IT-Architect and IBM i expert Malmö, Sverige

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(Opdateret 2024-04-02)

IT-Architect and IBM i expert

Malmö, Sverige

Modersmål Svenska, English

  • Project Management
  • IT-Architect
  • IBM i

Kvalifikationer (22)

EDI integrations







Project Management





System Integration






Test Management





I have several years of experience in the IT-industry, all way back to the beginning of the 80’s. My first work experiences I gained during my time as a trainee at Ericsson Information System AB and throughout the years I have gained further experienced in different companies such as: Resurs Bank AB, Bergendahls Food AB, Sogeti Sverige AB and Industri Matematik. The main areas of focus during the most of my employment years have been logistics, banking, integration and system development. For many of these years I have also worked as an IT-Consultant and a greater part of these assignments have concerned IT-architecture, project management, system development, system management and integration.
Nowadays, I am working as an IT-consultant for my own business and my main customer has been Frigoscandia AB, where I was working within the main areas integration, logistics and system development in collaboration with the customer. I have also been employed as an IT-Architect in the Banking business. As consultant I have also had the role IT-Architect.
In addition to profound knowledge of the above, I also hold a certified in IT-architecture and has been responsible for and started up an Architect Forum with the responsibility to guarantee that the IT-systems supports the IT-strategy and the processes of the company.
In the future I can see myself continue to work with different projects in which I am involved in the entire project chain, which will make use of both existing and newly gained skills. Further, I am also driven by using up-to-date and well tested techniques to strengthen the additional value well designed technology brings.

Professionel erfaring

LogMic Konsult AB

2011-09 - Nuværende

- Owner

- Architecture

- Project management

- Integration

- Logistics

- Banking business

- IT-Architect

- System development

- System management


Customer: Resurs Bank AB (2022 – 2023).

Duties: Solution architect in two projects in a program that involves replacing the bank´s core system with a cloud based solution.

Customers: Frigoscandia AB (2020 – 2023), Bring Frigo AB (2018 – 2020) and Bring Norden AB (2011 – 2015).

Duties: Project management, system development, system management, system integration and education in Warehouse and Logistics System for third Party Logistics. The environment is IBM i and the used languages are RPG, RPGLE, ILE and Free Format with embedded SQL. Aldon LMi is used as Life Cycle Management System. As integration platform Microsoft Biz Talk is used. I participate in the complete development process from requirements, specification to deployment to the production environment. I am also responsible to making sure that the different projects from start to end are finished and completed. Moreover, I participate in a lot of discussions between a lot of different persons on different levels in my customer’s organization.

Customer: Posten Norge AS (2013 – 2014)

Duties: I have produced material for knowledge transfer of IT processes and IT routines in previous mentioned Logistics System. I have also performed the knowledge transfer of these processes. The knowledge transfer was performed to the companies that my customer has selected to outsource each part to. I have with my knowledge helped Cap Gemini in Norway to take care of the part that the customer has outsourced to them. An agile way of working is used which means that the Scrum Methodology is used with daily stand up in all projects.

Customer: Sogeti Sverige AB (2015 – 2015)

Duties: As a part of the delivery that Cap Gemini has to Posten Norge AS I worked with project management, system development, system management, system integration and education. The system that I worked with was a Logistics System for third Party Logistics. The environment was IBM i and the languages used were RPG, RPGLE, ILE and Free Format with embedded SQL. The Life Cycle Management System that was used was Aldon LMi. As integration platform Microsoft Biz Talk was used. My job was to take part in the complete process from requirements, specification to deployment into the production environment.
I also took part in discussions and contacts with different vendors of Posten Norge AS.

Customer: Icecon AB (2011 – 2012)

Duties: In the current development environment at Skånemejerier installed and configured Rational Developer for i (RDi). Afterwards when the installation and configuration were finished I have performed an education of the IT-department of Skånemejerier in how Rational Developer for I (RDi) works and should be used. I also learned them about how to program in Free Format instead of RPG and ILE.

Resurs Bank AB

2016-02 - 2018-02

- Architecture

- Project management

- Integration

- Banking business

- IT-Architect

- IT-strategy

- Setting a standard for system development and follow-up that this is followed

- System development

- Requirements


Duties: I am employed (ends as a consultant) at the IT-department of the company and there I work in the “Payment Solutions Consumer” team. My duties are IT-Architecture, Integration and System Development. IT-Architecture means that I am the architect of the “Payment Solutions Consumer” team, member of the common Architect Group of the IT-department and responsible for the architecture of the accounting system located on the IBMi platform. The environment was IBM i and the languages used were RPG, RPGLE, ILE and Free Format with embedded SQL together with IBM MQ for connecting apps and sharing data. When it comes to integration I am member of the group of people that has been working with a project starting up use of a new Integration Platform (Mulesoft). An agile way of working is used which means that the Scrum Methodology is used with daily stand up in all projects.

IT-Architect and System Developer
Bergendahls Food AB

2007-02 - 2011-12

- Architecture

- Project Management

- Integration

- Logistics

- IT-Architect

- IT-strategy

- System development

- Requirements


Duties: I was employed at the IT-department of the company and there I worked in the Logistics Development Team. My duties were project management, integration and system development.
As Project Manager I managed, among others, a big project that was about a version upgrade of the Warehouse Management System of the group and another was an implementation of the same Warehouse Management System for a complete new warehouse. Other projects that I managed was for example the implementation of scanning in the inbound process.
When it comes to integration projects I was responsible for the implementation of the new Integration Environment (SAP PI) of the company. I also developed and maintained the current integration between the ERP System (SAP) and the Warehouse Management System (Industri Matematik) which was developed in RPGLE. In parallel with development and maintenance of this existing integration I created a complete new one with SAP PI as integration platform. This new integration was also between the ERP System (SAP) and the Warehouse Management System (Industri Matematik).
I certified myself as IT-architect (Zachman Framework). After that I started up the Architect Forum of Bergendahls Food AB and I also continued with being the chairman of that. The main responsibility of the Architect Forum was to ensure that the total IT-architecture was following and supporting the strategies and processes. Other things that were prioritized was Life Cycle Management and that the IT-architecture should be easy to change when the business and processes of the company change.

Sogeti Sverige AB

2001-03 - 2007-01

- Project management

- Integration

- Logistics

- System development

- System management

- Requirements

Customer: Bring Frigo AB

Duties: Project management, system development, system management and education in a Warehouse Management System used for third Party Logistics. The environment used was IBM i and the languages RPG, RPGLE and ILE. I was a part of the complete development process from requirements and specification to deployment in the production environment. I also had a lot contact and discussions with people in the operational parts of the company.

System Developer
Industri Matematik

1997-09 - 2001-02

Duties: Development of a standard system for warehouse management. The Warehouse Management System was especially for retailers that delivers to wholesale and retail. The development was performed in an Oracle database that was installed in an environment with Unix as Operating System. The programming language used was stored procedures (PL/SQL). A Rational tool was used to handle the requirements and to create use cases. For life cycle management Rational Clear Case was used. The company also sold an ERP System called System ESS and I was responsible for the integration between that and the Warehouse Management System. My duty was to fit the new changes in the Warehouse Management System. I was also writing the specification for that part in the Warehouse Management System.

Cap Gemini Sverige AB

1996-08 - 1997-10

- Logistics

- System development

- Requirements

- Case Management

Customer: Frigoscandia AB

Duties: System development for Warehouse- and Logistics System used for third Party Logistics. The environment used was AS/400 (IBM i) and the used language was RPG. I took part in the complete development process from requirements and specification to deployment in the production environment.

Customer: Carlshamns Mejeri AB

Duties: Development of a database in Lotus Notes. This data base was used for customer complaints that my customer received by phone. I was working with the complete development process from requirements and specification to deployment in the production environment.

System Developer
Bergendahls Grossist AB

1986-01 - 1996-01

- Project management

- Integration

- Logistics

- System development

- System management

Duties: I was employed at the IT-department of the company and my responsibilities was project management, integration, system development and system management. First the IBM environment S/38 was used and after that it was replaced by the IBM AS/400 (current IBM i) environment.
As Project Manager among others I was responsible for the project that integrated the current ERP System with the standard system that was bought for handle the Warehouse Management. I made this integration in the AS/400 environment and used the RPG language for programming. I also performed development for the ERP System that also was written in the RPG language.

Graduate Engineer / System Developer
Ericsson Information Systems AB

1983-08 - 1985-12

- Development

- Testing

- Documentation

Duties: I started with six months practice in the different constructions and productions units. In parallel with that I participated in lessons in the trainee program of the company. When the six months were finished I started to work with system development in the constructions department of the company. The duties were to write assembly language programs for different products like typing machines, printers and word processors.

Akademisk baggrund

Programming and Information Technology
University of Kristianstad

1986-08 - 1987-06

Engineer in Telecommunications
Technical School of Hässleholm

1978-08 - 1982-06


IT-Architect; ibc euroforum, Sweden


IT-Architect; IASA, Sweden


Driving License; Car and heavy motorcycle
Project Management / System Development / System Management; Reflex; Sweden

Kontakt konsulent
