continuous work to develop effective habits and behavior. Inspiration and examples were drawn from Peter's daily work and the following literature:
- The one-minute manager (Ken Blanchard)
- 7 habits of highly effective people (Stephen Covey)
- Chefen suger (Per-Åke Svensson, Olle Sjösäter)
- Awake the giant within (Tony Robbins)
4. Evaluation and ongoing follow up of new behaviors and results created
Head of IT-Processes Savings Bank Öresund
Swedbank AB

2014-05 - 2015-12

Swedbank bought the savings bank Öresund 2014. The mission was to insure that daily operations works. And to plan relocation of customers and IT systems to Swedbank. Savings Bank Öresund had no in-house IT related services or systems, all core banking system was purchased as a service from external suppliers.
Change Manager, Information Security, IT-management, Outsourcing, Partner/Vendor Management, Relocation, Staff
Project Manager New Headquarters

2011-10 - 2013-03

Swedbank AB
Swedbank HQ would move from Brunkebergstorg to newly built office in Sundbyberg. Peters role as project manager was to collect IT requirements, plan, procure and ensure that infrastructure such as network, workplace, telephony etc. came into place. Also ensure that the budget and time plan where held.
Network and Infrastructure, Printing technology, Procurement, Project Manager, Requirements analysis, Standard Workplace, Telephony, Wi-Fi.
Partner/Vendor Management, SaaS

2012-09 - 2012-12

Swedbank needed a unified solution for WIFI in Branch offices. Peter handled the requirements for Savings Banks. He then participated in the procurement and choice of supplier. Swedbank chose to buy wifi as a service, Peter was responsible for SLA and the contacts with the supplier.
Partner/Vendor Management, SaaS, SLA service level agreements
Mobile payment specialist and business strategy
Swedbank AB

2007-11 - 2010-06

Peter worked in this project as a specialist in the field of mobile payments but also business strategy. The result of our work was Swish and Mobile Bank ID, which today is Swedbank and banks' joint solutions.
Business Strategy, Mobile Payment, Mobile security, Usability Testing
Assignor and Project Manager
Swedbank AB

2008-10 - 2009-10

Implementation of WebTrends
Now we can follow identified customers in the Internet Bank. We now know how our customers use the Internet Bank, and what services do not work satisfactorily. Webtrends also feed our DW with master data.
Business Intelligence (BI), Web trends
Group and Leader Development

2009-01 - 2009-01

Suitable for anyone who wants to be effective leaders, trainers or team members. Through concrete tasks and experiences with other participants, you get an understanding of the impact of group dynamics and group processes on everything that's happening around you - and how to handle it.
Expert internet banking and payments
Swedbank AB

2007-05 - 2007-08

New non-life insurance system
During the summer of 2007, we build, together with Folksam, new insurers system on behalf of Swedbank. Peters role in this project was technical expert internet banking, but also specialist technology payments.
Insurances, Payment Solutions, Specialist, Usability Testing
youth coach
BUL 1 and 2

2007-01 - 2007-01

in most sports, you have to go to this course. focus on how to manage groups but also see individuals' individual needs.
Requirements and Development Manager
Swedbank AB

2005-05 - 2006-12

New infrastructure for electronic documents. The bank sends huge amounts of information to customers via mail, this is costly and not particularly effective for customers or banks. With the new information hub that we have developed, the bank has a minimal number of mails sent.
Development Manager, Electronic documents, Internet banking, Requirements analyst
Requirements and Development Manager
Swedbank AB

2006-01 - 2006-08

Requirements and Development Manager Telephone & Internet Bank
New infrastructure for top-up prepaid card via internet and mobile banking.
Usability Testing
IT Management Skills Training

2004-01 - 2006-01

Managing in an IT environment can greatly differ from traditional management practices, which means IT managers need to possess key skills and behaviors to get the most from their technical staff. In this training course, gain management skills for an IT environment, learn to lead with vision, motivate and empower with passion, facilitate effective communication, and delegate with clarity to individuals and teams working in an IT environment

Requirements and Development Manager
Swedbank AB

2005-11 - 2006-01

Solution for managing DHL agreements electronically. Previously, the administrators have printed the agreement locally and manually sent it by mail or post. With the new solution, the agreement is sent out centrally. If the customer is Internet Bank's customer, they get the agreement in the Internet bank.
Development Manager, Requirements analysis
Modul 1 AB

2000-08 - 2004-05

Web analyst

2003-11 - 2004-05

With the help of the qlikview program, I conducted the first analyzes of Föreningsparbanken's internet bank. These analyzes were then the basis for the continued development of their internet banking.
Business analytics, QlikView, Web analytics
Review manager

2003-09 - 2003-10

I have completed a shorter Review of FSB's intended acquisition of portfolio management systems. We have assumed an external perspective and performed qualitative SWOT and GAP analyses. I have also mapped FSB's requirement against other financial institutions. The result has been presented to the Bank Board
second opinion
Technical project manager
Skanska Venture Office

2003-10 - 2003-10

Development of system support for Venture Office as a concept for project portfolio evaluation. System support consists of a web-based ASAP application to conduct qualitative interviews. Evaluation of the interviews is then done in a proprietary QlikView application
Development Manager, QlikView, Technical Project Manager
Business development and presales
Modul1 and QlikTech

2002-01 - 2003-09

The mission was to identify and define different applications for the Business Intelligence program QlikView. The delimitation was areas of application within Finance. After completing assignments, I have delivered several interesting applications.
Business Intelligence (BI), Strategy and business development
Specialist and system integration

2001-12 - 2002-12

SPP have purchased an existing payroll system from IFS AB, which was adapted for SPP so that it can be used for pension payments. My role in this has been to quality assurance specifications, drive the issues of internal control, set functional requirements for IFS AB and coordinate issues regarding system integration.
Payment Solutions, Quality assurance, Requirements analysis, System integrator
Operation and Management
Service Owner Internet banking SEB

2001-01 - 2001-12

Responsible for strategies (short and long term), developing new services/functions Lifecycle of existing. Operation and Management. I was also a project coordinator and filter between the business and IT. As a SO, I cooperated with several departments within the SEB Group,
Lifecycle Management, Project Manager, Service Owner
Project manager

2000-10 - 2000-12

Länsförsäkringar consists of 24 independent companies with different Bank related terms and conditions. We have built an intranet solution where each company can register its own terms and conditions. It is also intended for information management regarding campaigns, interest rate comparisons, etc.
Intranet, Multibank Functionality, Project Manager

2000-10 - 2000-10

Oct 2000
Technical project manager
Riks-akuten moves to new premises, the project is to coordinate the technical components prior to the move and to ensure the operating environment in the new premises. The project will also provide technical solutions that will meet future demands on speed and accuracy
Management and Control, Operation & Management, Project Manager

Jan 2000 - Sep 2000

Quality assurance second opinion
Modul1 &
A e-commerce site that focuses on the delivery of rented houses and apartments in Europe. The site is built by different suppliers. The owners were not satisfied with the result, so they requested that an independent company quality assure the site. I was commissioned to do this. Our review resulted in several changes that affected appearance, user friendliness etc. Webb strategy


1995-05 - 2000-07

Member deposits
Kooperativa Förbundets

1986-10 - 1993-12

Delivery and Project Manager
ICA Banken

2020-04 - Presente

Delivery Manager for a Value Stream and project manager. I manage all development for the value streem with help from un agile team , and project lead technical implementation of P27.

Formación académica

Frans Schartaus Gymnasium (Upper Secondary School) Frans Schartaus Gymnasium
Frans Schartaus Gymnasium (Upper Secondary School) Frans Schartaus Gymnasium

1981-01 - 1983-01



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