Senior planner Esbjerg, Danmark

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(Opdateret 2019-12-30)

Senior planner

Esbjerg, Danmark

Modersmål Danish, Flydende English

  • 10+ erfaring med ressourcestyring
  • 10+ erfaring med planlægning
  • 10+ års erfaring med projektstyring

Kvalifikationer (28)



Portfolio Management



























Professional Professionally skilled and dedicated planning engineer with many years of experience in the
profile: energy sector. Oil & Gas, Offshore Wind Farms and Pharma
industy. And is very experienced in project management, network planning, resource
management, progress reporting, management reporting and portfolie management. User of the
project management tools Primavera and Microsoft Project.

Professionel erfaring

Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Shell Refinery, Verwater, Brunel

2018-01 - 2019-01

Move and renew oil tank bottom.
Planning and reporting in Primavera and spreadsheet.
Update and developing dynamic master schedule in level 1, 2, 3 og 4.
Input progress reporting per disciple.
Present critical path.and baseline.
Developing S-curve for the project..
Take part in planning meetings.
Input to weekly and monthly report.
Senior Planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Novo Nordisk Engineering

2018-01 - 2018-01

Owner of the dynamic master schedule with 6.000 activities. WBS, Progress reporting. Weekly and monthly progress reporting.
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for SiemensGamesa

2018-01 - 2018-01

Planning and reporting in Primavera and spreadsheet.
Update and developing dynamic master schedule in level 1, 2, 3 og 4.
Senior planner, Analyzer
Jørgen Henriksen for Babcock, Wilcox and Vølund

2016-01 - 2017-01

Project: Waste Heat Recovery Plant, ARC Amager Bakke
Role: Senior planner, Analyzer

Update master schedule
Collect input from subcontractors and contractors.
Advise managers and discipilne enginers about critical path and risks.
Weekly progress reporting and update in Primavera project schedule.
Management consultant and instructor, MS Project
Jørgen Henriksen for Esbjerg Kommune (townhall)

2017-01 - 2017-01

Project: Implemetation of Microsoft Project (Server)
Role: Management consultant and instructor, MS Project

Implementation of Microsoft Project (Server), Portfolie Management
Senior planner
Jørgen Herniksen for Maersk Oil and Gas

2016-01 - 2016-01

Planning options for development of Danish Offshore Business Unit. Inclusive resource and bed
requirement offshore.
Senior Planner and manager
Jørgen Henriksen for Vestplan APS

2016-01 - 2016-01

Manager on construction project Esbjerg
Rebuild house from business to private
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Maersk Oil and Gas

2015-01 - 2015-01

Planning options for development of Danish Offshore Business Unit. Inclusive resource and bed
requirement offshore.
Senior Planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Novo Nordisk Pharmaplan

2015-01 - 2015-01

Developing of Masterplan, daily and weekly update. Implementation of resource management and resource leveling.
Assist and advise managers in planning discipline. Developing of networks plans and progress
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Vattenfall Nordic

2014-01 - 2015-01

Participate in Weekly planning meetings
Developing of installation schedules
Developing of level 1 & 2 schedule
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for DONG Wind System (Ørsted)

2014-01 - 2014-01

Developing of Schedules for all onshore activities as Onshore substation, Onshore export cable
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Vattenfall Continetal

2014-01 - 2014-01

Weekly progress reporting.
Arrange weekly planning meeting
Regularly update of Level 1 & 2 Schedule
Update of master schedule
Senior Planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Maerske Oil and Gas

2012-01 - 2013-01

Senior Planner for Maersk Oil and Gas operation department Dan/Gorm. Duties. IAP- Integrated
Activety Planning, development and education.
Business development
Jørgen Henriksen for Vestas

2013-01 - 2013-01

Role: Management Consultant/senior planner

External consultant at System Solutions, Portfolio Management, Platform Management in Technology & Service Solutions.
Developing and Implementation of Planning Strategy in organization and Project Server -
Management Reporting, Network Planning, Resource Manager, Progress Reporting, Project
hierarchy and WBS, Portfolio Management
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Banedanmark

2012-01 - 2012-01

Upgrade the railroad and classify equipment to European standand. Development of portefolio
planning and reporting in Primavera.
Developing detail schedules, allocation of resources and progress reporting. Make input to weekly and monthly management reporting.
Shared senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Transocean and Semco Maritime

2011-01 - 2011-01

Upgrade and classification of the Transocean Rig Winner.
Developing network diagram (PERT) for all working activities and of time schedules and allocation of resources and progress reporting. Make input to weekly and monthly management
Business consultant/Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Semco Maritime

2010-01 - 2011-01

Project: Upgrade and developing of communication system to Eko and Eld
flelds in the Norwigian path of the Northsea. (Conoco Philip)
Role: Business consultant/Senior planner

Development of schedules, time estimate, allocation of resources and progress reporting. Make
input to weekly and monthly management reporting.
Management consultant/senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Maersk Drilling

2010-01 - 2010-01

Biweekly/monthly updating and reporting of master schedule, resources, S-curves for Maersk
Drilling, Technical Services, Esbjerg DK.
Make Portfolio master Schedule, resource management, S-curves etc. live on part time basis.
Business consultant/senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Vestas A/S

2010-01 - 2010-01

Programme Scheduler in Project Management Office (PMO) at Vestas in the Globe project.
Implementation sat on hold due to saving.
Business consultant/senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Maersk Oil and Gas

2009-01 - 2010-01

Project: SAP implementation at Maersk Oil and Gas
Role: Business consultant/senior planner

Part time planner at Maersk, Esbjerg organization, developing of budget control system for
project, S-curves etc.
Management consultant/senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Maersk Drilling

2009-01 - 2009-01

Develop Planning Concept for Maersk Drilling, Esbjerg DK.
Portfolio master Schedule, resource management, S-curves etc.
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for SEawell/Statoil

2008-01 - 2009-01

Updating baseline schedule in Safran Project and Planner
Weekly and monthly management reporting
Preparing of tender to Oseberg
Reporting and scheduling on Veslefrik
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Statoil Refinery

2009-01 - 2009-01

New Flare III Project. Close piping system for 125 PSV's, Statoil Hydro Refinery; Kalundborg DK.
Part time Project planner in feasibility and concept study. Project on
Business development project
Jørgen Henriksen for DONG (Ørsted)

2009-01 - 2009-01

on Gunfleet Sands sea wind mills, UK -
DONG Energy.
Role: Business 'consultant/Project manager

Project Manager on part time. Duties are development of detail schedule, estimating of time,
regular progress meetings and progress reporting.
Senior Planner
Jørgen Herniksen for Semco Maritime/Maersk Oil and Gas

2007-01 - 2008-01

Weekly progress reporting.
Developing of S-curves
Part time
Assistent project manager/Senior Planner/cost controller
Jørgen Henriksen for Statoil Refinery

2005-01 - 2007-01

Project: Fuel reduction Project
Role: Assistent project manager/Senior Planner/cost controller

Updating master schedule for the Fuel Reduction Project.
Implementing of approx. 15 contractor schedules in the master schedule.
Control of resource management
Periodical Progress reporting etc.
Development and input to 4 weeks S/D-turn around.
Input to loop test schedule
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Maersk Oil and Gas

2007-01 - 2007-01

Weekly and monthly reporting.
Education Gorm department in Microsoft Project and Planning concept.
Senior planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Statoil Refinery

2005-01 - 2006-01

Resource management and development of master schedule Statoil Refenery Kalundbord
Setting up resource management system for a project portefole on 100 project across of three
deparments and three project manager on Statoil Refenery Kalundbord Denmark. Edicaded
project managers and department managers in project management/-control.
Assisted in setting up a master schedule for the Fuel Reduction Project. Progress reporting etc.
Jørgen Henriksen for DONG (Ørsted)

2005-01 - 2006-01

Role: Assisting project management

Setting up master schedule and reporting progress for Nini East Development Project
Senior Planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Rambøll/Amerada Hess

2003-01 - 2004-01

Schedule all construction activities on IP201 on South Arne
Responsible for development and updating job database.
Resposible for progress reporting and input to bi-weekly management reporting.
Regulary presentation management presentation.
Converting of the total project portefolia of Amerada Hess activities on South Arne from Primavera software to Microsoft Project software.
Senior Planner
Jørgen Henriksen for Statoil/DONG

2002-01 - 2002-01

Setting up a master schedule for all Siri offshore activities in the Danish North Sea wish require
accommodation. (Statoil/Dong)
Coordinate all tie in activities to upgrade of the Siri platform

Schedule all operation and construction activities on Siri
Develop a master plan for operation and construction activities on Siri in connection with hand over of Siri from Statoil to Dong
Prepare presentations for management
Project Manager
Jørgen Henriksen for Novo Nordisk Engineering

2001-01 - 2002-01

Project Manager for developing a planning concept for construction of pharmaceutics factories.
(Novo Nordiske Engineering)
Developing a concept for the master schedule for all activities through all phases: design,
construction, commisioning and handover
Developing a work breakdown system (WBS) for all activities
Developing a resource breakdown system (RBS/OBS) for all resources
Developing management reporting system
Senior Planner
Jørgen Henriksen for STatoil Refinery

1999-01 - 2000-01

Planning and coordination of shutdown activities at Statoil Refinery.
Scheduling of turnaround activities and resources
Daily progress reporting (S-curves)
Planning of small construction projects
Cost and Planning manager
Jørgen Henriksen for Statoil Refinery

1997-01 - 1998-01

Cost and Planning Manager on Kalundborg Soaker Visbreaker Project.
Responsible for developing of accounting schedule and system, accounting, budget, scheduling,
master and detail plans. Management reporting within Project control..
Business consultant
Jørgen Henriksen for Maersk Oil and Gas

1996-01 - 1997-01

Small project and maintenance jobs for Maersk Oil & Gas A/S.
Miscellaneous tasks.
Planning Manager

1995-01 - 1996-01

Copenhagen, Denmark
Project: Øresund Marine Joint Venture (ØMJV), Copenhagen, Denmark
Role: Planning Manager

Planning Manager at ØMJV, which is a 1.4 billion Dredging & Reclamation contract as a part of building the Øresund Bridge Link.
ØMJV is a Joint Venture between Per Aarsleff (DK), Great Lakes (USA) and Ballast Nedam (NL).
Responsible for the overall planning in the joint venture. The network
consist of one main project, 5 subprojects and a total of 1550 activities.
The planning is set up in the project management system Primavera
The database and network contains in addition all resources and budget information.
Also responsible for the monthly progress and management reporting
Senior Planner
Jørgen Henriksen for MOG, Storebæltforbindelse, Vestkraft, Statoil,N

1983-01 - 1995-01

Norsk Hydro;N

Project: MISC. project.
Role: Senior Planner

MISC project

Akademisk baggrund

Aalborg Universitet
Aalborg Universitet

1977-01 - 1981-01

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