Full-Stack Developer Munich, Німеччина

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(Opdateret 2023-01-31)

Full-Stack Developer

Munich, Німеччина

Modersmål English, Øvet German

  • Intermediate (B1) German
  • 14 years of experience in JS, TS, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
  • Advanced (C1) English

Kvalifikationer (31)
































Professionel erfaring

Full-Stack Developer

2022-01 - Nuværende

A social platform for retirees. Enables retirees on part-time for useful work, such as assistance in schools, and social institutions, depending 01/2022 -- till present on their previous experience and capabilities.
Responsibilities: ● Implemented back-end (scala, node + express).
● Implemented front-end (React.js).
Tools & Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, React.js, Scala, MongoDB
Software Developer
Different Workforce Management, and construction solutions

2020-11 - 2022-01

Responsibility: ● Development of complex systems within an Agile team of 10 members.
● Refactoring existing functionality by migrating it into React and Node.js.
● Mentoring the outsource teams.
● Introduction of E2E testing with Cypress.
● Organization of the code review process based on GitHub.
Technologies: C#, JavaScript, NET Core, Express, React, Angular, PostgreSQL, Docker Software Developer Order Manager is a solution to bundle the entire automotive order-to-invoice process into one system.
11/2016 - 11/2020 Responsibility: ● Gathering and analysing requirements.
● Developing a complex system within an Agile team of 10 members.
● Refactoring existing functionality by migrating it into Angular and newer versions of .NET.
● Introduced Angular by creating a proof-of-concept containing existent project functionality.
● Designed and developed an Angular Grid component with cell templating functionality.
● Organized a unit testing process for Angular, introduced a shallow rendering approach.
● Introduced E2E testing with Protractor and Cucumber.
● Organized the code review process based on Upsource.
Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC API, Angular, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Azure
Software Developer
WinKAS Air

2015-12 - 2016-11

is an administrative, accounting and member system for associations. Created as a web single-page application (SPA).
12/2015 - 11/2016 Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC API, Knockout.js
Software Developer
The proNova Drilling Benchmark Club

2014-07 - 2015-12

service provides its members with an anonymous competitive performance overview. Based on four 07/2014 - 12/2015 aggregated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), it is possible to see at a glance, if rigs outperform the competition or where they need to be improved.
Technologies: Java, JavaFX, Android, Swift, Angular.js
Software Developer

2014-07 - 2015-12

proNova is a service that enables you to monitor and organize your global rig operations accurately and efficiently. The service uses rig 07/2014 - 12/2015 sensor data to automatically generate an objective description of the well construction process using the patented Automated Operations Recognition System without the need for additional personnel on the rig site.
Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC
Software Developer
Microsoft CRM Dynamics, ElasticSearch, AngularJS, RabbitMQ

2013-02 - 2014-06

Xpann is a digital B2B platform whose purpose is to generate relationships between importers and exporters across national 02/2013 - 06/2014 borders and cultural differences.
Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC, Windows services, Microsoft CRM Dynamics, ElasticSearch, AngularJS, RabbitMQ Software Developer The medical company's CRM system was developed for managing interactions with patients, medical facilities and insurances.
02/2013 - 04/2014 Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC, WEB API, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows services
Software Developer

2013-02 - 2014-04

The insurance project is an application that includes a web site and public API for integration with other systems. The main goal is a 02/2013 - 04/2014 patients' verification - getting information about medical insurance that applies to the given person.
Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC, WEB API, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows services Software Developer Internal web site for the customer support department. The project has two main areas: orders and tickets. Orders section allows finding and 02/2013 - 04/2014 tracking orders, customers' information, managing customers' requests. Tickets section is a backend interface with issues that are created in different locations. A support agent can manage tickets: create requests and link to orders, change statuses and assign tasks to other agents.
The project is created as a SPA with separate UI logic based on JavaScript Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC WEB API, Microsoft SQL Server, NHibernate, JQuery, Knockout Software Developer A complex system that was created as infrastructure for the MediaBoxPro player. The system has a Windows launcher that verifies entered licenses, manage updates and inform users about possible expiration date; Front-End site to download a player client and obtain full or trial license and Back-End site for managing customers, licenses, updates, viewing different statistic and setting quotas for licenses per PC count.
Technologies: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC, WPF, WCF, Microsoft SQL Server, NHibernate, JQuery, Knockout Software Developer Windows application that allows searching and downloading binary content from UseNet, managing the library of downloaded files and using an embedded module for reading media content.
Technologies: C#, WPF, WCF

Akademisk baggrund

Master's degree in Computer
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

2024-09 - 2024-09

Kontakt konsulent
