Product Owner and Scrum Master København, Denmark

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(Opdateret 2023-02-08)

Product Owner and Scrum Master

København, Denmark

Modersmål Danish, Flydende English

  • +8 years of experience with Facilitation, coaching and training
  • +10 years of experience with IT / Software development (.Net)
  • +10 years of experience in Agile Development (Scrum, SAFe, Jira, Azure)

Kvalifikationer (10)

IT Projektledelse







Project Management


Azure DevOps

Professionel erfaring

Change Practitioner (ADKAR)

2023-01 - Nuværende

DevOps Transformation coach

2022-09 - 2022-09

Februar y 2023
Agile Team Coach / Scrum Master

2022-06 - 2022-06

June 2022 - running About Me A team that did not have a plan to tell what they had to deliver I have more than 15 years' experience or whether they worked on the most important thing. The helping organisations succeed with Agile team had a very time-consuming need for individual task development in IT-projects using Scrum, management from their manager. Based on the principles from Kanban and SAFe in both small and large Scrum, I have introduced the mechanisms that today have IT-organisations.
made the team self-organized, strengthened collaboration and With the experience and knowledge on an overview of prioritization. Today, the manager spends no agile practices and organisation from time on 1:1 task management as the team takes ownership. different industries I have implemented projects on best practices adapted to the Biggest impact customers situation and needs. I also have experienced as a facilitator and Jyske Bank November 2018 - Februar y 2020 communicator and are quick to understand the organisation and their As PO for the DevOps team, the primary task was to unique culture.
promote DevOps principles to more than 20 development teams. The impact this project made was that 20 teams could independently deliver value to the customer early on through frequent releases, while all PRIMARY ROLES compliance requirements from the Danish Financial § Agile Team Coach / Scrum Master Supervisory Authority were met and teams still had full § Product owner for IT-projects ownership of their applications in Production. § Quality assurance manager/advisor
Scrum Master

2022-01 - 2022-04

As a Scrum Master for one of DMI's new IT-project, I had to start the Scrum-implementation and help the new Project Manager, Product Owner and team with their new role for this IT-project. The project is one of DMI's highest prioritized project and one of the first projects that used Scrum.
Agile Coach
LB Forsikring

2021-01 - 2022-04

As an Agile Coach, I have helped LB Forsikring to help internal project managers get started with their new role as dedicated Scrum Masters. This has made it easier, clearer and safer for the new Scrum Masters to make the transition from their previous role in LB Forsikring.

2022-01 - 2022-04

Based on ROB-EX's current project model for implementing IT solutions at the customer's premises, we have put together a process to make the current project model more agile. The course consists of both teaching in agile practices and consulting in relation to the rollout of the new project model.
Scrum Master
Semler IT

2021-04 - 2021-12

As Team Coach and interim Scrum Master at Semler IT, I have started 2 Scrum Teams and acted as interim Scrum Master until Semler had a Scrum Master who could continue with building their Scrum practices.
The implementation of Scrum has taken place in close cooperation with the management to ensure ownership among the managers.
Agile Transformation Coach

2020-02 - 2021-01

As part of the transformation team for Agile and DevOps, my role has been to teach teams and managers in the Scrum framework and transform business units in EG with the use of EG's Scrum setup. This has, among other things, gives me experience within Teaching and facilitating larger online planning sessions and workshops Start of the Community of Practice for the Scrum Masters Work with development teams with very different experience with Scrum and Agile practices
SAFe Agilist

2020-01 - 2020-01

Professional Scrum Master

2020-01 - 2020-01

Product Owner / Project Manager for DevOps
Jyske Bank

2017-10 - 2020-01

As the Product Owner for the DevOps team, the primary task was to promote the DevOps principles among 20+ development teams. The theme built and configured the build and release platform that ensured each team could release frequently.This has given me experience • The PO role with many stakeholders, including 20+ development teams and their security department • Theoretical and practical work with DevOps practices and tools • Building the Product vision and breaking it down into the Roadmap based on the team's velocity | +45 60 61 36 76 | | OTHER EXPERIENCE § Goto Conference - Presentation within Agile development principles | 2017, 2018
Professional Scrum Master I

2019-01 - 2019-01

Professional Scrum Product Owner

2019-01 - 2019-01


2019-01 - 2019-01


2019-01 - 2019-01

Department at Microsoft

2015-01 - 2018-01

CPH Business

2017-01 - 2017-01

Presentation techniques | CPH Business (2017)
Janet Gregory

2017-01 - 2017-01

Senior Developer

2014-01 - 2015-01

Software Faster

2015-01 - 2015-01

THREE THINGS FROM MY LIFE • Finds peace through nature experiences, like sailing and hiking • Married and have 2 awesome teenage boys • Build robots for participation in various competitions | +45 60 61 36 76 | |
Lead Developer

2015-01 - 2015-01

Software Engineer

2005-01 - 2014-01


the first projects that used Scrum. This has also changed the § Customer oriented Leadership (CBS)
the first projects that used Scrum. This has also changed the § Customer oriented Leadership
interacted with the Project Manager and Product Owner. § Presentation techniques (CPH)
interacted with the Project Manager and Product Owner. § Presentation techniques
way the steering committee and other stakeholders had § Process Facilitation (CPH)
way the steering committee and other stakeholders had § Process Facilitation
project is one of DMI's highest prioritized project and one of § SAFe Agilist
Scrum-implementation and help the new Project Manager § PSM I
As a Scrum Master for a new project, I had to start the
Note: See my overall experience on the next page
Change Practitioner (ADKAR)
Change Practitioner
Philip Juhl

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Man-Fre: 9:00 - 18:00