User Experience Research & Design Stockholms län, Sverige

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(Opdateret 2020-04-16)

User Experience Research & Design

Stockholms län, Sverige

Modersmål Svenska, English

  • User experience design
  • Research
  • Lean UX

Kvalifikationer (5)

Digital Marketing

Data Analysis




Professionel erfaring

WOO Manager

2019-08 - Nuværende

User Experience Designer & researcher

WOO Manager is a tool used by media agencies and advertising planners to book video slots. The tool offers the opportunity to manage the ads according to different target groups and get an estimate of the number of impressions the ad can give based on the budget set for the campaign. In real-time, the campaigns can also be monitored and effect reported by the client. As a UX designer, I work on continuously monitoring how Woo Manager works for users through interviews and user tests. Advertising planner on TV4 works with WOO Manger several hours a day. I also work in Sketch to create symbols and components to build a design system to ensure that the design is continuous, accessible and user-friendly.
Interviews, user testing, workshops, Sketch, Design System, Zeplin
User experience designer

2020-02 - 2020-03

The client is a B2B IT-company offering comprehensive data- and telecom solutions to their customers. In the pre-study phase, we delivered a product backlog and a sprint plan for a project to create a new sales engine (CPQ), which sales representatives will use to create quotations for their customers. The project also included the creation of a new e-commerce solution on the Episerver Commerce CPX platform with a highly customer-adapted webshop with unique product assortment, prices and appearance. We did workshops with the client to analyze the business- and user needs. Together with the team from Valtech, consisting of developers, BA and project leader, I was a part of creating workshops with the client to analyze the business and user needs. I specified the requirements in user stories and made detailed wireframes for the e-com.
Wireframes, Sketch, Design system, Backlog, User flows, Overflow, Invision
User Experience Designer
Atlas Antibodies

2019-11 - 2020-02

Atlas Antibodies had the need to bring their eCommerce web to a new level and I have been a part of creating the best user experience within the area of Antibodies. My role as a user experience designer is to run an insight-driven and continuous design process where the client is constantly involved and where we prototype and test our solutions with users. My task is to build and improve the website as well as having a tight collaboration with developers, an Art director and the Product Owner. Continuously I am working with web analysis in Google Analytics & Hotjard but also optimize the key user flows and interactions.
Interviews, User test, Google Analytics, Hotjard, Wireframes & prototyping, Adobe XD
User Experience Designer

2019-08 - 2019-09

For any e-commerce site a good user experience and high conversion rate are key, the focus of this project is to explore ways of improving the Skistar shop in order to give the customer an even better experience.
Google analytics
User Experience Designer

2019-05 - 2019-07

At JM my main task is user testing their new website which will be launched at the end of June. I work together with a team at JM and consultants from other consulting agencies. The test is done in the production environment thanks to the website being almost fully developed. The user tests have been performed on both JM customers and people who are interested in buying accommodation with no connection to JM. I have also conducted user tests when we demonstrated the website internally at JM to gather valuable feedback and errors. The most critical of the user tests have been highlighted in the sprints and prioritized into the work, both for the internal launch at JM and for future development work. The website has also been stress-tested together with a tester to find errors and no user-friendly parts om the website.
User test, Wireframes, Sketch, Workshops, Agil project management, Styleguide
User Experience Designer and project leader
Valtech Store

2019-01 - 2019-05

Valtech Store was created to work with two areas Valtech is passionate about. First, how to create richer customer experiences with digital tools, but also to collect and analyze data from the physical space through the new technology. I have developed a design for our smart mirror, which with the help of RFID technology show the garments taken into the fitting room. Through a QR code on the screen, users can pay directly in their own smartphone through a check-out flow that was produced. To visualize the data, a Conversion Funnel in a Dashboard was produced that shows the customer journey from the garment being lifted from the hanger, tested, purchased and returned. Prior to the launch of Valtech Store 2.0, I also worked as a project leader in a team with a product owner and 5 developers. The tasks included prioritizing tasks, administration and synchronization through the team.
User test, Sketch, prototyping, Storytelling, prioritization
User Experience Designer

2019-02 - 2019-04

February 2019 - April 2019
One of the most well-known retail chains in the Nordics - Proof-of-concept for a new e-commerce user experience
User Experience Designer

The retail chain is at the beginning of a brand transformation and an upgrade of its digital channels, both in terms of experience and technology. The team from Valtech worked with service design methods in a structured way and designed, prototyped and tested concepts and hypotheses. The goal was to sell complicated products by inspiring the customer with solutions and services, integrated in a seamless manner into the purchase flow. I focused on the creation of wireframes and user tests of the prototype.
Impact mapping, workshop, wireframes & prototyping, user test, iteration
Service Designer

2018-12 - 2019-02

The intention of the work was to find out about customer needs and "pain points" in their customer journey of buying retail. In our work we interviewed a number of people, including store staff, consumers in the town, but also deep interviews with consumers. To gain further understanding, we carried out mystery shopping in physical stores. During this work, we gained insights into shopping habits, needs and drivers of consumers. In the retail area we identified 7 problem areas and carried out a large business environment and looked at trends in the retail area to see what other companies have done. The work has been presented internally and globally at Valtech for competency development in the commerce area.
Interviews, insight work, User Stories, problem solving, concept development, strategy, trend
User Experience Designer

2018-09 - 2018-12

The start-up Colive is working with creating collective accommodation in Sweden. Colive wants to develop a platform for their potential user can register and find other people to live with. We develop an MVP from a Lean UX-perspective, the project involves creating a login page such as registration, profile setting and the creation of a community page for users. As a UX-designer I have worked closely with both the project owner and the developers to create a first MVP that includes login page, landing page, community page, and the ability to change settings. At work, we have conducted user tests continuously in the program InVision to test the design and also created a style guide that facilitates the work now and in the future.
User test, Wireframes, Sketch, Workshops, Agil project management, Styleguide, Lean UX
User Experience Designer

2018-11 - 2018-11

Statistics Pro is a tool developed by Hemnet, which brokers can use to get statistics about their market shares. We held interviews with a variety of brokers and found out their experience with the service, Statistics Pro. The insights made us able to create hypotheses. We also used a design studio to develop quick solutions that we afterward presented for stakeholders at Hemnet.
Interviews, workshop, design studio
We Don't Have Time

2018-04 - 2018-06

In the work for We Don't Have Time I created a concept and design proposal on their new platform through a Design Thinking-process. In the work, qualitative data collection was conducted through deep interviews with potential users of the platform and a questionnaire survey. In the work, customer journey mapping and clustering were carried out to compile all the insights gained through the data collection. The work ran iteratively and user tests were carried out continuously after the wireframes and prototype were developed.
Design thinking, Sketch, Qualitative Data Collection, User test, Deep Interviews, Customer journey mapping
Service Designer

2017-11 - 2018-01

As a Service Designer for Fishbrain, we got the assignment to derive how their users behave and what features they use depending on the user's operating system (iOS or Android). Qualitative surveys were sent to users and quantitative analyzes of Fishbrain's database, we found both differences and similarities in behavior and user patterns. We found that a user's operating system had significant consequences for how often a user uses the app as well as registered catches. We also investigated whether Fishbrain's application followed Google and Apple's guidelines and whether this affected the observed differences in behavior.
Data Analysis, Database, Human Interface Guidelines (iOS), Material Design (Android)
Digital marketing consultant
Efecta Service

2017-01 - 2017-10

During my time at Academic Work I worked as a digital marketing consultant at a company called Efecta Service. In my role I produced content for their digital channels (Instagram, Facebook, website, youtube). I also helped to create a guide for their social media channels to make it easier for them to continue creating content.
Creating content, marketing plan, social media

Akademisk baggrund

Bachelor of Science in Media Technology
Stockholms university

2020-04 - 2018-01

Kontakt konsulent
