Android developer Turku, Suomi

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(Actualizado 2024-05-15.)

Android developer

Turku, Suomi

Nativo Finnish, English, Principiante Svenska

  • Wide experience on Android development
  • Develop multiple Android applications
  • Also experience on iOS development

Habilidades (12)



Android Studio











Over 9 years experience in mobile development. During that time, I have developed multiple mobile applications, to the needs of many different companies, based on their specification as leading developers. In my last job, I was a leading developer in developing Android EMM solutions as part of the development team. I have developed both iOS and Android applications in my past, and have examples of code for both platforms.

I like working as part of the engineering team. Sharing information and helping others to achieve their goals and taking responsibility for the project. Working as the Android developer, I strive in all areas of mobile development, from making app functionality, to the UI/UX development, based on requirements, using common practices, design models and architectural patterns of Android development like Observer, singleton,MVC and MVP.

Development was made in Java and Kotlin languages. Using libraries like Jetpack, Dagger2, OkHttp to make consistent, easily extendable code. Switch follows best practices of Android development. And works consistently, works as expected and is bug free, on different devices off the Android ecosystem, by making unit and integration testing using JUnit and practical testing. Also experienced using Jenkings to build the source code to test and analyze it. And tracking what issues the users face on the field, by using Firebase analytics.


My communication skills are fluent in both Finnish and English. In the past, I have used English language in working matters and made technical documentation. Knowledge also project planning and  track the progress of the project, using Jira and Confluence. Mostly I have worked according to the Scrum model. To distribute version control I have used Git.  


Experiencia profesional

Android developer
Hublet Oy

2020-10 - 2023-08

Develop UI and functionality to Android EMM solution.

Developing according to common practices of software development and UI design principles. Developed with Kotlin using Android Studio IDE with libraries like OkHttp, Dagger, JUnit, Jetpack, Moshi json library. Also used Firebase Analytics.

Worked according to the Scrum model, as part of the development team to implement the software requirements. Using project tools like Git, Jira and Confluence.

Android developer
SpecialOS Oy Ltd

2019-04 - 2020-04

Develop UI and functionality to Android Applications.

Build applications according to common practices of software development and UI design principles. Developed on both Java and Kotlin languages. Using frameworks like Koin and JUnit.

Worked according to the Scrum model, as part of the development team to implement the software requirements.

Mobile developer
Own company

2016-06 - 2020-09

Build Android and iOS applications according to common practices of software development and UI design principles. Android apps I have developed in both Java and Kotlin languages. And iOS applications on both Objective-C and Swift.

Worked according to the Scrum model, as many times leading developer, as part of the development team to implement the software requirements.

Formación académica

Information technology
Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

2000-06 - 2006-06

Contacta con el consultor
