Senior PHP developer Hrodna, Belarus

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(Aktualisiert 2022-03-22)

Senior PHP developer

Hrodna, Belarus

Fließend English

  • Able to cover: backend (core skill), CMS (core), frontend activities
  • Fintech/e-commerce projects experienced
  • Experienced software developer with about 20 years working in web.

Fähigkeiten (12)








Javascript Frameworks and Libraries


Ruby on Rails




Experienced software developer with about 20 years working in web.

Familiar with modern PHP and Javascript frameworks/libraries and ways of implementing web
applications. Experienced with PHP Unit testing and Chrome Developer tools.
And also works with the development of web applications based on open source projects such as
Wordpress CMS, SuiteCRM, Magento eCommerce Platform, etc.

Previously was involved in projects with the following technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails.

Architecture design, prototyping, development and support of the web applications and APIs with
Laravel, YII, Symfony, eZ Publish, Ruby on Rails and other PHP and Ruby frameworks.
Data analysis, documentation and code coverage with tests (TDD/BDD).
Infrastructure deployment and configuration (Server configuration, SVN and GIT version control
systems, various continuous integration and deployment systems, project environment, etc).
Integration with a third party API's and services.


2 Developer, 2 Project Manager/Business Analyst, 2 DB Analyst

2021-01 - Jetzt

Involved / participated in projects (last 3 years): ● Under NDA - Finance AR application ○ Period: January 2021 - Present ○ Industry: Insurance ○ Project Description: Application for creating and manipulating of insured clients and their policies and invoice management. ETL procedures for binders capturing.
○ Team: 2 Developer, 2 Project Manager/Business Analyst, 2 DB Analyst; ○ Technologies: PHP7, MSSQL, JavaScript, REST API, PDF and MS Word documents capturing.
○ Project role(s): PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
1 Project Manager, 2 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 UX/UI

2019-07 - Jetzt

● Under NDA - A portal is designed for people and professional designers ○ Period: July 2019 - Present ○ Industry: Design ○ Project Description: A portal for people and professional designers that allows them to view, search, and conveniently store the selected photos of the hotel design.
○ Team: 1 Project Manager, 2 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 UX/UI Designer ○ Technologies: CMS WordPress (WP template), HTML/CSS, PHP7, MySQL, JQuery, PostgreSQL, REST API, API ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
1 Developer, 1 Project Manager/Business Analyst, 1 UX

2020-12 - 2021-01

● Under NDA - Redesign of the portal that designed for the Suppliers ○ Period: December 2020 - January 2021 ○ Industry: Construction ○ Project Description: Redesign of the Supplier portal that includes their portfolios.
○ Team: 1 Developer, 1 Project Manager/Business Analyst, 1 UX/UI designer, 1 HTML/CSS developer; ○ Technologies: PHP, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Figma, WordPress, ○ Project role(s): HTML/CSS Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Redesign, Adaptive web development, testing, support
1 Developer, 1 Project Manager, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer
UCONN Health

2020-09 - 2020-09

○ Period: September 2020 ○ Industry: Healthcare, Education ○ Project Description: Web app for creating and passing questionnaires for creation of patient's database ○ Team: 1 Developer, 1 Project Manager, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer ○ Technologies: PHP7, Laravel 7, MySQL, JavaScript, REST API ○ Project role(s): PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
3 Developers, 1 UX/UI Designer, 1 Project Manager

2020-02 - 2020-05

● Under NDA - Customer service portal, connected with an internal management system ○ Period: February 2020 - May 2020 ○ Industry: Mass media, E-Commerce ○ Project Description: CRM customization and website development for a content creating company. The goal of the project was to provide the company's clients a comfortable tool to communicate with content makers, check and approve briefs, and pay for the work done. For the company employees, the CRM customization allowed tracking and efficiently transfer the latest information about the clients.
○ Team: 3 Developers, 1 UX/UI Designer, 1 Project Manager, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer ○ Technologies: PHP7, JavaScript, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, REST API, Bootstrap, SuiteCRM, HTML/CSS ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
3 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 Project Manager
Russian State company

2019-02 - 2019-04

● ASUTD-ISPP (Croc) ○ Period: February 2019 - April 2019 ○ Industry: E-commerce ○ Project description: Development and customization of an online e-commerce platform for a Russian State company. The aim of this site is online selling personalized technical documentation. The price for each document is calculated by a special formula according to the number of pages etc.
○ Team: 3 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 Project Manager ○ Technologies: PHP7, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL, Knockout, RequireJS, Magento 2 CE e-commerce platform ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture, support
3 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 Project Manager

2017-12 - 2019-01

● Chilewich ○ Period: December 2017 - 2019 ○ Industry: E-Сommerce ○ Project Description: Redesign and customization for NY based textiles online store. The aim is to modernize web design and add new functionality to the customer's web store.
○ Team: 3 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 Project Manager ○ Technologies: PHP, MySQL, CodeIgniter 1.x, XML/XSLT, Rest API, Adobe Photoshop ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture

Akademischer Hintergrund

Bachelor's Degree
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

1990-01 - 1995-01

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