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(Aktualisiert 2022-03-22)Senior PHP developer
Hrodna, Belarus
Fließend English
- Able to cover: backend (core skill), CMS (core), frontend activities
- Fintech/e-commerce projects experienced
- Experienced software developer with about 20 years working in web.
Fähigkeiten (12)
Javascript Frameworks and Libraries
Ruby on Rails
Experienced software developer with about 20 years working in web.
Familiar with modern PHP and Javascript frameworks/libraries and ways of implementing web
applications. Experienced with PHP Unit testing and Chrome Developer tools.
And also works with the development of web applications based on open source projects such as
Wordpress CMS, SuiteCRM, Magento eCommerce Platform, etc.
Previously was involved in projects with the following technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails.
Architecture design, prototyping, development and support of the web applications and APIs with
Laravel, YII, Symfony, eZ Publish, Ruby on Rails and other PHP and Ruby frameworks.
Data analysis, documentation and code coverage with tests (TDD/BDD).
Infrastructure deployment and configuration (Server configuration, SVN and GIT version control
systems, various continuous integration and deployment systems, project environment, etc).
Integration with a third party API's and services.
2021-01 - Jetzt
○ Team: 2 Developer, 2 Project Manager/Business Analyst, 2 DB Analyst; ○ Technologies: PHP7, MSSQL, JavaScript, REST API, PDF and MS Word documents capturing.
○ Project role(s): PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
2019-07 - Jetzt
○ Team: 1 Project Manager, 2 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 UX/UI Designer ○ Technologies: CMS WordPress (WP template), HTML/CSS, PHP7, MySQL, JQuery, PostgreSQL, REST API, Pixx.io API ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
2020-12 - 2021-01
○ Team: 1 Developer, 1 Project Manager/Business Analyst, 1 UX/UI designer, 1 HTML/CSS developer; ○ Technologies: PHP, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Figma, WordPress, ○ Project role(s): HTML/CSS Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Redesign, Adaptive web development, testing, support
2020-09 - 2020-09
2020-02 - 2020-05
○ Team: 3 Developers, 1 UX/UI Designer, 1 Project Manager, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer ○ Technologies: PHP7, JavaScript, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, REST API, Bootstrap, SuiteCRM, HTML/CSS ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
2019-02 - 2019-04
○ Team: 3 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 Project Manager ○ Technologies: PHP7, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL, Knockout, RequireJS, Magento 2 CE e-commerce platform ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture, support
2017-12 - 2019-01
○ Team: 3 Developers, 1 Quality Assurance Engineer, 1 Project Manager ○ Technologies: PHP, MySQL, CodeIgniter 1.x, XML/XSLT, Rest API, Adobe Photoshop ○ Project role(s): Lead PHP Developer ○ Participation/Responsibilities: Development, deployment, analysis, architecture
Akademischer Hintergrund
1990-01 - 1995-01
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