Principal - Consultant Nairobi, Kenya

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(Aktualisiert 2022-11-04)

Principal - Consultant

Nairobi, Kenya

Einheimische English

  • Insolvency
  • Business Restructuring
  • Business Advisory

Fähigkeiten (26)






Certified Public Accountant









Project Management








Community Affairs


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing



• Debt Recovery: - participated in recovery process of corporate debt accounts for major East Africa and international financial
institutions comprising of KCB Bank, ABSA Bank, Stanbic Bank, NCBA Bank, I&M Bank, Bank of Africa, Development Bank for
Southern Africa Ltd (DBSA), Trade & Development Bank (formerly, PTA Bank) and Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC-
USA), United Bank of Africa (UBA). A summary of major and completed projects is summarized below: -

• Recovery of US$ 120 million from sale of assets of ARM Cement Plc in Kenya and sale of share of its subsidiaries in Tanzania in
settlement of syndicated lending owed to multiple financial institutions in the region during the period 2019 & 2020.
• Recovery of US$ 10 million to ABSA Bank of Kenya from sale of two hotels/ assets in a negotiated and protracted loan settlement
deal with debtors -2012-2013.
• Recovery of US$ 6 million plus accrued interest (being 100 % recovery) for OPIC (USA) owed by local real estate developer in
Kenya and settlement of capital gain tax to revenue authority in Kenya during the period 2008 to 2016.
• Recovery of US$ 2.5 million for Stanbic Bank from pharmaceutical manufacturing company -2010.
• Recovery of US$ 1.5 million (being 92 % recovery of the outstanding loan) from sale of agricultural assets owed to I&M Bank
during the period 2010 -2011.
• Participated in winding up of a risk venture capital - key tasks included refunding of share capital, repayment of loans to major financier
and distribution of dividends of approximately US$ 4.0 million to contributors/ shareholders - 2017.
• Participated in review of tax agency notice of US$ 7 million by Kenya Revenue Authority for a large civil and road construction
undergoing receivership proceedings in the Tax Appeals Tribunal - 2016.
• Distressed business turnaround: - involved in day-to-day management of business in distress, sale of business.
• Participated in effective cost cutting and optimization of company in distress.
• Development and implementation of insolvency tool for use in insolvency and restructuring work in line with Kenya Insolvency Act No
18 of 2015.

Key sector experience in Receiverships/ Administrations

Large manufacturing: Integrated cement manufacturing company, civil and road construction
Medium size enterprises: horticulture and agricultural producing and processing companies, hospitality, Export Processing Zones, real
estate, transport companies, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), venture capital, risk capital, hospital, oil & gas.

Countries worked in: - Kenya and Tanzania and have working knowledge of applicable legal and regulatory frameworks for Uganda
and Zambia jurisdiction.

Current employer: Pricewaterhouse Coopers PwC (as an independent consultant with BRS Department) - August 2018 to date.

Previous employer: Deloitte Consulting Limited (East Africa Cluster) - October 2007 to June 2018.



Senior Consultant
Deloitte & Touche

2014-09 - 2018-05

Corporate Finance & Corporate Restructuring • Assisted secured lenders in collection of non-performing debtors.
• Oversaw management of operations of companies in receivership and administration.
• Review of companies' financial data and deriving options available to secured creditors.
• Preparation of business plans and cash flow forecasts for funding request.
• Identification and review of business improvement opportunities.
• Maintained books of accounts and working capital management.
• Case management.
• Preparation stakeholders update reports in compliance with Insolvency Law.
• Verification and dealing with all classes of creditors.
• Pre liquidation and administration advisory work.
Stanbic Bank

2006-10 - 2017-05

Deloitte & Touche

2012-07 - 2014-08

Restructuring Department -Receiverships/ Administration & Winding Ups • Performed detailed analysis on business financials, interlocking operational metrics and key drivers of underperformance.
• Review of business operation and advising on continuation or shut down of operations.
• Designed Key Performance Indicators (KPI) aligned to the business strategies.
• Managed debt collection and debt restructuring.
• Sale of assets - preparation of detailed sale memoranda, adverts, liaising with Receivers'/ debtor legal teams on drafting sale and purchase agreements.
• Prepared and submitted merger application reports to Competition Authority of Kenya.
• Treasury management.
Previous Positions
Associate 1
Deloitte & Touche

2011-06 - 2012-06

• Assisted in day-to-day management of all on-going receivership and liquidation assignments.
• Assisted in reviewing of security documents, assets verification and dealing with employee matters.
• Assisted in review of companies' financial statements and prepared outcome statements.
Associate 2
Deloitte & Touche

2010-06 - 2011-06

• Maintained books of accounts and working capital management.
• Preparation of Transfer of Businesses Act Certificates.
Associate 3
Deloitte & Touche

2007-10 - 2010-06

• Receivership and Liquidation assignments.
• Preparation and filing statutory notices and human capital matters.
• Safeguarding of Assets: - Assisted in taking possession assets and security review.
• Assisted in cash and treasury management of clients' funds.
• Documents management and retention.
Earlier Positions
Data Entry Clerk
Suntra Investment bank Limited

2006-08 - 2006-10

Akademischer Hintergrund

Master of Business Administration

2022-11 - 2006-05


Member of Institute of Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (ICPAK)
Member of Institute of Certified Public Accountant of Kenya
Certified Public Secretary (CPS) (K)
Certified Public Secretary
Certified Public Accountant CPA (K)
Certified Public Accountant CPA
Certified Public Accountant

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