Managementkonsult Solna, Sverige

Könnte verfügbar sein

(Aktualisiert 2020-01-20)


Solna, Sverige

Fließend Svenska, English, Mittelstufe Persian (Farsi)

  • Business controller
  • Managementkonsult
  • Projektledninig

Fähigkeiten (15)







Business Controller



Change Management







Management Consultant
Capacent AB

2017-09 - Jetzt

* Results: During my first two years at Capacent, approximately 85% of my time was debited which is over average (average approximately 50%). I have mainly worked in FMCG projects (e.g. pharmaceutical companies) but also in the fund and insurance market, where we
mainly reported to private equity firms. After heavy quantified analysis during my first period, I have during my last projects been owning
project streams as a project leader. During my last project, I was the project leader of an implementation project, from the start with a
theoretical business case to implementation of 20% of the stores the client owned. I was also responsible for the recruitment of new
analysts starting in 2018 and 2019
* Background: I was one of eight applicants (top 2%) that joined the analytical rotational program where I learned more about strategical,
financial, operational and organizational problems and how to solve them. In the rotational program, I got the possibility to rotate into
different divisions to learn more about Capacent but also to get a holistic view of the industry
Management Consultant
A Segulah Company

2016-09 - 2017-08

* Background: Headhunted out of ~300 students to be the project leader for the newly created management consultancy firm with a
long-term focus in private equity. The Professor chose me after good results and outstanding efforts in class. Our primary investor partner
for leveraging acquisitions was the private equity fund Segulah (∼8.5 billion SEK in capital management)
* Responsibilities: Business & Strategy Development, sales & negotiation, leader of a team of analysts that I picked out
* Reporting to CEO of Segulah, former Senior Vice President at ABB and Associate Professor at Linköping University
Brand Management & E-Commerce
Procter & Gamble

2016-06 - 2016-08

* Results: Successful P&G internal collage and leadership test. My models for the brand increased consumer base with 10 % in Nordics
and I was the only intern that had the opportunity to execute my recommendation
* Responsibilities: Solely responsible for presenting an alternative communications model, PR model and customer marketing model
for Braun in Nordics. Strategy development, benchmarking, presentation in front of top management in the Nordic office
* Reported to Marketing Leader, Electro Sales Leader and Assistant Brand Manager Braun of P&G Nordics
Analyst, Coolerpad
Start-up Company

2015-06 - 2015-08

* Results: Took key decisions in for the future and the direction of the start-up company, as a result the company expanded to Europe
* Responsibilities: Conjunction with orders, marketing, business development and sales
Management Consultant, United Minds
A Weber Shandwick Company

2014-09 - 2015-05

* Results: Started with market analysis, mainly focusing on Internet of Things and the tech industry. Because of my successful
performance, I was invited to a small elite group, consisting of former CEO of BCG and former VP of Electrolux, where I worked with data
gathering and analysis which I reported to Founder, CEO's and Partners. Client consisting of former BCG consultants
* Responsibilities: Market analysis & benchmarks, strategy development and presentations in front of clients and internal meetings

Akademischer Hintergrund

Institute of Technology at Linköping University

2015-08 - 2017-06

Linköping University
Linköping University

2015-08 - 2017-06

Institute of Technology at Linköping University

2012-08 - 2015-06

First Class Honours
London School of Economics and Political Science

2014-06 - 2014-08

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