Java-utvecklare Malmö, Sverige

Könnte verfügbar sein

(Aktualisiert 2023-06-14)


Malmö, Sverige

Einheimische Svenska, English, Mittelstufe Danish

  • 5 olika Spring uppdrag
  • 13 olika Java uppdrag
  • 1 AWS uppdrag

Fähigkeiten (21)























Patrik specializes in Java technologies such as Spring, Micronaut, AWS, J2EE7, Android and offers a versatile development experience from 13 different Java assignments and 9 different back-end assignments in domain areas such as banking, accounting, automotive, telecommunications, e-commerce, telematics.

Patrik is often hired as a developer in modernization projects to develop monolith, SOA systems for micro-services or cloud solutions.

As a developer, Patrik emphasizes code quality, readable code, human cognition, patterns, agile methods and understands why teamwork is important in today's demanding R&D environment.

Patrik looks forward to meeting you and discussing how he can help your organization meet its goals.


Java/Spring lead developer
Ikano Bank

2022-09 - 2023-05

Implementing functionality for FI/UK/SE-IBL (Interest Bearing Loan) Loan of new and current users in domain area Counterparty and Contract.
Participating in architect board and developing coding guidelines for Ikano Bank.
Supporting and guiding developers/team in best development practices, code quality, testing, way of working, et cetera.
Technologies: Java 8, Spring Boot, Confluent Cloud Kafka, AWS (API Gateway, parameter store, DynamoDB, Amazon RDS, CodeCommit, Workspaces, et cetera), Gradle, Mockito, SonarQube, Jenkins, Elastic, Kubernetes, Junit, Cucumber, AssertJ, Git, MariaDB, Camunda, Docker, REST, WebSocket, JSON, YAML, et cetera
Java/Aws developer

2020-10 - 2022-07

Implemented new cloud-based adapter/API for integrating OEMs on a new Volkswagen electric car platform with digital services.
Developing an API first solution with support for multi-tenancy, environment configuration as well as being responsible for DevOps, security aspects and authentication and authorization.
Coaching and guiding junior developers as well as implementing best java practices and technologies for the team.
Technologies: Java SE11, Javascript, React, Micronaut, AWS (Lambda, S3, dynamoDB, CFN, Gateway, Kinesis, SQS, Fargate, Xray et cetera), AWS power tools, OpenAPI/Swagger, REST, OpenFeign, Java11 Websocket API, Undertow Websocket Server, mapstruct, Junit 5, AssertJ, Mockito, WireMock, Dagger, Gson, Maven, Docker, Bash, Github, Git, Google protobuf, Mqtt, AWS Developer Portal, Datadog, SonarQube, et cetera
Full-Stack Java/Spring developer

2020-01 - 2020-10

Implementing new functionality in an in-house web application project to be launched globally in the cloud and with support for a variety of platforms for end users.
Technologies: Java SE14, Spring Boot 2, Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, Web API (fetch), Microservices, REST, MongoDB, Junit 5, NodeJS, Webpack, WSL2, MS Visual Code et cetera
Java/Spring developer
Volvo Group Connected Solutions

2019-01 - 2019-12

Developed functionality for more decoupled, modular, and scalable design of monolith protocols stack consisting of TCE modules in a modernization project for higher throughput of messages between vehicles and services/server, scalability in the cloud and preparation for moving towards AWS cloud architecture.
Technologies: Java SE 8/11, Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, Oracle DB, Microservices, REST, Caffeine cache, Project Reactor, Git, Gerrit, Maven, Junit 5, ActiveMQ, JMS, Jenkins, Docker, Google protobuf.
Full-Stack Java/Spring developer

2018-05 - 2018-10

Implemented front-end and back-end functionality in a modernization project (Surtsey) with the goal of developing an SOA architecture with a centralized SAP data source towards microservices and a new improved design of customer service digital tools.
Continuously improved, modernized, and restructured code base towards Java SE8 standard.
Took initiative and responsibility for developing a Kafka IT reference test.
Technologies: Java SE8, Spring Boot, SOAP, Oracle DB, Hibernate, REST, Microservices, SOA, ReactJS, JavaScript, Bootstrap 2, Junit 4, Node.js, SQL, Cache, Git, Maven, Kafka.
Java backend developer
Pricerunner International AB

2017-08 - 2018-04

Implemented new Elasticsearch-based Java backend search features.
Managed handover and bug fixing of older PHP backend code base from Shanghai office.
Technologies: Java SE8, JavaScript, Spring Framework 4, Gigaspaces/XAP, REST, Elasticsearch, Maven, Git, Gitlab, SQL, MySQL, Kafka, Docker, Microservices, PHP, C++, Junit 4, Akka Streams.
Full-Stack Java/Spring developer

2017-05 - 2017-07

Implemented an internal web application tool to improve Tre's networking planning and organization features.
Technologies: Java SE8, Spring Boot/MVC, JPA/Hibernate, REST, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Oracle DB 12c, Jenkins, Maven, Git.
Java backend developer
Capgemeni Danmark A/S

2016-11 - 2017-04

Implemented new functionality for NMAS protocol stages and messages between client and server in a modernization project for bank security products that would take Danish bank customers away from paper-based login to digital login corresponding to Sweden's BankID digital login.
Technologies: Java SE6, Tomcat Server 6, SAML, IBM DB2, JUnit, Apache Subversion (SVN), JavaScript, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Apache Ant, Jetty, JetBrains TeamCity, JSP, Servlets, Android, REST, YAML.
Java developer
Capgemeni Danmark A/S

2016-09 - 2016-10

Investigated, delivered information and client code on how to connect and interact with Salesforce Marketing Cloud using the Java SDK in a small subproject.
Technologies: Java SE8, Fuel Java SDK, REST, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Maven, Apache HttpClient, Git, OAuth 2.0.
Full-Stack C# ASP.NET MVC developer
Visma Spcs

2015-08 - 2015-12

Java developer at Polystar
HiQ Skåne AB

2015-02 - 2015-08

Implemented support for protocol decoding of AVP and EAP Diameter for the OSIX product.
Technologies: Java SE6, Maven, Jenkins, Git, MariaDB, 4G VolTE.
Python Open-Source developer
Sony Mobile

2014-06 - 2015-01

Pre-sales engineer
HiQ Skåne AB

2014-03 - 2014-06

Cybercom Sweden AB

2012-09 - 2014-03

Android developer
Cybercom Sweden AB

2012-03 - 2012-09

Implemented software, designed software architecture, extracted, and defined requirements, user stories for an internal infotainment exhibition project.

Akademischer Hintergrund

Bachelor of Science
Malmö University

2023-06 - 2011-01

Berater kontaktieren
