Freelance consultant København, Danmark

Könnte verfügbar sein

(Aktualisiert 2021-09-27)

Freelance consultant

København, Danmark

Einheimische Danish, English

  • Test Management
  • Project Manager
  • Business Analyst

Fähigkeiten (29)
























Risk Management







I have today - through my education and work experience - a solid foundation to solve complex
problems. Through high professionalism and safe coordination, I get my surroundings respect. I am a
number cruncher and have the ability to get acquainted with- and understand complex material. My
working method is characterized by being very proactive, where I seek the information needed to
meet and solve a challenge. Quality assurance is one of the important values I add to my customers.
Energetic, innovative, and analytical are key words for me - and with that I produce results! I am
helpful and actively contribute with a positive atmosphere.


Freelance Consultant
Mikkel Birk Consulting

2020-09 - Jetzt

Sep 2020 - Freelance Consultant, Mikkel Birk Consulting
ISTQB Foundation

2021-01 - Jetzt

● 2021: Course in Oral Communication.
● 2020: Certified in Prince2 Foundation.
Consultant, Test coordinator/designer, Business Analyst
Bank Invest

2020-10 - 2021-06

● Testing existing trade platforms/systems/APIs in a new cloud-based environment.
● Preparing test plans, test design, coordinating tests and reporting bugs.
● New process for future testing linked up to the value chain in Bank Invest.
● Test analysis, design and testing of new CRM system
● Analysis and suggestions for Night Watch (day to day error deviations).
Consultant/Project Manager
Alm. Brand Markets

2017-05 - 2020-08

Consultant/Project Manager/Business Analyst, Alm. Brand Markets
Alm. Brand Bank

2017-05 - 2020-08

Primary tasks:
• Decision maker from Alm. Brand for the Front and Back Office part of the KaMP (Capital Markets Platform) project at Bankdata.
• Lead the implementation of MAR (Market Abuse Regulation) in Alm. Brand Bank.
Worked in a team with a group of other danish banks at Bankdata, where requirements
were made for the IT developers based in India. Analyzed the data quality and tested
the system.
• Preparing test plans, test design, test automation and testing in KaMP.
• Project manager on integration of Saxo Wealth Management.
• Daily MAR (Market Abuse Regulation) monitoring.
• Management of students and prioritizing their assignments.
• Coordinator on account differences that arose in the integration between Saxo and Alm. Brand with the acquisition of Saxo Privatbank and including proposals for future

Results & completed projects:
● Establishing interdisciplinary cooperation between participating member banks in the KaMP.
● Saxo Wealth Management 100% integrated in Alm. Brand Asset Management.
● Implementation of MAR monitoring at Alm. Brand Markets.
● Coordination and implementation of annual investment report for clients, so the report
was in line with the Mifid II requirements.
● Account differences between Saxo and Alm. Brand fell from 10.000 to approx. 50 a

2020-01 - 2020-01

at Aalborg University.
Certified Scrum Master

2018-01 - 2018-01

Treasury Manager
Alm. Brand Markets (Treasury & Operations)

2014-04 - 2017-04

Treasury Manager, Alm. Brand Markets (Treasury & Operations)

2014-04 - 2017-04

Primary tasks:
● Responsible for daily cash flow for Alm. Brand Bank and Group, including deposits.
● Hedging currency risk.
● Preparation of monthly reports, including monthly and daily trade accounts and monthly liquidity report.
● GDPR analysis of Alm. Brand Markets
● Pre-analysis of MAR.
● Training and responsible for student assistant.
● Reporting to the Danish FSA.
Results & completed projects:
● Implementation of new management report.
● Optimization of daily processes so time could be used for development of business.
● Alm. Brand Markets GDPR compliant
● Implementation of new trading portfolios, so the portfolios reflected the actual trading
● Clean-up Alm. Brand Group's bank account structure.
Goldman Sachs

2016-01 - 2016-01

● 2013: Course in Enterprise Risk Management.
● 2010: Course in Presentation Technique.
● 2007: SAS Master Class. SAS institute.

Project Manager
If IT Services A/S

2013-08 - 2014-02

August 2013 - February 2014
Project Manager, If IT Services A/S (Interim).
Primary tasks:
● Interim for existing staff and ensure the daily operations.
● Ensure progress on projects, including management and coordination of consultants.
● Mapping and monitoring of operational risks associated with the department's projects.

Results & completed projects:
● Suggestions to automatisation of manual processes. The goal is to reduce one FTE.
● Project manager of new pricing model on IT servers so that servers are invoiced by
consumption and not for a fixed price. Transparency in pricing will give the business
areas a better chance to reduce their IT costs.
● Process description and better documentation of workflows.
Senior Business Controller
Gjensidige (Finance Denmark)

2012-02 - 2013-07

February 2012 - July 2013
Senior Business Controller (Finance Denmark), Gjensidige.
Primary tasks:
● Preparation and presentation of monthly report to business directors.
● Controller / Business Partner between Finance and business areas.
● Coordination of the budget process for the business areas.
● Quarterly preparation of competitor analysis and board material.

Results & completed projects:
● Development and implementation of competitor analysis.
● Sparring in terms of developing new tools for portfolio analysis.
● New performance and analyze of costs in the form of waterfall analyzes gave the business better explanations of the results.
● Development of private insurers balanced scorecards. Gave managers a better a way to follow up on their business.
Financial Analyst
RSA Scandinavia/Codan (FP&A Central Team)

2007-07 - 2012-01

Consultant/Project Manager, Codan (Finance, LIS group)
Financial Analyst
FP&A Central Team

2007-07 - 2012-01

RSA Scandinavia/Codan.
Primary tasks:
● Analysis of the technical result, overall coordination of reporting to executive
management and RSA International.
● Preparation and development of monthly and quarterly reports, plus budget and forecasts.
● Various ad hoc analyses to CFO.

Results & completed projects:
● Secured that there was a match between system and physical reporting for investment
● Flexibility in my work often secured day extra in the monthly reporting.
● Constant optimization of the monthly reporting process.
● Q & A setup for inquiries from RSA International.

Consultant/Project Manager (Finance, LIS group), Codan.
Primary tasks:
● Further development and maintenance data.
● Support and development of data and reporting to the sales organization.
● Project Manager on the development of new SAS reporting system, documentation of LIS data flow and Solvency II data pilot project.
Results & completed projects:
● Optimizing of sales and Marine reporting flow. After it took 1 hour for Sales program to finish instead of 3 hours and Marine took 1 day instead of 2 days.
● Developed and described the process for manual underwriting relocation, and with that,
errors in the data were reduced.
● Development of standard tool for campaign reporting so business could follow the effects of their launched campaigns.

2010-01 - 2010-01

course (5 ECTS): Strategic Management at Copenhagen University.
Copenhagen University (Faculty of Humanities)

2006-09 - 2007-06

September 2006 - June 2007
Controller, Copenhagen University, Faculty of Humanities.
Primary tasks:
● Preparation of the budget for the faculty, follow-up of payroll and external financing.
● Various ad hoc analyses.

Other experience:
Student counsellor
Copenhagen University Department of Economics

2005-04 - 2006-09

Supplement education, courses, and certifications

2004-01 - 2004-01

course (8 ECTS): Advanced Macroeconomics at London School of Economics.

Courses and certifications:

Akademischer Hintergrund

of master
Economics Copenhagen University

2021-09 - 2006-01


Certified in Prince2 Foundation
Certified in ISTQB Foundation
Certified Scrum Master

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