Updated: 2023-09-12

Consultant task - Robot Operating System developer

Sogndal, Norge

  • Offentliggjort 3 years ago
  • Engelsk
  • Forventet startdato: Hurtigst muligt

Assignment Details

For a robotics company I Norway that develops mobile robot products, are we looking for consultants that can contribute to greater flexibility in their workforce. 

The costumer is looking for three different roles with following competences: 

1. Robotics/Cybernetics
- Control and system theory
- Applied science and mathematics
- Robotics HW and mechanics
- Digital electronics

2. SW development
- Computer science
- SW engineering
- Industrial code
- Problem decomposition and choosing abstractions
- Solution design and architecture
- Algorithm frameworks and data processing

3. Product development and engineering
- Design and engineering
- Prototyping and testing.


Område Sogndal, Norge
Arbejdsbyrde 37 Timer / Uge , 100 % onsite
Forventet startdato Hurtigst muligt
Forventet slutdato 12+ måneder
Nødvendige sprog Engelsk
Nødvendige kvalifikationer Developer, ROBOT, consultant, system

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