Product manager och UX designer Göteborg, Sverige

Kan være tilgængelig

(Opdateret 2023-09-26)

Product manager och UX designer

Göteborg, Sverige

Modersmål Svenska, Flydende English

  • Discovery work
  • Product strategy
  • UX Design

Kvalifikationer (19)








Product Owner

Product Management

User Testing

User research

Business Analysis








Professionel erfaring


2021-01 - Nuværende

Produ ct man age r in 1 -2 cross-fu n ction al agile te ams for MACTHi, a global racke t sports bookin g platform. Re spon sible for th e roadmap an d vision of the consumer facing products (mobile app and website) and parts of the S aaS platform.
Setthe strate gy base donuser stu die s, cu stome randinternalinputsand market needs and trends. Responsible for leading the work end-to-end, from ideation to shipping, evangelizing the goals internally and externally and defining the outcomes based on overarching business needs. Product focus areas include creating a social experience and improving search, checkout and payments.
Achieved a 50% increase year-over-year on targeted metric related to the ch e ckou t of a spe cific article
S park Vision AB

2017-01 - 2021-01

software at S park Vision, se rvin g profe ssion al re taile rs an d con su me rs across Eu rope Ble ndeduser-ce n tric in n ovation with strate gic growth, con tribu tin g to compan y-wide impact. Ide n tifie d bu sin e ss opportu n itie s th rou gh u se r behavior analysis, driving a new flow for room design and a hi-definition visu alization fe atu re adopte d to re al-life situ ation s.
Th is h e lpe d to de cre ase ou r cu stome rs time to con ve rt an d in cre ase d th e ir conversion rate - thereby increasing their dependency on our software.
Ach ie ve d a 3 0 0 % in cre ase u sage of ke y fe atu re s wh ich con tribu te d to a 5 0 % growth in paid lice n se s, a five fold in cre ase in active u se rs, 9 0 % adoption of u pse ll fe atu re s.
North e rn

2010-01 - 2017-01

Eu rope As a con su ltan t I gath e re d e xpe rie n ce from workin g in man y type s of industries, contexts and situations. In most assignments I was a part of the teamatthe cu stome r wh e re it was my re spon sibility to drive th e UX work. I was also part of some in-house projects.
The most significant are mentioned below. Others include assignments with e .g. S can ia, Mojan g, MTG.
Senior UX consultant (HiQ)
Volvo Cars

2016-01 - 2017-01

Led product strategy for the Volvo on Call mobile app (now Volvo Cars app), wh ich is th e main app for own erstoget in formation an d re mote con trol theirveh icle Collected and analyzed user data. Restructured the information hierarchy in ? Goth e n bu rg,Sweden ✉ fre drik.h e rn e gre n ? +4 6 7 3 9 8 5 1 5 4 7 the app based on workshops and card sorting exercises to create intuitive feature groupings and a new flatter information architecture and u se r-frie n dly n avigation frame work. Le ve rage d commu n ication skills to align the redesign within a complex organization with diverse stakeholders in diffe re n t silos.
Re su lte d in makin g th e produ ct offe rin g more cle ar an d e asy to u se Me asu re d a h igh e r u sage of fe atu re s th at we re pre viou sly obscu redbythe produ ct de sign
Senior UX consultant (HiQ)

2015-01 - 2016-01

Worked as part of an inhouse team creating a system for DEKRAs industrial inspectors to effectively plan and execute their work.
Conducted discovery work in the form analyzing the business problem and pe rformin g u se r in te rvie ws. Explore d th e solu tion by de ve lopin g an d e valu atin g lo-fi con ce pts toge th e r with in te rn al stake h olde rs. Cre ate d an d te ste d in te ractive prototype s.

2014-01 - 2015-01

UX de sign e r at vide o game S tar Wars Battle fron t at DICE, part of Ele ctron ic Arts. Also fu n ction e d as produ ct own e r / produ ce r for UI te am's produ cts, focu sin g on a h igh ly in clu sive, social andfunusere xpe rie n ce for casu al game rs.
Led a 2-year project, overseeing UI team's planning, target setting, and strate gy imple me n tation u sin g u se r-centered me th odologie s an d tools.
Man age d cross-te am commu n ication an d align me n t, re qu ire me n t prioritization, an d roadmap in a large te am with tigh t de adlin e s, wh ile u ph oldin g qu ality stan dards. Orch e strate d UI strate gie s to cate r to casu al gamin g au die n ce s wh ile align in g with ove rarch in g proje ct goals.
Managed to deliver an experience delivering on all important factors, Star Wars au th e n ticity,funand in clu sion wh ich was we ll re ce ive d by game rs an d critics alike "Battlefront has one of the most friendly user-interfaces I've experienced in ye ars " - Th e Ve rge
Senior UX consultant (HiQ)

2013-01 - 2014-01

The need of the customer was to simplify complicated concepts in Axiomatics software for basic u se rs wh ile re tain in g fu n ction ality for advan ce d u se rs.
Introduced UX approach to the development team, managing planning and method integration. Created a product vision through user research and business objectives, translating them into an impact map collaborative ly with ke y stake h olde rs. Th e impact map forme d th e basis for wire frame s, prototype s,anduser storie s, with con tin uoususer te stin g throughout design and development.
Re su lte d in a balan ce d produ ctthatmetuserand bu sin e ss goals, ach ie ve d th rou gh strate gic u se r-ce n tric de sign an d collaboration ? Goth e n bu rg,Sweden ✉ fre drik.h e rn e gre n ? +4 6 7 3 9 8 5 1 5 4 7

2013-01 - 2013-01

S u pporte d Utbildn in gsradion, a S we dish pu blic se rvice compan y, in enhancing their website's design. Focused on maximizing service value with in limite d time con strain ts by ide n tifyin g impactfu lchanges.
Addressed stakeholder concerns about teacher audience engagement through user testing and interviews. Formulated design updates based on fin din gs, le adin g to sign ifican t improve me n ts in vide o mate rial acce ssibility.
S u cce ssfu lly optimize d we bsite de sign for Utbildn in gsradion, re su ltin g in enhanceduseren gage mentand con te n t acce ss.
Discove ry Ne tworks UI de ve lope r an d de sign e r 2010 - 2012 Re spon sible for th e de sign an d de ve lopme ntofthe vide o playe r for n ation al broadcast tv-station Kan al 5 s stre amin g se rvice Worke d in an agile te am re imagin in g th e comple te e xpe rie nceofthe stre amin g se rvice. At th e time we we re amon g th e first to le ve rage an autoplay feature to increase time viewed/users.

Akademisk baggrund

Maste r

2003-01 - 2010-01

Kontakt konsulent
