Kan være tilgængelig
(Opdateret 2023-10-03)Object Architect - Web & Mobile App dev
Aalborg, Denmark
Modersmål Danish, English, Flydende French, German, Øvet Bokmål, Svenska
- Native + Angular, React, Ionic, Xamarin, PWA, SPA
- Web + Mobile App development .. iOS Android Windows
- Cloud AWS Google Azure - .NET Node.js PHP - Embedded IOT Bluetooth Firmware
Details: www.appfabrik.dk (under PDF)
Rich Client Solutions for Customer self service
PR builds Web Apps with HTML, CSS and TS / JS(X) as PWAs or SPAs
ReactJS, Ionic, Angular, Framework7, jQuery Mobile, NodeJS
PR makes Mobile and Web Apps Responsive to small screens and Touch UI
PR builds ReactJS and React Native Apps
PR builds Angular / Ionic / NativeScript Apps
PR builds Xamarin Apps
PR builds Native Android Apps
PR builds Native iOS Apps
PR builds Native Windows and Windows Phone Apps
PR builds mobile IOT and Bluetooth Apps.
PR builds Firmware for Embedded Hardware
PR can repackage Web Apps for distribution via App Stores, as Hybrid mobile Apps
PR can also wrap a Custom mobile Browser App around your Web App .. keeping it on server.
PR builds BackEnd Micro Services to power your Mobile and Web Apps
PR builds BackEnd Web Server Apps
Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Web, Windows, MacOS X, Linux
Just contact me - for more details ...
Professionel erfaring
2012-01 - Nuværende
Akademisk baggrund
2024-12 - 2024-12