Updated: 2023-09-12

Consultant Task – Product Designer/UX Designer, Århus and remote

Aarhus, Denmark

  • Offentliggjort 2 år siden
  • Dansk, Engelsk
  • Forventet startdato: Hurtigst muligt

Assignment Details

For a Nordic digital market place client we are looking for an experienced Product Designer/UX Designer with exceptional visual design skills and documented experience in conducting user research to validate ideas and prototypes.

The designer we’re looking for has the seniority to guide and support colleagues with visual design, has a data-driven mindset in product development, and can translate a value-creating idea into pixel-perfect designs for Android, iOS, and web. 

This designer is also able to guide and involve colleagues in the design process and keep a tight dialogue with the developers to ensure that everyone is on board with the design and that we maintain the quality of the product after launch.


Work tasks will vary but may include:

- Drive user research and the user experience perspective in your squad 
- Transform insights into pixel-perfect design (we use Figma)
-  Plan and facilitate workshops to move forward with value creation and design
- Early testing using prototypes and mockups
- Work agile, build and maintain close collaboration with the developers
- Participate in design reviews and bounce ideas with your design colleagues, both in Denmark and in the Nordics

Location : Århus and remote
Workload: 100%
Start: Asap
Duration: 6 months
Language: Fluent in Danish and English

Your qualifications:
We are looking for a consultant with as many of the following competencies:

- At least 5 years of experience as a UX/UI or product designer
- Experience in user testing and validation
- Experience in designing for both apps and web.


Område Aarhus, Denmark
Arbejdsbyrde 40 Timer / Uge , Delvist remote
Forventet startdato Hurtigst muligt
Forventet slutdato 6+ måneder
Nødvendige sprog Dansk, Engelsk
Nødvendige kvalifikationer PRODUCT DESIGN, UX design, User Testing, app and web design

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