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(Opdateret 1+ år siden)Erfaren Fullstack AI-lösningsarkitekt
Stockholm, Sverige
Modersmål Svenska, Flydende English, Begynder German
- Solution Architect /System Architect 15+år
- Cloud 6+år
- AI/ML 5+år
Kvalifikationer (25)
Natural Language Processing
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Quantum Computing
Quantum Machine Learning
Professionel erfaring
2020-03 - Nuværende
Great analytical skills. Ability to
deep dive into complex details
and resolve problems.
Machine learning A, WIE--EMEHTS
ML Frameworks: Cuantum-AI classi cation of skin cancer
May 20B9 & Present Stockholm
8uild an ensemble deep learning image classi er using a hybrid solution both classical and
Cuantum, ircuit Model
'uantum algorithms to recogniqe benignKmalignant melanoma cells. 8uilt on state-of-the-art
hybrid of classical R 'uantum algorithms # it functions effectively on just about any
Cuantum Machine Learning camera-enabled mobile device and offers excellent security on all in-app information. Vur
services can be integrated in, linicsKWospitals and act as a second opinion tool or with end
users having a smart phone as a rst opinion tool.
LanguagesKFramework:, K, ++#, J# Python# Nava# Nava www.'
Script and .HET Framework
Spark# WP, HLP-Cuestion Answering System using Deep Learning
May 20B" & Dec 20B9 Stockholm
Elastic Search
NLP model: Implemented a HLP Language Model based on latest research papers on
unstructured data corpus and ne tuned it for different downstream HLP tasks such as, loud Platforms: AzS# Google context based search engine and 'uestionRanswering. These models are now used within, loud and Aqure
different processes with the goal to automatiqe many of the steps that are performed
manually today and thereby improving the ef ciency signi cant and reduce the waste.
Ability to understand I will later design and build these downstream task models as end-to-end cloud based
and absorb business and solutionsKservices.
technology concepts 'uickly.
Were is a link to one of the services:
Predictive Lead Scoring System
Feb 20B" & Sep 20B"
Ensures that the technology
architecture and technical Predictive Lead Scoring System(ongoing)
strategies remain current with 8uild an automatiqed lead scoring system for the sales and marketing team based on
the business goals# and
latest research within AIKMachine Learning. This model will then be used within different
directs the development of
architecture activities and processes with the goal to automatiqe many of the steps that are performed manually today.
projects# while aligning with
current and long-term business
and technology goals.
3eal Time Translation Service
Nan 20B" & Nun 20B"
Source-control)Git1# Agile#, ontinuous Integration# Real time Translation Service: Developed an end-to-end machine translation service for
Delivery R Deploy our service market customers with both speech and text capabilities in real time. This
serviceKmodel is used within different processes at Scania with the goal to automatiqe many
of the steps that are performed manually today with long lead times and high cost.
Software ArchitectureKSystem
European Patents
Nun 20B7 & May 20B"
deep dive into complex details
and resolve problems.
Machine learning A, WIE--EMEHTS
ML Frameworks: Cuantum-AI classi cation of skin cancer
May 20B9 & Present Stockholm
8uild an ensemble deep learning image classi er using a hybrid solution both classical and
Cuantum, ircuit Model
'uantum algorithms to recogniqe benignKmalignant melanoma cells. 8uilt on state-of-the-art
hybrid of classical R 'uantum algorithms # it functions effectively on just about any
Cuantum Machine Learning camera-enabled mobile device and offers excellent security on all in-app information. Vur
services can be integrated in, linicsKWospitals and act as a second opinion tool or with end
users having a smart phone as a rst opinion tool.
LanguagesKFramework:, K, ++#, J# Python# Nava# Nava www.'
Script and .HET Framework
Spark# WP, HLP-Cuestion Answering System using Deep Learning
May 20B" & Dec 20B9 Stockholm
Elastic Search
NLP model: Implemented a HLP Language Model based on latest research papers on
unstructured data corpus and ne tuned it for different downstream HLP tasks such as, loud Platforms: AzS# Google context based search engine and 'uestionRanswering. These models are now used within, loud and Aqure
different processes with the goal to automatiqe many of the steps that are performed
manually today and thereby improving the ef ciency signi cant and reduce the waste.
Ability to understand I will later design and build these downstream task models as end-to-end cloud based
and absorb business and solutionsKservices.
technology concepts 'uickly.
Were is a link to one of the services:
Predictive Lead Scoring System
Feb 20B" & Sep 20B"
Ensures that the technology
architecture and technical Predictive Lead Scoring System(ongoing)
strategies remain current with 8uild an automatiqed lead scoring system for the sales and marketing team based on
the business goals# and
latest research within AIKMachine Learning. This model will then be used within different
directs the development of
architecture activities and processes with the goal to automatiqe many of the steps that are performed manually today.
projects# while aligning with
current and long-term business
and technology goals.
3eal Time Translation Service
Nan 20B" & Nun 20B"
Source-control)Git1# Agile#, ontinuous Integration# Real time Translation Service: Developed an end-to-end machine translation service for
Delivery R Deploy our service market customers with both speech and text capabilities in real time. This
serviceKmodel is used within different processes at Scania with the goal to automatiqe many
of the steps that are performed manually today with long lead times and high cost.
Software ArchitectureKSystem
European Patents
Nun 20B7 & May 20B"