Software Developer Køben

Kan være tilgængelig

(Opdateret 2020-05-02)

Software Developer


Begynder Danish

  • Data Analasis
  • Machine Learning
  • Python

Kvalifikationer (6)







Professionel erfaring

Service Desk Operator

2018-02 - Nuværende

Netcompany. Active employment.
Teaching Assistant
Big Data Processes, IT University of Copenhagen

2019-01 - 2019-01

May 2019 Planning and execution of exercise classes in close collaboration with the course manager.
ITIL, Windows AD, Incident Managent

2018-01 - 2018-01

Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange Servers.
Service Desk Operator

2017-04 - 2017-04

CIMT Service Desk.
Ultimo July As the single point of contact for thousands of users CIMT servicedesk handles and
On-site IT Support, Studenterholdet
Diagnostisk Center

2016-10 - 2016-10

- Rigshospitalet.
- January Intense 24/7 On-site support at Rigshospitalet during the second phase of the implementa-
2017 tion of "Sundhedsplatformen". I worked in a newly created team responsible for solving or
escalating end-user incidents in close collaboration with CIMT, DIA and the on-site external
teams from Microsoft and EPIC.

Akademisk baggrund


2025-03 - 2025-03

MSc in Software Development
IT University of Copenhagen ITU

2020-05 - 2018-01

BSc in Physics
Niels Bohr Institute

2020-05 - 2017-01

Kontakt konsulent

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Ring til Philip

Man-Fre: 9:00 - 18:00