Fullstack udvikler med ledelseserfaring København, Danmark

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(Opdateret 2023-04-05)

Fullstack udvikler med ledelseserfaring

København, Danmark

Modersmål Danish, English, Øvet German

  • 4 års erfaring med React / React Native
  • Projektledelse
  • C# / .NET

Kvalifikationer (23)











Project Management









Entity Framework





For the past 5 and a half years, I have been working at twoday IT Minds, first as a software
developer and then as team lead. This journey has granted me a lot of skills in various
areas of the software consultancy spectrum.
For the past 2,5 years my focus has been the role as manager for software developers. This
experience has been awesome to gain at such an early stage in my career, and it is
something I take with me in tasks to come. Early 2023 my interest for being closer to
software development reemerged, after managing several development projects. This led
me to want to try out freelance life, and hopefully be able to help businesses bridge the
gap between the business side and the technical. Having initially worked as a full time
software developer, translating business needs into technical solutions is a natural
process for me. Technologically I am most proficient in the frontend spectrum, but as my
project portfolio showcases, I can take on full stack as well as project management roles
as well.
I am not afraid to claim that I am rather well-liked among colleagues. I always seek
collaboration, and I do not judge nor leave people out of conversations. I let others speak,
and I attempt to always listen more than I talk.
At every client I have worked with, I have always contributed to the good work
environment, and this is something I value very much. I include a lot of trust in my working
processes, and I always aim to provide a psychologically safe development process in the
projects of which I am in charge.

I will be happy to provide contact information for references at IT Minds.

Professionel erfaring

Team Lead
IT Minds' Software Developers. My primary tasks and Company

2020-12 - 2023-05

Title Team Lead As a Team Lead at IT Minds, I carried the managerial responsibility for a team of IT Minds' Software Developers. My primary tasks and Company IT Minds responsibilities involved: - Recruitment Period 12/2020 - 05/2023 - Contract Negotiation - 1:1's - Personal development - Termination - Salary negotiation The role was a hybrid one and also involved regular software development tasks for IT Minds' clients. For the past 1,5 years, this role has primarily been played out as a project manager for internal projects.
Summer University

2021-01 - 2021-01

An Issuer: IT Minds Introduction to Cloud, Azure, Docker & Kubernetes Date: 27/08/2021 Level: Introductory it-minds.dk +45 71 99 28 88
Software Developer
IT Minds

2018-01 - 2020-12

my main function was developing software solutions for IT Minds' clients. I did this full time Company IT Minds for 2 years and part time for 1 year. I was primarily deployed to the offices of the clients, and this let me to very easily adapt to Period 01/2018 - 12/2020 different work environments.
Project System maintenance and upgrades for Christian Hansen Customer: Project Description Christian Hansen For a long, ongoing period of time, I was responsible for maintaining and coordinating the development of a system built for Christian Hansen.The tasks ranged between Technologies: finding and solving bugs in either the React frontend or the C# .NET backend, and React, C# / .NET developing new features requested by the client.
Duration: Function & Responsibility 6 months My function in this ongoing arrangement was to develop, test and release bugfixes as well as new features in the system. Furthermore, I worked with identifying issues within the Azure environment when necessary.
Project Maintenance and Development of Novo Nordisk internal system Customer: Project Description Novo Nordisk For a long, ongoing period of time, I was responsible for maintaining and coordinating the development of a system built for Novo Nordisk.The tasks ranged between finding Technologies: and solving bugs in either the React frontend or the C# .NET backend, and developing Next.js, React, C# /new features requested by the client.
.NET Function & Responsibility Duration: 6 months My function during the ongoing project was to develop, test and release bug fixes as well as new features in the system. Moreover, I was also responsible for identifying issues within the Azure environment when necessary.
Project Web app porting of existing React Native app Customer: Psykiatri Plus Technologies: React Duration: 3 months Project Customer: Psykiatri Plus Technologies: React Native Duration: 6 months Project Customer: Københavns Kommune Technologies: Azure Devops, Entity Framework, React, IIS, C# / .NET Duration: 5 months Project Description Psykiatri Plus needed a web version of their app meant for their customers. It became an internal project run within IT Minds with me as project manager and an additional developer.
Function & Responsibility My function during the project was to define the scope of the web app to fit the client's budget. Additionally, I was in charge of administering the Kanban board, defining tasks and sprints as well as reviewing the code of the assigned developer. I was also responsible for communicating the progress of the development process to the client as well as making sure they had access to the test site hosted in Azure.
Development and upgrades for React Native app Project Description Working on an application, which was originally developed by IT Minds for Psykiatri Plus, my tasks on the project consisted of maintaining and upgrading the application.
This involved communication, estimation and technical sparring with the client to scope their requests within the given budget.I was also responsible for releasing new versions to the two major app stores.
Function & Responsibility My primary function during the project has been React Native development, however, since the client has no internal development resources, a big task during the process was to formulate what was technically possible in terms of their requirements and wishes for the app.
Integration and new development Project Description The project revolved around solving the challenge which the City of Copenhagen faced with regards to exposing data related to events in the municipality, which could be exposed through their new version of Drupal. The primary task of the project thus comprised implementing an intermediate system through which the event manager was able to create the data which was otherwise no longer accessible. More specifically, this entailed the development of a frontend in React and a backend in C#/.NET. In the end, the system was required to be able to push a combined data set to the individual third-party recipients.
Function & Responsibility During the project, I carried the overall coordinating responsibility for the execution of the project and all communication with the client. In relation to this, I described and delegated tasks to the other developers on the team, all the while I kept the client updated with regards to the progress of the tasks and the project in general.
Throughout the project, part of my role also included considering and contemplating the programming language, requirement specifications, architecture, network setup, server setup, deployment flows and more.
Project Environmental data solution Customer: COWI Technologies: GraphQL, Docker, React, Python, Kubernetes Duration: 3 months Project Customer: Vibeshare Technologies: Expo, React Native, Firebase, TypeScript Duration: 4 months Project Customer: Beepr Technologies: Flutter, Firebase Duration: 7 months Project Description COWI needed a system to monitor and keep track of the amount of CO2 spent in the construction phase of their projects.
Function & Responsibility My function comprised developing the front-facing client of the application as well as sparring with the developer at COWI in terms of the right framework. The ambition was to create a micro frontend based on React with a GraphQL based backend written in python. I primarily conducted the React development.
Picture sharing app Project Description The project revolved around preparinga picture sharing app for launch on App store and Google Play.
Function & Responsibility I was given a code base with an existing version of the app. I decided to rewrite the backend infrastructure to a Firebase solution and furthermore change the overall project to Typescript rather than Javascript. A lot of time went into this process, but it created tremendous value for the customer, and he now owns a product of much higher quality. I was the sole developer on the project.
Application for grocery shopping Project Description During my time at Beepr, I developed their new application from the ground up using Flutter. The purpose of the application was to provide users with the possibility of comparing prices across the most common grocery store chains in Denmark. In addition to this, the application provided the possibility to share shopping lists with other users and to access recipes.
Function & Responsibility I was completely in charge of developing the application on my own, and this included implementing it parallel to another developer, who was responsible for the data processing in Firebase. Another of my responsibilities also included deploying the solution for test users in both Google Play and App Store. During the course of developing the application, I have continuously made sure to spar with other developers regarding the solution and scope of the project.
Project Application for the users of Danske Spil for Customer: Isobar (now Merkle) Technologies: Android, Microsoft Azure, React Native, iOS Duration: 15 months Project Customer: Trifork / Rejsekortet A/S Technologies: HTML(5), Ember.js, CSS(3), JavaScript, jQuery Duration: 6 months (part time) Project Customer: Hjerteforeningen Technologies: Angular +2 (Typescript), React Native, Firebase Duration: 4 months digital game experience Project Description At Isobar I sat as a developer of the app stack. Along with the rest of the team, I developed and maintained the new features for the Lotto app, and in extension of this I released these features on a continuous basis. During the 15 months the project lasted, I enjoyed sitting at Isobar, which was characterized by a being a clever and sharp environment for developers, where high tempo, a target-oriented mindset, and deep respect for meeting deadlines was of the essence without compromising with the quality of the product.
Function & Responsibility I was in charge of developing the client-based part of the app. In relation to this, I implemented the UI, which I also designed, and I also carried out the integration with Danske Spil's backend. Moreover, I was entrusted with, and happily took on, the responsibility of a large feature of the project, which required both API integration from the bottom up and cooperation with the current functionality.
Superstructure of online portal for registering journeys/card users at Rejsekortet Project Description I worked on a superstructure of an existing solution for the users of Rejsekortet. The client required that the system would be able to handle the reporting of forgotten 'check outs' of both Rejsekort-owners as well as of users of others' Rejsekort. The primary focus of the project was on business customers who lacked a solution for how to report 'check outs' on their Rejsekort. In addition to this, the solution was also required to be able to handle children and flex users.
Function & Responsibility Parallel to the rest of the team working on the system, I developed the web solution. In relation to this, I built a business portal for web from the bottom up, exclusively for business customers, which constituted the administrative system for the business customers' internal use of Rejsekort.
React Native app Project Description Hjerteforeningen was in need of a better version of their existing "Gå App". The former version was written in an outdated technology, and overall the app did not work optimally for its users.
Function & Responsibility Collaborating with two software development student workers, I wrote the new app from the bottom up using a new technology. My primary focus was on introducing the two student workers to how to code using proper coding conventions, as well as on overall facilitating that the project followed a proper development process.
Project Change in layout of SharePoint site Customer: Project Description Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk had previously been made a web solution for their SharePoint system.
They requested a new design for a single page as well as relocation of data elements Technologies: in the underlying database.
HTML(5), CSS(3), JavaScript, jQuery Function & Responsibility I sat as the sole developer on the project, where I was responsible for familiarizing Duration: myself with the existing codebase and adjusting it in the best way possible. I was 1 month primarily engaged with HTML and CSS files during my work with the database.
Project Intranet upgrade Customer: Project Description Novo Nordisk The upgrade was based on their, at the time, current implementation of their intranet which aimed towards allowing administrators to upload content of various kinds, and, Technologies: by doing so, made the content available to the users of the site.
HTML(5), CSS(3), JavaScript, jQuery Function & Responsibility My main responsibility while working on the project was to integrate a system for the Duration: client's users within Global Legal and Compliance. As part of the upgrade, I integrated 2 months the system with the intranet which was implemented in SharePoint 2010. In developing the application, I used HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and jQuery to build it, in order to handle content from the backend of the intranet and to control the site itself.
Courses / Certifications

Akademisk baggrund

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

2023-04 - 2023-04

Kontakt konsulent

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Man-Fre: 9:00 - 18:00